

Din sökning på "*" gav 528099 sökträffar

Att leva av produktionsmusik - möjligheter och förutsättningar

Title: To make a living by library music; Opportunities and prerequisites. The purpose of this essay is to investigate how a music producer or composer can achieve placement of his or her music in commercials, TV-shows, computer games, and other media. What is required to make a living by composing and producing music today? This is a qualitative study made by interviewing six persons, who all in

Pitch Correction - ett måste? En intervjuundersökning om åsikter kring användning av pitch correction i dagens musikskapande.

Pitch Correction - is it a must? An interview inquiry about opinions concerning pitch correction in music making today. This work intends to find out what music producers, singers and those with a great interest in music really think about the use of pitch correction programs, both in the studio and live. The thoughts concerning this came when I began to work with these programs in a studio, mostl

Från pluralism till professionalisering? En textanalys av Karlskrona kommuns hållbarhetsarbete

The purpose of this thesis is to shed light on a present trend of professionalization in Swedish local environmental politics, which have recently seen a decline in active participation of the citizens in favor of an increased governmental regulation. With the aim to closer investigate this relatively new phenomenon, the paper is a qualitative single case-study of environmental policies in the Swe

Blending Identities - A Discourse Analysis of EU Immigration Politics

In a time of globalization and increased international cooperation, the future of the nation state and nationalism is not obvious. International organizations, like the European Union (EU), are becoming more important and cooperation within the EU is constantly reaching new levels. EU is in some ways acting like a nation state and is trying to create a fellow-ship among the Member States for a str

Modernisering idag - Sidas kulturbistånd ur ett kritiskt perspektiv

Denna uppsats behandlar Sveriges kulturbistånd ur ett kritiskt perspektiv. Teorin baserar sig på kritisk utvecklingsteori och postkolonial teori. Vi tar avstamp i de skillnader som finns i världen idag och analyserar kulturbiståndets roll i det som kallas moderniserings- eller utvecklingsteori. Denna menar att utveckling sker linjärt och att Väst har kommit längre än tredje världen. Frågeställning

Demokrati vid behov? - En studie kring behovsanställningar i den offentliga sektorn

On-call work has increased substantially in the past 20 years in Sweden, not least in the public sector and most notably in health and social care. This thesis argues that the increase has considerable influence on the prospects of on-call workers in the public services to act as guardians of democracy. Based on theories of Lennart Lundquist, the results of this study show that on-call workers suf

Annexation and Assimilation: An ethnic approach to the roots of conflict in Thailand's deep south

The purpose of this study is to investigate the root causes of the conflict in southern Thailand. Ethnicity is central to the theoretical approach as the Malay Muslims of Pattani, being one part, and Thailand, being the other, are displaying very contrasting ethnical and cultural benchmarks. Power mechanisms have been able to function through a politicized ethnic ideology and have as such legitimi

När etnicitet står i fokus - En fallstudie av Kenyas presidentval 2007

This thesis discusses the 2007 elections in Kenya, and its aftermath. The aim is to examine whether or not ethnicity played a major role in the outbreak of violence that followed the referendum. As well as different theories and discussions on ethnicity, I will also try to explain the course of events by using theories of increased civil violence during a democratic transition, and the fact that w

Oönskade Döttrar - Traditionella mönster i ett modernt samhälle

Due to traditional beliefs about biological differences between the sexes, the sex ratio is abnormally uneven in northern parts of India. There is a combination of old methods like female infanticide and new technologies, which make selective abortion possible. The strong practices of dowry transform daughters to economical burdens to their parents. They face mortal danger before, at and after bir

Decentralizing the Water Sector - A Case Study on the Namibian Water Management Strategy -

A water crisis depends on more than a lack of supply, it is also about policies and management. Namibia, a Southern African country, has chosen a decentralisation-strategy, including privatisation and community management, in order to improve the efficiency, equality and sustainability, in the water sector. This strategy is also known as the Integrated Water Resource Management-process (IWRM). My

En utmanad världsordning- En analys av nya och traditionella biståndsgivares idéer och intressen i det internationella utvecklingssamarbetet

In the past years the traditional donors of development assistance have been increasingly aware of changes in the donor landscape. This as emerging economies like China and India has undergone a transition from recieving aid to becoming emerging donors. By identifying and comparing ideas, beliefs and interests pursued using foreign aid between so called emerging and traditional donors, the greater

Religionen som en del av lösningen? Möjligheter och begränsningar i en interreligiös dialog i Nordirland.

Syftet med denna uppsats var att ifrågasätta den ofta antagna åsikten att en dialog mellan olika religionstraditioner kan skapa enhet, samstämmighet och en stadig grund för att lösa sociala problem, såsom diskriminering, fördomar, segregering och motsättningar. Nordirland valdes som fallstudie på grund av att religionen där förespråkas ha en betydande roll i historien, och för att en konstruktiv d

Social ekonomi: Staten och det civila samhällets betydelse utifrån ett rättighetsperspektiv

The increasing significance of social economy as a concept is linked to general global processes such as the crisis of the welfare state, neoliberal globalization, anti-bureaucracy tendencies and decentralization, but also to a growing political interest in human rights and social development. In Sweden the idea of the social economy generates wide support within civil society as well as within th

The Right to Food in a Global Structure - A whole world at fault for hungry stomachs?

The focal point of the essay is the right to food as a human right. The author argues that there is a need for a change in the human rights system concerning the right to food, since the original framework assigns full responsibility to the individual states, whereas in today's global power structures, government policies and national institutional arrangements in poor countries have very litt

The park of the involuntary tourist

This diploma work is about the situation of refugees in a world of conflicts, borders and tourists, designed as a critical counterpoint to the competition ?Venice Lagoon Park?organized by the magazine 2G, autumn 2007. I have transformed the competition's program idea of giving tourists and visitors information, into a space for educating the public about refugees and their reality. The site i

En problematisering av föreställnigen om att hatbrott endast utförs av högerextremister

Detta är en uppsats med syfte att analysera och motbevisa den allmänna föreställningen om att endast högerextremister och Nationalsocialister begår hatbrott. Detta görs med hjälp av frågor som, varför existerar denna föreställning? Vilka antaganden tas i ett sådan föreställning? Vilka är motargumenten? Med hjälp av en diskursanalys, analyseras rapporteringen av ett hatbrott från ett antal tidnings

USA som hård, mjuk och smart makt -En studie av amerikansk utrikespolitik i mellanöstern

This essay is built upon the thoughts of Joseph S. Nye concerning power, and the different ways of exercising that power. The characteristics of Nye's theories are the thoughts about the second face of power, or what he describes as the soft power. The essay seeks to examine what kind of power the US has been in their work for non-proliferation and democracy promotion in the Middle East. It al

Reference tool for perceived quality - within the Sony Ericsson Product Business Unit Accessories Organization

Title Reference tool for perceived quality ? within the Sony Ericsson Product Business Unit Accessories Organization. Author Jakob Frey-Skött Supervisors Annika Olsson, Department of Design Sciences, Division of Packaging Logistics, Lund Institute of Technology, Lund University. Gunilla Wejfeldt, Head of Quality Assurance, Sony Ericsson Product Business Unit Accessories Organization. Problem

Evaluation of the biopolymer Poly-hydroxi-alkanoates

Biopolymers are interesting materials from a sustainable point of view. Especially since consumers increasingly demand environmental friendly packages as well as more convenient packages with easy open and close features on the packages. The demands for convenient packages lead to more and more plastics in the packaging industry. The purpose with this project is to find out typical properties of