Din sökning på "*" gav 526186 sökträffar
Femoral neck fractures
An anisotropic micro-sphere approach applied to the modelling of soft biological tissues
Med platsen som utgångspunkt
Gud och makten i historisk belysning
Verben hos Wallengren
The Thule Society
The Thule Society was a secret brotherhood where Hitler and the other pioneers of German National Socialism first met in Munich in 1919-20.
Jainism and Early Buddhism. Essays in Honour of Padmanabh S. Jaini. Pts. 1-2.
No title
Integrating ectomycorrhizal fungi into quantitative frameworks of forest carbon and nitrogen cycling
Abstract is not available
Long-term pain conditions after a stroke.
On Ad Hoc networking in a Bluetooth Environment
Observer Backstepping for Nonlinear Drive Control
This paper addresses the control problem of a specially designed nonlinear actuator intended for use in legged robots and other related mechatronic devices. Use of this drive could considerably increase energy efficiency and the time of autonomous robot operation. Nevertheless, the highly nonlinear model of the actuator and the unavailability of part of the state for measurement pose considerable
A la recherche de l´égalité: Disparité salariale et division sexuelle du travail en Suède
Food Security, agricultural technology and policy – the case of maize in sub-Saharan Africa
This paper discusses food security and the African food crisis. By means of data from a survey of over 3000 farm households in eight sub-Saharan countries, the authors conclude that food security requires a broad integration of smallholders in the market. Subsistence orientation does not promote food security, while seed fertilizer technology does. Market integration of maize producers seems to be
Kinesisk grammatik
Measuring systemic failures in IS in developing countries using survey data: The case of Thailand
From Rejection to Adaptation: The Meaning of Sustainability in World Bank "Thinking"
Prebiotics may be promising to use in the treatment of ulcerative colitis
Organisation och styrning på den lokala samhällsnivån -en forskningsöversikt om förändringar och utvecklingstendenser
Research overview about local government organization. Delivered to the Central Government Office as part of the Central Committee for a new legislation in local governments.