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Inledningen till högskolestudier - en transitionszon
Rätt men dåligt – om felfria studenttexter som inte är bra
Lifestyle physical activity in people aging with a disability: a study of persons with post-polio syndrome
Activation measurements of neutron-capture cross sections in the MeV region
[abstract missing]
Implicational scaling.
European observatory on social security for migrant workers. Swedish national report 2003
Tiden hjälper oss att begripa världen
Genetically restricted local IgE repertoires from nasal tssue of allergic donors target multiple epitopes on Bet v 1
Directional Analysis of the On-Body Propagation Channels considering Human's Anatomical Variations
This paper presents a directional analysis of the on-body propagation channels using the high resolution space alternating generalized expectation (SAGE) maximization algorithm. The analysis has been done on data obtained through FDTD simulations, on a male and a female numerical phantom. For estimating the angle of arrival (AoA) at a four element square array located at the chest, two different p
Fuzzy Anti-Reset Windup for PID Controllers
Metal induced surface structures and epitaxial silicides on Si(111)
[abstract missing]
Access to health care in Sweden. The need for a human rights framework
Photographic documentation of a Swan Goose x Snow Goose Anser cygnoides x Anser caerulescens hybrid and its offspring with a Barnacle Goose (Branta leucopsis) – a unique three-species cross
Socialtjänsten som kunskapskälla. En modell för psykosocial rapportering inför strategiska beslut på kommunal ledningsnivå avseende bland annat hållbar utveckling och folkhälsa.
Glass, alcohol and power in Roman Iron Age Scotland - a study of the Roman vessel glass from non-Roman/native sites in north Northumberland and Scotland
Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling bygger på ett studium av romerska glaskärl funna på icke-romerska/inhemska fyndorter — huvudsakligen tillhörande den romerska järnåldern (0–400 e.Kr.) — bortom Hadrianus mur i norra Britannien. Romerska glaskärl har påträffats på inalles 60 fyndorter, varav en stor del utgörs av bosättningar av skilda slag, och endast en liten del härrör från gravar. SoThis thesis is based on a study of Roman glass vessels found on non-Roman/native sites - chiefly of Roman Iron Age date (AD 0-400) - beyond Hadrian’s Wall in northern Britain. Roman glass vessels have been discovered on 60 sites in total, the majority of which are settlements of various types, and only a minor part are graves. As a consequence of this, the greater part of the material is strongly