

Din sökning på "*" gav 526175 sökträffar

Från kön till genus, tur och retur - en resa i könskonstruktion: Om översättningen av re-gendering i Elizabeth Bernsteins "The Meaning of the Purchase: Desire, Demand and the Commerce of Sex"

Det här examensarbetet bygger på översättningsarbetet med Elisabeth Bernsteins "The meaning of the purchase. Desire, demand and the commerce of sex". I den förberedande textanalysen undersöker jag några viktiga aspekter av artikeln. I min fördjupningsanalys tar jag avstamp i termen "re-gendering" och gör en djupdykning ner i engelskans "sex" och "gender" och

Varumärkesanalys för effektiv kommunikation - att presentera den nya produktionen på Novozymes Biopharma Sweden AB.

Denna examensrapport har kommit till som resultat av en varumärkesanalys av bioteknikföretaget Novozymes nya varumärke "Rethink Tomorrow". Syftet med studien har varit att komma fram till hur jag ska presentera varumärket samt den nya produktionen på dotterbolaget Novozymes Biopharma Sweden AB i en stillbildsfilm. Utöver varumärkesanalysen har jag även gjort en kvalitativ enkätstudie där

Water utilization in a river basin in the Lake Poopó region of Bolivia : problems and conflicts.

The main objective of this thesis is to investigate the distribution of hydrological resources over time and space in two sub basins of the Lake Poopó area in Bolivia. This investigation is made in order to evaluate how supply and demand can be balanced and what effect the insufficiency of hydrological resources has on the socio economic situation. The two main problems in the area regarding water


One of the defining features of the post-Cold War era is the growth of international migration in all areas of the world, especially in Europe, where the lift of the Iron Curtain created needs and opportunities as far as immigrants are concerned. Although a beneficial process in itself, the growth of migration to Europe was frequently a cause of various forms of conflict, which in the social scien

Young Middle-Class Japanese Women Working in Foreign Financial Affiliates in Japan : An Equal Career Track

This is a study of a category of young middle-class Japanese women who work for foreign financial affiliates in Japan. These women are equipped with a high educational background, languages skills, and who are fond of the international atmosphere. In other words, they have the cultural capital and social capital which link them to the international realm. The aim of this study was to examine this

Speech-intentions and self-monitoring - Manipulating verbal feedback in a single-word production task

It is commonly assumed that the speech production process is started and guided by a clear conception of what to say, i.e. an intention or a pre-linguistic message. This intention can also function as a standard of accuracy against which actual performance can be measured. But critique against the idea of such a centrally governed process has been offered, and propositions for how a distributed mo

Med fokus på målgruppen Målgruppsanpassning av juridiska termer med utgångspunkt i en översättning av Kambodjamäklarnas hemsida

Detta examensarbete består av utvalda delar av en översättning av en hemsida tillhörande Kambodjamäklarna samt en analys av de delar av översättningen som varit problematiska i arbetet. I analysdelen presenterar jag först källtexten i form av en källtextanalys, sedan följer en djupanalys av hur jag har överfört juridiska termer som kanske har en annan eller något annorlunda betydelse på källspråke

Hur används teorin i praktiken? En studie om nyexaminerade lärares första tid i yrket

Syftet med uppsatsen har varit att få ökad kunskap om nyexaminerade lärares möte med sina nya arbetsplatser och att mer specifikt se på kopplingen mellan lärarutbildningens olika delar och yrkeslivet. Frågor som har behandlats var om lärares socialisation in i läraryrket, pedagogiska teorier i lärarutbildningen och praxisnära teorier i yrkeslivet.Uppsatsen har sin grund i en fallstudie från 2006 d

När förmänniskan blev den moderna människan

The subject of this bachelor-level thesis in archaeology in the transition from archaic sapiens to anatomically modern humans, and what might have caused this transition. A part of the study aims to prove or disprove whether an increased consumption of shellfish might have caused this development. Another part of the essay deals with the connection of said evolution and the suggested emergence of

