

528366 sökträffar

Perceived workplace safety culture among Swedish electricians

Accidents and injuries caused by electricity are work environment risks for electricians. About a 100 cases are reported annually to the Swedish Work Environment Authority. The safety culture at the electricians’ workplaces can affect the successfulness of safety management and the prevention of injuries. This paper presents preliminary questionnaire and interview findings on the perceived workpla

The Role of International Organisations in Global Environmental Governance

The organisational network of global environmental governance (GEG) mirrors the complexity of the planet's manifold and overlapping ecosystems. Bursting onto the international stage in the 1970s, environmental issues began to be addressed by a series of new international organisations, most of them affiliated with the United Nations. Some of them, such as the United Nations Environment Programme (

Changing snow cover and its impacts

This report presents the findings of of the "Snow, Water, Ice and Permafrost in the Arctic (SWIPA) : Climate Change and the Cryosphere" assessment, the third AMAP assessment on arctic climate issues and a follow-up on the Arctic Climate Impact Assessment (ACIA) published in 2005. The assessment was conducted between 2008 and 2011 by over 200 scientists, experts, and members of Native groups, and b

Family meals and parents’ challenges

The objective of this study was to evaluate how Swedish parents regard their children’s participation in meals. Taped interviews with 62 parents, responsible for meals at home, were transcribed and evaluated. This article is restricted to the 21 middle-class families in the group. Through analysis of the interviews, we evaluated how middle-class parents set out to mediate a certain approach to foo

Icke som en annan människa. Psykisk sjukdom i mötet mellan psykiatrin och lokalsamhället under 1800-talets andra hälft

The purpose of this thesis is to study conceptions of mental illness in Sweden during the second half of the 19th century. The central aim has been to analyze how mental illness was understood and interpreted in what was a continual interaction between medical professionals and lay people. The relationship between the local community and the asylum influenced the admittance and discharge of patien

Från obygd till bygd : medeltida kolonisation, produktion och administration i norra Skåne

Den norra delen av Skåne var avkoloniserades under den tidiga järnåldern. Först i 12: e cenury blev koloniserade igen. Första evidenses en persistens av en styrande makten ses i Stora längs Timmer byggnader Gränsen till Sverige / Småland. Byggnaderna har uppenbarligen tryckt Gränsen i norr. Produktionen i området tycks Vara sectorised jag tjära produktion område öster om Helge ån och en ironproduc

What or Whom do Knowledge-Managers Manage?

Knowledge-management has a long history in the work place enacted variously as apprenticeship, corporate libraries, and professional training programs. As an academic topic, it first appeared after Nonaka's (1991) paper. Western authors on knowledge-management generally treat "knowledge" and "information" as some kind of a commodity. "Knowledge" and "information" are thought to be acquired and tra

Lärlingsutbildningen – aktuella erfarenheter och framtida möjligheter

Intresset för lärlingsutbildning har ökat påtagligt i Sverige. Inom gymnasieskolan inleddes en försöksverksamhet 2008 som i och med gymnasiereformen 2011 (Gy11) växlades över i en reguljär utbildningsverksamhet. Dessutom förekommer en mer klassisk lärlingsutbildning i avtalsreglerade former som färdigutbildning inom ett antal branscher. Lärlingsutbildningsbegreppet används också emellanåt inom arb

Identifying causes of additional costs in tolerance compliances failure in buildings

This paper discusses the problem of tolerance management in the construction industry. Despite industrialized building having increased the demand for higher precision, the problem of tolerance management still occurs. Selecting appropriate tolerances is an optimization problem, where the cost of accuracy and the costs due to lack of tolerance need to be balanced. Problems of tolerance management,

Värdeskapande gästfrihet : Hur gästfrihet som värde ramas in, etableras och förhandlas i hotellbranschen

Research in service management and marketing has in the past decade highlighted the concept of value creation. In service organizations value creation is described as a process in which the customer uses a company's value proposition in a meaningful way. However, research has tended to ignore the contextual meaning, and few empirical studies have shown how context is relevant. Therefore, the aim o