Din sökning på "*" gav 535076 sökträffar
Pre-Trial Detention and Its Alternatives in Cambodia: A Critical Study of National Practice, Criminal Procedure Code, and Its Adherence to International Human Rights Standards
The unnecessary and disproportionate use of pre-trial detention is a global issue that affects developed and developing countries alike. According to World Prison Brief, Cambodia has ranked 12th (among 217 countries) making it become a country with one of the highest percentages of pre-trial detainees: 71.8 percent to be exact. The excessive and unnecessary use of pre-trial detention in the Kingdo
Rättighetsskyddet vid kvalificerade säkerhetsärenden - En granskning av förenligheten mellan lagen (1991:572) om särskild utlänningskontroll och rättighetsskydden i Europakonventionen och regeringsformen
Tillämpningen av lagen (1991:572) om särskild utlänningskontroll har de senaste åren kraftigt ökat. Lagen avser kvalificerade säkerhetsärenden och möjliggör för Säkerhetspolisen att ta utländska medborgare som bedöms utgöra en fara för rikets säkerhet i förvar i avvaktan på att de utvisas. Eftersom utvisningarna sällan kan verkställas med anledning av risken för omänsklig behandling i mottagandelaThe application of the Act (1991:572) Concerning Special Controls in Respect of Aliens have had a major increase these last few years. The law refers to qualified security cases and enables the Security Police to take foreign citizens who are deemed to pose a danger to national security into custody pending their deportation. As the deportations can seldom be carried out due to the risk of inhuman
Around the box
Most classrooms today are overcrowded, cramped with static furnitures focusing on functionality targeting one standard sitting position. In the digital era of our time, movement, activity and flexibility are aspects of shortage. For this project, eight people were interviewed. Four students in the target group of children in the ages of 6-9, as well as two teachers and two parents. The insights f
Political images taking stage. A narrative analysis of Russia in the Eurovision Song Contest
Ever since it was created, the Eurovision Song Contest has functioned as an arena for nation branding and nation building. The aim of this thesis is to contribute to the field of cultural diplomacy and political storytelling through studying how participation in the Eurovision Song Contest can contribute to a country’s international image. This thesis has studied how the Russian entries betwee
Betydelsen av kulturkompetens i terapirummet. En systematisk litteraturöversikt.
Denna systematiska litteraturstudie med kvalitativ metodik vill undersöka betydelsen av kulturkompetens hos terapeuten. Studien omfattar både terapeut- och klientperspektiv. Studien beskriver relevansen av matchning respektive inte matchning mellan terapeut och klient med olika kulturell / etnisk bakgrund. Utifrån metasyntes har studien resulterat i tre huvudteman: 1) I terapirummet generellt, 2) This systematic literature study with qualitative methodology wants to investigate the importance of cultural competence in the therapist. The study includes both therapist and client perspectives. The study describes the relevance of matchinga and not matching between therapist and client with different cultural / ethnic backgrounds. Based on metasynthesis, the study has resulted in three themes;
How Uncertainty Influences Intelligence Analysis - The Foundation of a New Theory
Uncertainty is a central concept to intelligence analysis (IA) but there is no theory that attempts to explain its role in IA and how it can be understood or managed. In this theory developing study, a definition of uncertainty and of intelligence analysis is presented. Four other fields are chosen for their similarity to IA and because they also must contend with uncertainty. The four fields are
Kroppsmissnöje, könsdysfori och ätstörningar - en kvalitativ intervjustudie med personal som har grundläggande utbildning i psykoterapi
Studien syftade till att få en djupare kunskap kring hur behandlare beskriver och förhåller sig till mötet med personer som lider av könsdysfori i kombination med ätstörningar. Nio behandlare på två mottagningar intervjuades utifrån semistrukturerade intervjuer. På den ena mottagningen arbetar personalen med sexuell hälsa och den andra mottagningen är en del av psykiatrins öppenvård med speciell iThe aim of this study was to reach a deeper understanding of how professionals trained in psychotherapy describe and relate to the challenges in meeting clients with a comorbidity of eating disorder and gender dysphoria. Nine professionals participated in semi-structured interviews and nine themes were identified through thematic analysis. The participants were recruited from two clinics, one that
“Jag var sjuk för att jag hade stannat på en dysfunktionell arbetsplats” Sjukskrivningar och dess bakomliggande orsaker – en undersökning med fokus på handläggare inom socialtjänsten - En kvalitativ intervjustudie
Authors: Paula Andersson and Evelyn Palenryd Title: “I was sick because I had stayed in a dysfunctional workplace”. Sick leave and it´s underlaying causes. A study focusing on case workers in social services. A qualitative interview study. [Translated title] Supervisor: Lotta Jägervi Assessor: Maria Bergendal Arvidsson The main purpose with our study was to get a deeper understanding regarding ca
Houses, we have a problem!
