

Din sökning på "*" gav 534541 sökträffar

Brandteknisk riskvärdering av Nova

Nova är ett köpcentrum med många besökare som ligger i västra Lund. I denna rapport har brandskyddet med avseende på personsäkerhet vid utrymning undersökts. Baserat på statistik och besök på plats togs nio olika brandscenarier fram och utifrån dessa valdes följande tre med störst risk ut för vidare analys genom att en grovriskanalys genomfördes: • Scenario A – Brand i klädbutik • Scenario B – BrNova is a popular shopping center in the west part of Lund in Skåne, Sweden. This report serves to analyze the general fire safety of Nova in regards to protection of people in the building. Based on statistics and a visit on site, nine different scenarios were identified and out of these the following three scenarios, that were deemed to have the highest risk, were chosen to analyze further based

First evidences that the ectomycorrhizal fungus Paxillus involutus mobilizes nitrogen and carbon from saprotrophic fungus necromass

Fungal succession in rotting wood shows a surprising abundance of ectomycorrhizal (EM) fungi during the late decomposition stages. To better understand the links between EM fungi and saprotrophic fungi, we investigated the potential capacities of the EM fungus Paxillus involutus to mobilize nutrients from necromass of Postia placenta, a wood rot fungus, and to transfer these elements to its host

Ogiltighet i avtalsrätten: särskilt om 33 § avtalslagen

Denna uppsatsens syfte har varit att undersöka och analysera den lilla generalklausulen i avtalslagen, 33 §, för att se när den kan tillämpas av domstolar och vilka rekvisit den ställer upp som krav för att bestämmelsen ska bli tillämpningsbar. Vidare har även en analyserande redogörelse gjorts för begreppet ogiltighet och vad möjliga rättsföljder kan bli när ett avtal ogiltigförklaras. Genom att The aim of this essay has been to explore and analyse the general clause, 33 §, in Avtalslagen to understand when the court can apply it and what criteria need to be met for it to be used. Additionally, I have looked into the concept of invalidity and the possible legal consequences of declaring a contract invalid. Through studying the law, preparatory work, legal literature and relevant case stud

Differentiering av våld i nära relationer - en kvalitativ intervjustudie om ekonomiskt våld

The purpose of this thesis was to investigate how financial violence is identified and to determine the measures taken by professionals working with financial assistance in social services, focused on financially abused women. In this thesis, a qualitative research approach was applied, where data is collected through semi-structured interviews with professionally active social workers within fina

The Gaia-ESO Survey : Calibrating the lithium–age relation with open clusters and associations

Context. The Li abundance observed in pre-main sequence and main sequence late-type stars is strongly age-dependent, but also shows a complex pattern depending on several parameters, such as rotation, chromospheric activity, and metallicity. The best way to calibrate these effects, and with the aim of studying Li as an age indicator for FGK stars, is to calibrate coeval groups of stars, such as op

Adding SDGs to research – automatic benefits and manual added value

In order to meet the wishes of Lund University management to showcase and display the work conducted in relation to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the management of Lund's Pure installation has undertaken a project. The direct use of automatic tagging of SDGs turned out to be insufficient, so we devised a number of steps to utilize the data in a controlled manner. This includes a general me

Placerade barns rätt till utbildning – vem ansvarar för vad? En undersökning av ansvarsfördelningen mellan skola, vårdnadshavare och socialtjänst

Alla barn har rätt till en grundläggande utbildning. Det är en mänsklig rät-tighet som stadgas i exempelvis barnkonventionen. Forskning visar att sko-lan är en bra skyddsfaktor, en fungerande skolgång minskar risken att hamna i ogynnsamma förhållanden, exempelvis kriminalitet. Barn som är placerade utanför hemmet är en grupp som löper större risk att hamna i ogynnsamma förhållanden, samtidigt som Every child has the right to a primary education. This is a human right stat-ed in documents such as the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Re-search shows that school is a significant protective factor; a functioning school experience reduces the risk of ending up in harmful environments, such as criminality. Children placed outside their homes are a group which are at greater risk of ending

"Vad skulle du vilja göra" En intervjustudie om yrkesverksammas beskrivningar av det första mötet med hjälpsökande

This study aimed to examine how professionals who work with Bostad först describe and reason about how they proceed in the first meeting with clients in need of housing. Six people from the organization Bostad först have been interviewed, focusing on how they give and receive information in the first meeting. The organization was chosen to use as a means of describing recognition in the first meet

Thermal processing of primordial pebbles in evolving protoplanetary disks

During protoplanetary disk formation, dust grains located in the outer disk retain their pristine icy composition, while solids in the inner stellar-heated disk undergo volatile loss. This process may have left a fossil record in Solar System material, showing different nucleosynthetic imprints that have been attributed to different degrees of thermal processing. However, it remains unclear how a

Dietary fatty acids modulate oxidative stress response to air pollution but not to infection

