

Din sökning på "*" gav 533806 sökträffar

Detectability of pathological lesions in lumbar spine radiography

Thirty images with added simulated pathological lesions at two different dose levels (100% and 10% dose) were evaluated with the free-response forced error experiment by nine experienced radiologists. The simulated pathological lesions present in the images were classified according to four different parameters: the position within the lumbar spine, possibility to perform a symmetrical (left-right

Under molnen - synliggörandet av digital infrastruktur och hur tillit och aura skapas

För femton år sedan beskrevs Internet och framväxande digitala tjänster ofta med hjälp av ord som Cyberspace och virtuella verkligheter. Under senare år har andra efemära metaforer använts. Idag talas det mer om ”molnet” och molntjänster. Sällan har konkreta fysiska anläggningar och tung infrastruktur använts i marknadsföring och i frammanandet av visioner från företag och organisationer som arbet

Postoperative gastrostomy site leakage correlated to the dimension of the gastrostomy button in children

Abstract The laparoscopic placement of gastrostomy buttons for feeding tubes is the preferred method of gastrostomy in children with feeding requirements. This intervention often leads to some minor postoperative problems, including gastrostomy site leakage. The aim of our study was to test the hypothesis that the postoperative leakage after a video-assisted gastrostomy is correlated to the dimens

On Volume Average Relations in Continuum Mechanics, Part I

In this paper, and in the one to follow, an analysis of volume average relations in classical continuum mechanics is presented. Results from various investigations, previously presented in the literature, have been reviewed and extended and they have, in some cases, been more precisely stated and rigorously proven. Some of the results presented are believed to be new. The key object for the paper

Medreflektioner inom lärarutbildningens examensarbete

Studenterna inom lärarutbildningen vid Högskolan i Halmstad skriver under sin sista termin ett examensarbete. Enligt de bedömningskriterier som tillämpas ska examensarbetet vara såväl vetenskapligt som skol- och yrkesrelevant. Examensarbetet bedöms av akademiska lärare och bedömningarna ligger till grund för betygsättningen av examensarbetena. Efter att examensarbetena betygsatts, kommenteras de g

Changing minds by tracking eyes: Dynamical systems, gaze and moral decisions

Decision making is a dynamic process. Alternatives compete over time, and this competition plays out in sensorimotor processes. This is true not just for perceptual decisions or simple categorisation tasks, but also for moral decisions, which are the outcome of a complex interplay of intuition, emotion and reasoning. In this experiment, we first establish a descriptive and causal link between gaze

Status of the MAX IV light source project

The MAX IV light source project is presented. The MAX IV light source will consist of three low emittance storage rings and a 3 GeV injector linac. The three storage rings will be operated at 700 MeV, 1.5 GeV, and 3.0 GeV, which make it possible to cover a large spectral range from IR to hard X-rays with high brilliance undulator radiation from insertion devices optimised for each storage ring. Th