This thesis investigated how expansionary unconventional monetary policies affect house prices in the Scandinavian countries, using quarterly data from 1995 to 2020. Unconventional monetary policy, such as quantitative easing and forward guidance, has become widely used by central banks, in order to stimulate the economy when being in a zero lower bound environment. While inflation has remained on
Digitaliserat klientmöte - Socialarbetares syn på digitala möten med klienten
Detta är en kvalitativ studie, vars syfte är att synliggöra socialarbetares upplevelser av digitala klientmöten. Våra intervjupersoner bestod av fyra frivårdsinspektörer från Frivården och tre socialsekreterare från Socialtjänsten, alla inom utredningsenheten. Intervjupersonernas medverkan har bidragit med kunskap inom forskningsområdet. Resultaten har analyserats med hjälp av tidigare forskning sThis is a qualitative study; whose purpose is to illuminate the experiences of the social workers within the digital client meetings. Our interviewees consisted of four probation inspectors from the probation service and three social secretaries from the social services, all within the investigation unit. The participation of the interviewees has contributed to knowledge within the research area.
Digitala intervjuer om digitala samtal
Digital interviews about digital meetings Curators about young people, changing working methods and digital divide This study aims to investigate the experience of digital change for different curators in Sweden, with a particular focus on young people's psychosocial health during the Covid-19 pandemic. This study is centered around a number of questions, such as; 1) What is central in curat
By Vice or Virtue: Does it Pay Off to Sin During Market Downturns?
This paper investigates sin stock characteristics through relative return performance compared to the global market index MSCI World, defining stock defensiveness towards market movements (i.e. recession resistance) and abnormal amounts of excess returns. This was achieved by constructing a sin stock portfolio; SINDEX, containing stocks from the alcohol, tobacco, gambling, weapons and defence, fos
In the cold and dark countries of Scandinavia, light is a precious thing. Furthermore in recent years cycling has become an increasingly popular means of transportation in Scandinavia. The common use of bikes in these dark landscapes results in a high demand on bike lights. An issue is that people have their bike lights stolen. Therefore “be seen” bike lights, that are meant to be attached
’Save file empty’ : ABM-institutioners och spelföretags tankar kring digitalt spelbevarande
‘Save file empty’: ALM institutions’ and game developers’ thoughts regarding digital games preservation This master’s thesis examines attitudes towards the preservation of digital games in Malmö, Sweden. Malmö is one of Europe’s largest gaming hubs and is home to many game studios. Digital games are one of Sweden’s largest cultural exports but very little has been done in order to preserve this h
Naming Injustice, Reimagining Justice: How Victim-Survivors of Sexual Violence in Portugal Perceive Criminal Justice and its Alternatives
This thesis addresses the sexual violence justice gap in Portugal descriptively by questioning how victim-survivors of these crimes experience and/or perceive criminal justice, including those that have resorted to formal law and those that haven’t Normatively, it reflects on the justice needs of victim-survivors of sexual violence and connects these needs to the restorative justice movement - an
Energy and Circadian Assessment of a Combination Between Integrative Lighting and Daylight Harvesting
This study deals with the health and wellbeing of humans who work in offices as well as the energy use for the lighting. The focus is on how integrative lighting and daylight harvesting can be combined in an attempt to reduce the energy consumption while still eliciting a circadian response for the workers. The aim of this study is to investigate a combination of integrative lighting and daylight
Medarbetarskap och arbetsplatsohövlighet på arbetsplatsen En kvalitativ intervjustudie
Arbetsplatsohövlighet är ett omfattande och växande problem som drabbar många verksamheter. Tidigare studier visar på olika bakgrundsorsaker till arbetsplatsohövlighet, där en del lyfter brister hos individen, andra ser brister i organisationen eller ledarskapet. Samtidigt har ledarskap länge fått stort fokus i forskning, medan medarbetarskap börjat få fart under de senaste decennierna. Studier vi
Testing the wildland urban interface fire evacuation tool WUI-NITY: A case study of a rural community
This thesis makes use of a freely available platform based on multi-physics simulations, named WUI-NITY, to model WUI fire evacuation. This simulation platform includes three sub-models addressing fire spread, pedestrian movement and traffic movement allowing the representation of their interaction to produce outputs useful for dynamic vulnerability assessment. The goal of the thesis is to test th
Går laget före jaget? Hur den visstidsanställda medarbetaren förstår ambassadörskap
Den ökande konkurrensen bland varumärken har höjt trycket på medarbetarnas betydelse för organisationernas externa rykte. Det finns dock begränsad forskning kring medarbetarnas egna upplevelser samt kring hur de själva upplever ambassadörskap. Inom ramen för denna studie, har det genomförts semi-strukturerade intervjuer med visstidsanställda medarbetare för att skapa förståelse för deras roll som The increased competition amongst brands has raised the importance of coworkers to strengthen the organizational reputation. The research seen from an employee perspective on how these coworkers themselves experience brand ambassadorship is although limited. Within the frame of this study, semi-structured interviews have been conducted to gain a broader understanding of how temporary employees are