

Din sökning på "*" gav 534793 sökträffar

Upplevd arbetstillfredsställelse: en studie om dess relation till arbetsrelaterad autonomi, occupational self-efficacy och socialt stöd i arbetet

Syftet med denna studie var att i en svensk kontext undersöka upplevd arbetstillfredsställelse och dess relation till de psykologiska variablerna: arbetsrelaterad autonomi, occupational self-efficacy och socialt stöd i arbetet. Detta med förhoppningen att bidra till en ökad förståelse av det komplexa begreppet arbetstillfredsställelse. Studien tillämpade en kvantitativ metod i form av en enkätundeThe aim of this study was to examine the relationship between perceived job satisfaction and the psychological variables: job autonomy, occupational self-efficacy and social support at work, in a Swedish context. This with the aspiration of contributing to the understanding of the complex concept of job satisfaction. The study used a quantitative method, with a survey conducted among 143 responden

Dispositionsrätt eller faktiskt nyttjande? – En studie om förmåns- och uttagsbeskattning av företagsägd egendom

Denna uppsats undersöker beskattning av dispositionsrätt till egendom som ägs av företag, med särskilt fokus på fåmansföretag. Syftet är att klargöra under vilka omständigheter dispositionsrätten leder till inkomstbeskattning, skillnader mellan beskattning i inkomstslagen tjänst och näringsverksamhet samt hur skattskyldiga kan undvika beskattning. Studien har använt rättsdogmatisk metod för att anThis thesis examines the taxation of the right of disposal of company-owned property, with a particular focus on close companies. The purpose is to clarify the circumstances under which the right of disposal leads to income taxation, the differences in taxation between the categories of income from employment and business income, and how taxpayers can avoid such taxation. A legal dogmatic method h

Higher intakes of dietary vitamin D, calcium and dairy products are inversely associated with the risk of colorectal cancer: a case-control study in China

The effects of dietary vitamin D, Ca and dairy products intakes on colorectal cancer risk remain controversial. The present study investigated the association between these dietary intakes and the risk of colorectal cancer in Guangdong, China. From July 2010 to December 2018, 2380 patients with colorectal cancer and 2389 sex- and age-matched controls were recruited. Dietary intake data were collec

Screening of necroptosis-related genes and evaluating the prognostic capacity, clinical value, and the effect of their copy number variations in acute myeloid leukemia

BACKGROUND: Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is an aggressive hematological neoplasm. Little improvement in survival rates has been achieved over the past few decades. Necroptosis has relationship with certain types of malignancies outcomes. Here, we evaluated the diagnostic ability, prognostic capacity of necroptosis-related genes (NRGs) and the effect of their copy number variations (CNVs) in AML.ME

Att sätta värde på det osynliga - Värdering av immateriella tillgångar i företag på obestånd

Denna uppsats behandlar värderingen av immateriella tillgångar i svenska konkursförfaranden, med fokus på metoder, utmaningar och begränsningar som präglar denna process. Immateriella tillgångar, såsom patent, varumärken, domäner och kundrelationer, har blivit allt viktigare i en modern ekonomi där innovation och teknologiska lösningar utgör centrala konkurrensfördelar. Trots detta saknar immateriThis essay addresses the valuation of intangible assets in Swedish bankruptcy proceedings, focusing on the methods, challenges, and limitations that characterize this process. Intangible assets, such as patents, trademarks, domains, and customer relationships, have become increasingly important in a modern economy where innovation and technological solutions constitute key competitive advantages.

Är Sveriges medborgare inlindade i en falsk trygghetsfilt? En studie som undersöker lagstiftarens hänsyn till den enskildes integritet vid införandet av hemlig rumsavlyssning i preventivlagen.

Den 1 september år 2024 trädde nya ändringar av preventivlagen ikraft. Dessa ändringar innebär bland annat att hemlig rumsavlyssning, HRA, kan användas i preventivt syfte. Ändringen innebär även att personer som inte är av intresse för brottsförebyggande myndigheter kan utsättas för HRA. I yttersta fall kan avlyssningsutrustning installeras i individers hem om det finns synnerlig an-ledning att anOn the first of September 2024, new changes to the prevention act came in to effect. These changes mean that secret bugging, HRA, can be used for pre-ventative purposes. The changes also means that individuals that are of no interest to criminal investigations authorities can be subjected to HRA. In ex-treme cases wire-tapping equipment can be installed in individuals’ homes if there is a signific

Om återvinning av betalning av en skuld - med ordinärrekvisitet i fokus

Denna uppsats avser att utreda och beskriva förutsättningarna för återvinning av betalning av en skuld enligt 4 kap 10 § KonkL och att belysa hur regleringen brukar tolkas och tillämpas. Syftet är att redogöra för innebörden av bestämmelsens rekvisit, med fördjupning i vad som avses med ordinär betalning och hur det bedöms om en betalning är att anse som ordinär eller ej. Materialet i denna uppsatThis essay intends to investigate and to describe the conditions for recovery of payment of a debt according to chapter 4 § 10 KonkL and to highlight how the regulation is usually interpreted and applied. The purpose is to explain the meaning of the provision's requisites, with an in-depth look at what is meant by ordinary payment and how it is assessed whether a payment is to be regarded as o

