

Din sökning på "*" gav 531335 sökträffar

Linnénätet i Blekinge

Linnénätet är tänkt att uppmärksamma historiskt intressanta växtlokaler och fokuserar på lokaler som varit kända sedan före 1850. Även om många av dem ingår i Floraväkteriet, så har det sig att flera av dessa inte är skyddade och några har inte ens varit uppmärksammade. Jan Thomas Johansson och Mariette Manktelow har startat detta projekt om historiska växtlokaler i Sverige, och här följer en pres

Islet cell and glutamic acid decarboxylase antibodies in hyperthyroid patients : At diagnosis and following treatment

Objectives. To study the frequency of islet cell (ICA) and glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD-Ab) antibodies in patients with hyperthyroidism of different types at diagnosis before treatment and in the euthyroid state following treatment. Setting. Department of Endocrinology, Malmo University Hospital, Malmo, Sweden. Subjects and design. Blood samples were collected at diagnosis from 129 hyperthyroi

Apalutamide for Metastatic, Castration-Sensitive Prostate Cancer

BACKGROUND: Apalutamide is an inhibitor of the ligand-binding domain of the androgen receptor. Whether the addition of apalutamide to androgen-deprivation therapy (ADT) would prolong radiographic progression-free survival and overall survival as compared with placebo plus ADT among patients with metastatic, castration-sensitive prostate cancer has not been determined.METHODS: In this double-blind,

Dynamic crack tip fields at steady growth and vanishing strain-hardening

Solutions for propagating mode III cracks in elastic perfectly-plastic solids are obtained as the limit solutions for infinitesimal crack tip speed and infinitesimal linear strain-hardening. The solution for a perfectly plastic material by Chitaley and McClintock (1971, J. Mech. Phys. Solids 19, 147) is not obtained. A point above or below the crack plane will experience first a centred-fan slip l

Associations of GAD65- and IA-2-autoantibodies with genetic risk markers in new-onset IDDM patients and their siblings : The Belgian Diabetes Registry

OBJECTIVE - To investigate the association of GAD (65-kDa) autoantibodies (GAD65-Abs) and IA-2 autoantibodies (IA-2-Abs) with human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-DQ and insulin gene (INS) risk markers in patients with recent-onset IDDM and their siblings. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS - Blood was sampled from 608 recent-onset IDDM patients and 480 siblings, aged 0-39 years and consecutively recruited by t

Elastic-Plastic Tip Field for a Stationary Crack in a Reinforced Thin Sheet

A class of plane stress problems for incompressible materials is studied. The class concerns problems for unidirectionally reinforced thin sheets under quasi-static loading conditions. An incremental theory of plasticity and an isotropic yield condition is assumed. It is demonstrated how a corresponding antiplane strain problem can be identified, Thus solutions are readily found to a variety of prA class of plane stress problems for incompressible materials is studied. The class concerns problems for unidirectionally reinforced thin sheets under quasi-static loading conditions.

Mapping the governance complex of land use policies for compensation

Ecological compensation is the latest member of a growing family of concepts aimed at reducing degradation of environmental quality. This and other concepts of the family – like ecosystem services, green infrastructure, and nature-based solutions – have been subject to a range of different interpretations and subsequent implementation practices. The result is a complex governance system with uncle

Gender influence on the bipolar disorder inpatient length of stay in Sweden, 2005–2014 : A register-based study

Background: The influence of gender on bipolar disorder is controversial and it is unclear if inpatient care differs between men and women. Here, we investigate for gender differences in the inpatient length of stay for Swedes admitted for bipolar disorder and explore other factors that could explain any observed association. Methods: Admission data were extracted from the Swedish National Patient

Reasons for Discontinuing Active Surveillance : Assessment of 21 Centres in 12 Countries in the Movember GAP3 Consortium

Background: Careful assessment of the reasons for discontinuation of active surveillance (AS) is required for men with prostate cancer (PCa). Objective: Using Movember's Global Action Plan Prostate Cancer Active Surveillance initiative (GAP3) database, we report on reasons for AS discontinuation. Design, setting, and participants: We compared data from 10 296 men on AS from 21 centres across 12 co