Anthropogenic changes to the environment expose wildlife to many pollutants. Among these, tropospheric ozone is of global concern and a highly potent pro-oxidant. In addition, human activities include several other implications for wildlife, e.g., changed food availability and changed distribution of pathogens in cities. These co-occurring habitat changes may interact, thereby modulating the physi

Diversity and complexity of microbial communities from a chlor-alkali tailings dump

Revegetation of the tailings dumps produced by various industrial activities is necessary to prevent dust storms and erosion and represents a great challenge for ecological restoration. Little is known about the microbial colonisation and community structure of revegetated tailings following site exploitation. Here, we report the sequencing of 16S rRNA and internal transcribed spacer (ITS) fungal

Microbial Enzymatic Activities and Community-Level Physiological Profiles (CLPP) in Subsoil Layers Are Altered by Harvest Residue Management Practices in a Tropical Eucalyptus grandis Plantation

Harvest residue management is a key issue for the sustainability of Eucalyptus plantations established on poor soils. Soil microbial communities contribute to soil fertility by the decomposition of the organic matter (OM), but little is known about the effect of whole-tree harvesting (WTH) in comparison to stem only harvesting (SOH) on soil microbial functional diversity in Eucalyptus plantations.

Substrate quality drives fungal necromass decay and decomposer community structure under contrasting vegetation types

Fungal mycelium is increasingly recognized as a central component of soil biogeochemical cycling, yet our current understanding of the ecological controls on fungal necromass decomposition is limited to single sites and vegetation types. By deploying common fungal necromass substrates in a temperate oak savanna and hardwood forest in the midwestern USA, we assessed the generality of the rate at wh

Interactions between Hg and soil microbes : microbial diversity and mechanisms, with an emphasis on fungal processes

Abstract: Mercury (Hg) is a highly toxic metal with no known biological function, and it can be highly bioavailable in terrestrial ecosystems. Although fungi are important contributors to a number of soil processes including plant nutrient uptake and decomposition, little is known about the effect of Hg on fungi. Fungi accumulate the largest amount of Hg and are the organisms capable of the highes

The feasibility of using center frequency spectra in photoacoustic imaging for tissue characterization

In photoacoustic imaging, the amplitude of the photoacoustic signal is used for mapping the spatial distribution of a chromophore in the body and few studies have focused on the potential of using frequency content of the photoacoustic data. This study investigates the feasibility of using the photoacoustic center frequency spectrum in differentiating microspheres of various sizes and colors in ph

Litteraturstudie: HIMU ursprung och framtid

Sammanfattning: Mantelsignaturen HIMU ( High μ/ High U/Pb) som får sitt namn från dess höga 238U/204Pb innehåll är en av normalt fyra mantelsignaturer som är funnet på flera oceaniska basaltöar över världen så som St Helena. Ursprunget av detta material är okänt men flera hypoteser kring dess bildande finns, där de flesta verkar ha subdukterande oceanskorpa med i bildningsprocessen. Denna litteratAbstract:The mantle signature HIMU (High μ / High U/Pb) which gets its name from its high 238U/204Pb ratios is one of four mantelsignatures which is found on several oceanic basalt islands around the world such as St Helena. There are also several hypotheses about the origin of this HIMU material where most have subducted oceanic plates as part of the formation. The purpose of this literature anal

Sjuksköterskors emotionella arbete. En kvalitativ studie om hur sjuksköterskor upplever känslor i ar-betet och hur de hanterar dem

Syftet med studien är att ur ett sociologiskt perspektiv förstå hur sjuksköterskor upp-lever känslor i arbetet och hur de hanterar dem. Genom att analysera hur dessa erfa-renheter formar sjuksköterskors uppfattningar om känslor i sin arbetsmiljö, försöker studien ge en övergripande förståelse för de utmaningar och möjligheter som är för-knippade med yrket. Det empiriska materialet består av framst

Sapwood and heartwood affect differentially bacterial and fungal community structure and successional dynamics during Quercus petraea decomposition

In forests, bacteria and fungi are key players in wood degradation. Still, studies focusing on bacterial and fungal successions during the decomposition process depending on the wood types (i.e. sapwood and heartwood) remain scarce. This study aimed to understand the effect of wood type on the dynamics of microbial ecological guilds in wood decomposition. Using Illumina metabarcoding, bacterial an

Fungal necromass presents a high potential for Mercury immobilization in soil

Past industrial activities have generated many contaminated lands from which Mercury (Hg) escapes, primarily by volatilization. Current phytomanagement techniques aim to limit Hg dispersion by increasing its stabilization in soil. Although soil fungi represent a source of Hg emission associated with biovolatilization mechanisms, there is limited knowledge about how dead fungal residues (i.e., fung

Carpal tunnel syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is the most common nerve entrapment disorder worldwide. The epidemiology and risk factors, including family burden, for developing CTS are multi-factorial. Despite much research, its intricate pathophysiological mechanism(s) are not fully understood. An underlying subclinical neuropathy may indicate an increased susceptibility to developing CTS. Although surgery is oft