"Varder lekare sårad..." : Musik, politik och ideologi i tidigmedeltidens Norden

The aim of this paper is to illuminate and discuss the political and ideological aspects of Early Medieval Nordic music. Due to shortage of sources, this issue has been overlooked until now. Did Early Medieval Nordic music meet the requirements for political and ideological use? In what ways could music potentially be used politically and ideologically? Was music used as a political and ideologica

Peace and Democracy- Liberalization and Institutionalization in Cambodia and Timor-Leste

Many of the countries hosting a peacebuilding mission have resumed to violence after the international community has left. The reason for this has often been a too quick liberalization creating pathologies that might lead to renewed conflict causing peacebuilding to fail. Therefore, an alternative model, focusing on insti-tutionalization before liberalization (IBL), has been suggested. If this the

Problemet Travellers för irländska staten - skapandet av etnicitet

Travellers på Irland är ett resandefolk som håller fast vid sin kultur och grupp trots en politik som arbetat emot dem. De har länge, men inte alltid, betraktats som en grupp med egen identitet men inte som en särskild etnisk grupp. FN rekommenderar Irland att ge dem erkännande som etnisk minoritet. Varför irländska regeringen ännu inte gjort det har en historisk förklaring och olika politik har s

Mäns våld mot kvinnor : en studie kring forskningen om orsaker till varför män slår kvinnor

Men's violence against women is an issue that exists all over the world. There are several scientists and organisations that work with this issue in one way or another. In Sweden an organisation called ROKS, and a scientist called Eva Lundgren, has been in the limelight for medias attention several times. The impression has been given that Eva Lundgren is a very controversial scientist and tha

The Role of Gender in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict- Exploring the impact of occupation and patriarchy on Palestinian women

The purpose of this paper is to illuminate the Israeli-Palestinian conflict from a gender inclusive perspective, seeking to explore and establish some of the ways in which Palestinian women in the West Bank and Gaza are affected by two interlocking systems of oppression, namely occupation and patriarchy. I will carry out this aim through a qualitative case study guided essentially by feminist theo

Fattigdomsbekämpning och dess betydelse för fred - en analys av fallet Grameen Bank

Trots att världens sammanlagda välstånd ökar, bor mer än fem av jordens dryga sex miljarder invånare i utvecklingsländer där en vanlig inkomst är under två dollar om dagen. Samtidigt ökar också de nya typerna av konflikter, som tar uttryck i inomstatliga sammandrabbningar och terroristaktioner. Många bottnar i ett djupt missnöje och kan spåras tillbaka till fattigdom och resursknapphet. Det är ur

Fri att missbruka: tvingad till vård. En argumentationsanalys av 70-talets debatt om tvång i socialvården

Can coercive care be justified against drug and alcohol addicts or should treatment be offered on a strictly voluntary basis? This was one of the central questions debated in Sweden during the 70's when the development of a new social legislation, The Social Services Act (Socialtjänstlagen), took place. The first aim of this thesis was to analyse whether the arguments that were presented both

Institutionalising New Forms of Environmental Policy-making in the EU. The Case of the Emissions Trading Scheme.

The Emissions Trading Scheme represents a new departure in the field of environmental policy-making in the EU. With it, the EU has deployed a market-based instrument to meet its Kyoto Carbon Dioxide emissions reduction commitments. This paper will account for its emergence as a concrete policy output. It will first refer to the historical, ideational and interest-based logics which shaped its emer

The Integration Problem of Muslims in Europe: Constructing a Shared Life-World for European Societies and Muslims in Europe

Abstract The integration of Muslim immigrants into the European societal sphere has have recently received the utmost concern of Europeans. This is because Muslim status has changed from ?immigrant? to ?threat? or ?challenge? to peace and prosperity of Europe in the aftermath of 9/11 attacks. Muslim exclusion from social life is now a problem necessitating an urgent solution. At this point, this