

528268 sökträffar

A comparison of new MC-adapted parton densities

A selection of the latest and most frequently used parton distribution functions (PDFs) is incorporated in Pythia8, including the Monte Carlo-adapted PDFs from the MSTW and CTEQ collaborations. This article examines the differences in PDFs as well as the effect they have on results of simulations and compare with data collected by the CDF experiment. Monte Carlo-adapted PDFs do a better job than l

Organisatoriska vägval -- En studie av Försäkringskassans förändringsarbete

Försäkringskassan är en central del av den svenska välfärdsstaten och för¬medlar mycket stora penningsummor. De förändringar som myndigheten har genomfört under senare tid i form av ny organisation och ändrade besl¬utsregler har varit omdiskuterade. Kritiker har pekat på bristande effektivi¬tet, försenade utbetalningar och hjärtlös regeltillämpning. Ett antal vägval har gjorts för att söka hitta lThe Swedish Social Insurance Agency is an important part of the Swedish welfare state. The Agency has recently made a number of major changes, such as establishing a new internal organization and reforming processes for decision making. Many of these changes have been controversial. Critics have complained that the Agency shows a lack of efficiency, has failed to make payments on time, and has bee

Frequency-Selective Robust Detection and Estimation of Multiple-Polymorph QR Signals

Nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR) is a non-invasive, solid state, radio frequency (RF) technique, able to distinguish between polymorphic forms of certain compounds. Exploiting the signals from multiple polymorphs is important in explosives detection, whilst quantifying these polymorphs is important in pharmaceutical applications. Recently proposed hybrid algorithms, able to process the signals f

The reproductive system of Derocheilocaris typica (Crustacea, Mystacocarida)

Mystacocarids are dioecious. Their gonopores are on the medial side of the third thoracic limb. The male's paired testes lie in the thorax and abdomen. They develop from paired rows of six small follicles dorsally. In the mature animal they fill most of the abdomen. The spermatophores develop within the follicles from spermatogonia mixed with follicle cells, which support and nourish the spermatoc

Coming to Terms with the Soviet Myth of Heroism Twenty-five Years After the Chernobyl’ Nuclear Disaster: An Interpretation of Aleksandr Mindadze’s Existential Action Movie Innocent Saturday

This essay presents an analysis of the Russian director Alexandr Mindadze’s feature film Innocent Saturday, released precisely 25 years after the Chernobyl’ accident in Ukraine. In a comparative study between the Russian-speaking and non-Russian-speaking reception of the film, I will show that the philosophical dimension, depicting Chernobyl’ not as a “great” historical, technological event, but i

Developing the PEER-U scale to measure parents' expectations, experiences and reactions to routine ultrasound examinations during pregnancy

The aim of this study was to develop and test a specific questionnaire to measure parents' expectations, experiences and reactions in connection with routine ultrasound examinations during pregnancy. A questionnaire consisting of ultrasound specific questions was constructed in two parts, one to be used before and one after the examination. It was examined for face validity and a pilot study was t

Plant and Vegetation Dynamics on Disko Island, West Greenland: Snapshots Separated by Over 40 Years

We report on a revisit in 2009 to sites where vegetation was recorded in 1967 and 1970 on Disko Island, West Greenland. Re-sampling of the same clones of the grass Phleum alpinum after 39 years showed complete stability in biometrics but dramatic earlier onset of various phenological stages that were not related to changes in population density. In a fell-field community, there was a net species l

Categorization and analysis of academic patents: Developing a framework to examine differences in technology, opportunity and commercializaton characteristics

There has been a significant rise in the number of patents originating from academic environments. However, current conceptualizations of academic patents provide a largely homogenous approach to define this entrepreneurial form of technology transfer. In this study we develop a novel categorization framework that identifies three subsets of academic patents which are conceptually distinct from ea

High-resolution core-level spectroscopy study of the ultrathin aluminum oxide film on NiAl(110)

We have studied the ultrathin aluminum oxide film on NiAl(110) by a combination of high-resolution core-level spectroscopy and density functional theory calculations. Energy-dependent core-level data from the O 1s and Al 2p levels allows for a distinction between oxygen and aluminum atoms residing at the surface or inside the aluminum oxide film. A comparison to calculated core-level binding energ

Hälsoval skåne : Fler besöker allmänläkare, färre går till specialist

Efter införande av Hälsoval Skåne har andelen av befolkningen som besökt allmänläkare ökat, liksom antalet besök per invånare. Ökningarna är överlag måttliga, med undantag för äldre män med lägre inkomst, där ökningen är större.Det finns också en minskning av besöken till övriga specialistläkare så att det totala antalet läkarbesök per invånare minskat i vissa grupper. Färre besök hos övriga speci

Comparing retinal function and structure in diabetic maculopathy and retinal detachment with ff-ERG and a combination of mfERG and OCT

Diabetic maculopathy and retinal detachment, especially involving macula, are potentially sight-threatening conditions. Previous evaluations of retinal function, and treatment of these conditions have been subjective methods depending on the examiner or the collaboration with the examined patient. Retinal structure has been based on the subjective evaluation of the ophthalmologist. Development of

Expression of the global regulator SATB1 is an independent factor of poor prognosis in high grade epithelial ovarian cancer

Background: The global gene regulator Special AT-rich sequence-binding protein1 (SATB1) has been reported to reprogramme tumour cells into a more malignant phenotype and associate with poor clinical outcome in several cancer forms. In this study, we investigated the molecular correlates and prognostic impact of SATB1 expression in human epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC). Findings: Immunohistochemica

Striatal adaptations in experimental parkinsonism and L-DOPA-induced dyskinesia

Abstract in German Die Parkinson-Krankheit („Parkinson”) ist eine neurodegenerative Erkrankung die durch den Verlust von Dopamin-produzierenden Nervenzellen in der Substantia Nigra und daraus resultierenden, typischen motorischen Symptomen gekennzeichnet ist. Die Standardbehandlung für Parkinson ist die Gabe von L-DOPA, zum Zweck der Ersetzung des verlorengegangen Dopamins. Eine Langzeittherapie mParkinson’s disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disorder, characterized by the loss of dopamine (DA) producing neurons in the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNc), resulting in typical motor symptoms. DA replacement with L-DOPA is the standard therapy for PD. However, with treatment duration many patients face the severe treatment complication of L-DOPA-induced dyskinesia (LID), constituting in ab