Different forms and sources of iron in relation to colorectal cancer risk: a case-control study in China

Few studies have examined the association of various types of Fe with colorectal cancer risk. The aim of this study was to investigate different forms and sources of Fe in relation to colorectal cancer risk in a Chinese population. A total of 2138 patients with colorectal cancer and 2144 sex- and age-matched (5-year interval) controls were recruited from July 2010 to November 2017. Dietary informa

Will the Intervention Benefit My Client? Helping Social Workers to Answer the Question Using Indicators of Clinically Meaningful Change

Social workers strive to provide the best support to each client, making it crucial to consider not just group-level effects of interventions but also individual outcomes. While empirical evidence often stems from group-based analyses, these offer limited insights into individual change, which is key for tailoring interventions. The aim of this study is to highlight the importance of individual-le

Koinonia: The Quest for a Queer Church

The audacious aim of this paper is to shed light on the ways that queer persons in the church are negatively impacted by cisheteronormativity, the hegemony of dyadic relationships and the institution of marriage. And then through a queer understanding of the concept of koinonia find a theological foundation to decentralize the hegemony of dyadic relationships and the institution of marriage and by

Direct and indirect associations between dietary magnesium intake and breast cancer risk

This study aimed to explore the effect of dietary magnesium intake on breast cancer risk both directly and indirectly via its effect on inflammatory markers C-reactive protein (CRP) and interleukin-6 (IL-6). This case-control study recruited 1050 case patients and 1229 control subjects. Inflammatory marker levels of 322 cases and 322 controls, randomly selected, were measured using ELISA, and data

Effects of chocolate-based products intake on blood glucose, insulin and ghrelin levels and on satiety in young people: a cross-over experimental study

This cross-over experimental study aimed to examine the effects of filled chocolate consumption on blood glucose, insulin and ghrelin levels in 20 volunteers. After a one-week run-in period, study participants consumed two chocolate-based products, the tested biscuit or water for 21 days as a morning snack. After a two-week wash-out period, participants consumed another tested food for another 21

When theory meets practice in transformative innovation policy evaluation: experiences from Sweden

Government policies increasingly focus on transformative innovation policy (TIP), as programmes are being reoriented towards addressing societal challenges and contributing to sustainability transitions. Evaluation practices need modification to keep up with this change. While a small number of frameworks for TIP evaluation have been proposed, building upon different sustainability transition appr

Myeloid Kdm6b deficiency results in advanced atherosclerosis

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Atherosclerosis is a lipid-driven chronic inflammatory disorder of the arteries, and monocytes and macrophages play a central role in this process. Within the atherosclerotic lesion, macrophages can scavenge modified lipids and become the so-called foam cells. We previously reported that the epigenetic enzyme Kdm6b (also known as Jmjd3) controls the pro-fibrotic transcriptiona

Cutting Loose From Ghost Nets: : Reestablishing trust and common ground in perilous waters

Feedback loops are among the core notions in systems thinking – and the various fields of theory and practice that draw on it, including systemic design. We use these notions to develop methodological approaches, conceptualise processes, assess the adequacy of solutions, and anticipate how the design object may interact with its immediate surroundings and beyond. In my presentation, I discuss the

Modified throughput ninhydrin method for the qualitative assessment of dietary protein absorption in pig plasma

Protein maldigestion and malabsorption lead to malnutrition and are a feature of exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI). Although it is the current standard, measurement of nitrogen in stool to assess protease activity is indirect. Up to 80% of hydrolysed proteins appear in blood in the form of peptides, so we developed a method to measure peptide-derived amino acids in plasma as a relevant measu

In vivo rat brain mapping of multiple gray matter water populations using nonparametric D(ω)-R1-R2 distributions MRI

Massively multidimensional diffusion magnetic resonance imaging combines tensor-valued encoding, oscillating gradients, and diffusion-relaxation correlation to provide multicomponent subvoxel parameters depicting some tissue microstructural features. This method was successfully implemented ex vivo in microimaging systems and clinical conditions with tensor-valued gradient waveform of variable dur

Academy of St Martin in the Fields with Håkan Hardenberger

"The Academy of St Martin in the Fields are joined by Håkan Hardenberger who will perform a programme celebrating his history with the orchestra, including Haydn’s Trumpet Concerto and a selection from his album Both Sides Now, both recorded with ASMF."These pieces were performed:Georg Philipp Telemann: Konzert für drei Trompeten, zwei Oboen, Pauken, Streicher und B.c. D-dur TWV 54:D3Wolfgang Amad

Nomads and international relations : post-sedentarist dialogues

The key concepts and reference points of International Relations (IR) are informed by a sedentarist worldview anchored on the territorial state. IR’s conception of its subject-matter is thus ‘static’ in both senses of the word: state-centric and immobile. One of the consequences of this sedentarist worldview has been a neglect of the world’s nomads. Defined by their spatial mobility, nomads have b