

Din sökning på "*" gav 532727 sökträffar

Helsingborgstraktens förhistoria

The article constitutes a landscapearchaeological analysis of the prehistoric time in the Helsingborg area, covering chronologically the Stone Age, the Bronze Age and the Iron Age. A basic approach to interprete the archaeological fragments and their cultural context is that they come from oral cultures. To give an idea of the area's prehistory comparisons with other geographical areas, cultures a

Pension Reforms and gender : The Case of Sweden

Sweden, like most other industrialized countries, has an aging population. This is caused by decreases in fertility as well as increases in life expectancy. Table 6.1 shows the percentage of the population over sixty-five and eighty-years-old.

Radiolabeling and Biotinylation of Internalizing Monoclonal Antibody Chimeric BR96: Potential Use for Extracorporeal Immunoadsorption.

In this thesis, methodology of radiolabeling and simultaneous biotinylation for internalizing monoclonal antibody (MAb) chimeric BR96 (chiBR96) have been investigated by using three element groups of potential therapeutic radionuclides iodine, indium and rhenium, and their different labeling methods. The biodistribution and kinetics of biotinylated and radiolabeled chiBR96 have been studied in col

The Earth : climate and anthropogenic interactions in a long time perspective

Popular Abstract in Swedish Jorden är ett ytterst komplext och dynamiskt system. Livet har format planeten och utvecklats i takt med förändrade livsvillkor. Ekosystemen kontrolleras i hög grad av klimatet. Snabbt förändrade villkor innebär betydande påfrestningar för åtskilliga arter och ekosystem, inklusive planetens mest dominerande art, människan. Avhandlingens huvudfokus är att undersöka samsThe Earth is a highly complex and dynamic system. Life has shaped the entire planet and evolved in response to living conditions. Ecosystems are heavily affected by climate. Rapidly changing conditions imply considerable stress on several species and ecosystems, as well as to the most dominant species on the planet. The main focus of this thesis is to investigate climate and anthropogenic interac

Continuum modeling of the mechanical properties of paperboard

Continuum based elasto-plastic models for paperboard have been established in the work herein. The thesis begins with an introductory section that describes some of the background of the problem and gives some more motivation for the modeling choices made in the appended papers. Some preliminary simulation results on the folding operation is also provided. The main part of the thesis consists of t

Digital Transmission Engineering

This textbook is a 4th year(Sweden)/5th year (USA) text in digital communication theory and practice. Chapters include baseband pulse transmission, carrier transmission, synchronization, channels, coding and information theory, and advanced topics. Each chapter ends with 25 home exercises. Worked examples and Matlab tools are integrated with the text.

First Identification of Excited States in 59Zn

Excited states in 59Zn were observed for the first time following the fusion-evaporation reaction 24Mg + 40Ca at a beam energy of 60 MeV. The GASP array in conjunction with the ISIS Silicon ball and the NeutronRing allowed for the detection of n-rays in coincidence with evaporated light particles. The mirror symmetry of 59Zn and 59Cu is discussed.