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Source identification during the Great Dun Fell Cloud Experiment 1993
A characterisation of the sources influencing the site for the final field campaign of the EUROTRAC subproject GCE (Ground-based Cloud Experiment) at Great Dun Fell, Cumbria, Great Britain in April-May 1993 is presented. The sources were characterised mainly by means of aerosol filter and cascade impactor data, single particle analysis, gas data, data on aromatic organic compounds, cloud water ion
Reports of the AAAI 2017 fall symposium series
The AAAI 2017 Fall Symposium Series was held Thursday through Saturday, November 9–11, at the Westin Arlington Gateway in Arlington, Virginia, adjacent to Washington, DC. The titles of the six symposia were Artificial Intelligence for Human-Robot Interaction; Cognitive Assistance in Government and Public Sector Applications; Deep Models and Artificial Intelligence for Military Applications: Potent
Resources for work-related well-being : A qualitative study about healthcare employees' experiences of relationships at work
Aims and objectives: To explore municipal healthcare employees' experiences of relationships with care recipients and colleagues. The specific research questions were when do the relationships enhance well-being, and what prerequisites are needed for such relationships to occur? Background: Employees in health and social care for older people often depict their work in negative terms, and they oft
Charting the human lung with inhaled nanoparticles : Development of AiDA - a new diagnostic technique for respiratory disease
Changes to the smallest structures of the distal lung are often the first sign of severe respiratory disease, but to date methods to detect and quantify these changes are limited. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is currently estimated to be the third most common cause of death worldwide, but is to a large extent under-diagnosed, especially at early stages. This thesis explores a new m
About Not Understanding the System : Ignorance as an Obstacle to a Meaningful Life in Sweden
This presentation builds on several ethnographic fieldworks (2011-2015) in southern Sweden on people who have Palestinian background as well as my on-going informal involvement with Palestinian networks. The field material includes about 35 qualitative interviews, numerous informal discussions and participant observations of political events (mostly demonstrations and lectures) and people’s daily This presentation builds on several ethnographic fieldworks (2011-2015) in southern Sweden on people who have Palestinian background as well as my on-going informal involvement with Palestinian networks. The field material includes about 35 qualitative interviews, numerous informal discussions and participant observations of political events (mostly demonstrations and lectures) and people’s daily
Using Optimal Mass Transport for Tracking and Interpolation of Toeplitz Covariance Matrices
In this work, we propose a novel method for interpolation and extrapolation of Toeplitz structured covariance matrices. By considering a spectral representation of Toeplitz matrices, we use an optimal mass transport problem in the spectral domain in order to define a notion of distance between such matrices. The obtained optimal transport plan naturally induces a way of interpolating, as well as e
From the mid-Ordovician into the Late Silurian : Changes in the micrometeorite flux after the L chondrite parent breakup
We present the first reconstruction of the micrometeorite flux to Earth in the Silurian Period. We searched 321 kg of condensed, marine limestone from the Late Silurian Cellon section, southern Austria, for refractory chrome-spinel grains from micrometeorites that fell on the ancient sea floor. A total of 155 extraterrestrial spinel grains (10 grains >63 μm, and 145 in the 32-63 μm fraction) were
Effects of Age, BMI, anxiety and stress on the parameters of a stochastic model for heart rate variability including respiratory information
Recent studies have focused on investigating different factors that may affect heart rate variability (HRV), pointing especially to the effects of age, gender and stress level. Other findings raise the importance of considering the respiratory frequency in the analysis of HRV signals. In this study, we evaluate the effect of several covariates on the parameters of a stochastic model for HRV. The d
Remissyttrande: Promemoria Stärkt skydd för valhemligheten
Class discriminator-based EMG classification approach for detection of neuromuscular diseases using discriminator-dependent decision rule (D3R) approach
Classification of EMG signals is essential for diagnosis of motor neuron diseases like neuropathy and myopathy. Although a number of strategies have been implemented for classification, none of them are efficient enough to be implemented in clinical environment. In the present study, we use ensemble approach of support vector machines for classification of three classes (normal, myopathic and neur
Sex differences in local adaptation : what can we learn from reciprocal transplant experiments?
Local adaptation is of fundamental interest to evolutionary biologists. Traditionally, local adaptation has been studied using reciprocal transplant experiments to quantify fitness differences between residents and immigrants in pairwise transplants between study populations. Previous studies have detected local adaptation in some cases, but others have shown lack of adaptation or even maladaptati
Is Super-Fast Broadband Negative? An IV-Estimation of the Broadband Effect on Firms' Sales and Employment Level
This study investigates the relationship between super-fast broadband and firms’ sales and employment level in Sweden. It is important to learn more about this recent technological change and few studies has explored the impact of super-fast broadband on firm outcomes. We use the previous roll-out of second-generation internet access to identify the effect of third-generation internet access. The
Human cancer, the naked mole rat and faunal turnovers
We argue that the human evolutionary heritage with frequent adaptations through geological time to environmental change has affected a trade-off between offspring variability and cancer resistance, and thus favored cancer-prone individuals. We turn the attention to a factor setting the highly cancer-resistant naked mole rat apart from most other mammals: it has remained phenotypically largely unch
A semiclassical model for quark jet fragmentation
A semiclassical model is presented for the way the energy of a fast quark is transformed into observable hadrons. It reproduces the features of 1+1 dimensional QED (the Schwinger model) concerning a flat rapidity distribution in the central region. It also reproduces results from phenomenological considerations, which, based upon scaling, predict that meson formation in the fragmentation region ca
The use of PIXE and complementary ion beam analytical techniques for studies of atmospheric aerosols
PIXE is nowadays a routine analytical technique in the study of atmospheric aerosols. If it aspires to continue to be so in the future, it will have to compete with a range of other powerful analytical techniques, and outperform them in some respect. It will be shown how PIXE can indeed play an important role in future studies of atmospheric aerosols. For clarification, two concrete examples will
Skin autofluorescence as a measure of advanced glycation end product levels is associated with carotid atherosclerotic plaque burden in an elderly population
BACKGROUND: Advanced glycation end product is an established risk marker in diabetic vascular disease, but its possible associations with atherosclerosis in a general population are yet to be investigated. We studied the degree of carotid atherosclerosis and its association with skin autofluorescence in an elderly population.METHODS: Carotid ultrasound and skin autofluorescence measurements were p
Chemical characterization of atmospheric aerosol samples using ion beam techniques
Long range aerosol transport in Southern Sweden : An example of multtvariate statistical evaluation methodology
The utilization of multivariate statistical techniques is discussed with emphasis on the rather new method SIMCA, when applied to multielemental data. The procedures of scaling and normalizing are described. The data base used is from a project studying long range aerosol transport to southern Sweden. SIMCA reveals low variability in fine mode elemental composition in southerly air masses being cl
Antibiotic Prophylaxis With Trimethoprim/Sulfamethoxazole Instead of Cloxacillin/Cefotaxime Increases Inguinal Surgical Site Infection Rate After Lower Extremity Revascularization
Due to the consistently high proportion of surgical site infections (SSI) after vascular surgery, a change of prophylactic antibiotic therapy from cloxacillin/cefotaxime to trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (TMP-SMX) was conducted in 2016. The study included consecutive patients undergoing lower extremity revascularization due to acute or chronic lower extremity arterial disease. The antibiotic regime