

Din sökning på "*" gav 531156 sökträffar

A conceptual fatigue-motivation model to represent pedestrian movement during stair evacuation

Evacuation models often neglect the impact of fatigue on pedestrian movement during stair evacuation. While a limited number of sub-models are available in the literature to represent fatigue during evacuations, they mostly refer to simple, fixed walking speed reductions due to physical fatigue. This paper introduces a more comprehensive conceptual model for the representation of the impact of fat

Medical Diagnostic System Based On Simultaneous Multispectral Fluorescence Imaging

A multicolor fluorescence imaging system applied to medical diagnostics is described. The system presented simultaneously records four fluorescence images in different wavelength bands, permitting low-resolution spectroscopy imaging. An arithmetic function image of the four spectral images is constructed by a pixel-to-pixel calculation and is presented on a monitor in false-color coding. A sensiti

Strategy for identification and detection of multiple oxidative modifications within proteins applied on persulfate-oxidized hemoglobin and human serum albumin.

Oxidative stress has been suggested as an underlying mechanism of many human diseases. However, definitive evidence for this association has not been presented due to different shortcomings of the methods used to measure biomarkers of oxidative stress. Persulfates are oxidizing agents known to elicit hypersensitive reactions from the airways and skin. Despite a frequent use of persulfates at many

Pregnancy and the methyltransferase genotype independently influence the arsenic methylation phenotype.

OBJECTIVES: The methyltransferase genotype and pregnancy both influence the arsenic metabolism phenotype, but it is unknown whether these factors interact, explaining the drastic changes in the efficiency of arsenic metabolism observed among pregnant women. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relative contribution of the methyltransferase genotype and pregnancy to the arsenic metabolism phe

Increased expression of vascular endothelial growth factor-a in seasonal allergic rhinitis

Increased vascular dilatation and permeability characterize allergic rhinitis. In this study oligonucleotide microarrays (Affymetrix HuGe95A) were used to identify differentially expressed vasoactive genes in nasal biopsies from 23 patients with symptomatic seasonal allergic rhinitis (SAR) and 12 healthy controls. RNA was extracted from the biopsies and pooled in three patient and three control po

Proteomics-protein profiling technology: the trend towards a microfabricated toolbox concept

The use of mono-crystalline silicon microstructures for high-speed and high sensitivity protein mapping and protein identification is presented as an important contribution within the field of proteomics. The various approaches for handling minute amounts of protein sample are described. Piezoelectric dispensing units developed in-house are being used for sample-handling and the generation of 60-p

Temporally structured density-dependence and population management

We used a simple discrete-time population model to investigate how temporally structured density-dependence influences a population's response to loss due to harvesting. We assumed that reproduction is a relative discrete event in time, followed by density-dependent mortality and then harvesting, or followed by harvesting and then density-dependent mortality. Such an ordering of events in time may

Energianvändning i småhus, Bo92. D. 1, Beräkningar : Den nya trästaden

I denna rapport redovisas teoretiska beräkningar av energibehov till uppvärmning, tappvarmvatten och hushållselektricitet, energitransporter genom småhusens grunder och energiflöden genom köldbryggor. Beräkningarna omfattar 26 småhus på Bo 92 i Örebro med olika typer av grundläggning, värmeisolering, fönster, värme- och ventilationssystem. Beräkningarna har utförts med datorprogrammen ENORM, CRAWL

Mechanisms of inhibition of lipolysis by insulin, vanadate and peroxovanadate in rat adipocytes

Vanadate and peroxovanadate (pV), potent inhibitors of tyrosine phosphatases, mimic several of the metabolic actions of insulin. Here we compare the mechanisms for the anti-lipolytic action of insulin, vanadate and pV in rat adipocytes. Vanadate (5 mM) and pV (0.01 mM) inhibited lipolysis induced by 0.01-1 microM isoprenaline, vanadate being more and pV less efficient than insulin (1 nM). A loss o

Bakre r i svenskan. En alternativ hypotes

The sound values of /z/ and /r/ in proto-Nordic are discussed. It is suggested that the modern Swedish [r] and [R] are different results in different areas of the merger between /z/ and /r/ in Old Swedish, depending on the distribution of stress in polysyllabic words. The article is a shorter version of Teleman, U. (2005), Om r-fonemets historia i Svenskan (Nordlund 5). Insittutionen för nordiska

Platelet-derived growth factor receptors expressed in response to injury of differentiated vascular smooth muscle in vitro: effects on Ca2+ and growth signals

Vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) in the intact vascular wall are differentiated for contraction, whereas the response to vascular injury involves transition towards a synthetic phenotype, with increased tendency for proliferation. Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) is thought to be important for this process. We investigated expression and functional coupling of PDGF receptors (PDGFRs) alph

Revision of three natural groups of xanthorioid lichens (Teloschistaceae, Ascomycota)

Status of three natural groups of xanthorioid lichens (Teloschistaceae), namely Xanthomendoza ulophyllodes, Xanthoria elegans and Teloschistes villosus groups is revised. Their status is elevated to the generic level. They are segregated from other hitherto accepted groups, namely Oxneria (with type species Oxneria alfredii (S. Kondr. & Poelt) S. Kondratyuk & Karnefelt) from Xanthomendoza,

Necked-in Superdeformed Nuclei

Superdeformation, i.e. elongated shapes with the longest axis approximately twice as long as the shorter axes, has provided many new insights in nuclear structure. In this dissertation the possibility of forming superdeformed states related to two connected spheres, having a more or less pronounced neck, is investigated. Detailed Nilsson-Strutinsky calculations with the cranked Woods-Saxon potenti

Comprehensive regional and temporal gene expression profiling of the rat brain during the first 24 h after experimental stroke identifies dynamic ischemia-induced gene expression patterns, and reveals a biphasic activation of genes in surviving tissue

In order to identify biological processes relevant for cell death and survival in the brain following stroke, the postischemic brain transcriptome was studied by a large-scale cDNA array analysis of three peri-infarct brain regions at eight time points during the first 24 h of reperfusion following middle cerebral artery occlusion in the rat. K-means cluster analysis revealed two distinct biphasic

The involvement of cellular proliferation status in the expression of the human proto-oncogene DEK

The role of the DEK protein, involved in the leukemia-associated fusion protein DEK-CAN, is not yet known. In this study, we show a higher expression of DEK mRNA in immature cells than in mature cells. Furthermore, a correlation between DEK expression and cell proliferation was demonstrated, suggesting that DEK plays a role in the proliferation of hematopoietic cells and raising the question of wh