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The subject of the thesis is unfair dismissal, where the question contains a definition of the concept according to current law and a survey of what the Labour Court emphasizes in assessments in these cases. In cases of suspected unfair dismissals, the court has applied a more nuanced burden of proof rule in these disputes. The paper will also address this and provide a more detailed description o

Rethinking the Public Fetus : Historical Perspectives on the Visual Culture of Pregnancy

Exploring a wide variety of visualizations of pregnancy and fetuses through 300 years of history, this timely volume offers a fresh look at the influential feminist concept of the "public fetus."Images of pregnant and fetal bodies are today visible everywhere. Through ultrasound screenings at maternity clinics, birth videos on social media platforms, or antiabortion propaganda, visualizations of p

D7.5 Thinking beyond the COVID-19 crisis: heritage-based opportunities for rural regeneration

The path towards this deliverable started at the end of 2019 when RURITAGE gathered with the H2020 funded ROCK project, working on heritage as a means for development in urban areas, at the ILUCIDARe Playground (20.11.2019 | ILUCIDARE Playground: Cracking the future of heritage). At this point, the idea to establish a common vision- a European Vision paper for urban and rural regeneration through

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Artikel om olika tillvägagångssätt att skriva biografier om historiska gestalter.

Svenska begränsningsartiklar i en EU-rättslig kontext - Om begränsningsartiklar i svenska dubbelbeskattningsavtal är förenliga med de grundläggande friheterna i EU.

Den ökade globaliseringen och världshandeln har medfört att skatteavtal blivit viktigare. Då skatteavtalen har fått en mer central roll har även avtalsmissbruk blivit vanligare. Skatteavtal är folkrättsliga avtal som ingås mellan två eller fler stater och syftar till att förena staternas skattesystem, underlätta beskattningen för personer och myndigheter samt undvika internationell dubbelbeskattniThe increase in globalization and world trade has meant that tax treaties have become more important. As tax treaties have taken on a more central role, treaty abuse has also become more common. Tax treaties are agreements under international treaty law concluded between two or more states with the aim of unifying their tax systems, facilitating the taxation of persons and authorities, and avoidin

Slut på det roliga? - En undersökning av den nya lagen (2023:560) om granskning av utländska direktinvesteringar och dess inverkan på företagsförvärv i Sverige

Denna uppsats syftar till att granska och kommentera den nya svenska lagen (2023:560) om granskning av utländska direktinvesteringar (direktinveste-ringslagen), som trädde i kraft den 1 december 2023. Uppsatsen övergripande syfte är att undersöka proportionaliteten av direktinvesteringslagen mot bak-grund av dess potentiella konsekvenser för förvärv av privata aktiebolag i Sverige. Syftet uppfyllsThis thesis aims to review and comment on the new Swedish Act on Screen-ing of Foreign Direct Investments (2023:560) (in this summary referred to as the FDI Act) which entered into force on 1 December, 2023. The overall purpose of the thesis is to examine the proportionality of the FDI against the backdrop of its potential consequences on acquisitions of private limited liability companies in Swed

ABL, vinstsyftet och lojalitetsplikten

Den svenska aktiebolagsrätten ger upphov till ett antal intressekonflikter mellan olika parter. En av dessa intressekonflikter är mellan aktieägarna och företagsledningen, där företagsledningen kan ha incitament att driva företaget på ett sätt som strider mot aktieägarnas bästa intresse. Kompe-tensfördelningen i aktiebolag är uppställt på så sätt att ägandet och kontrol-len för aktiebolaget kan i Swedish company law gives rise to several conflicts of interests between different parties. One of the conflicts of interest is between shareholders and the company management, where the latter may have incentives to run the company in a way that does not align with the best interests of the shareholders. The distribution of decision-making powers in the company is also set up in such way that own

Litispendens eller låta udda vara jämnt? - Om myndigheters möjlighet att ändra beslut efter förvaltningsrättsligt överklagande i ljuset av regleringens syfte

I och med den senaste förvaltningsreformen kom ett antal i praxis utvecklade principer att lagfästas. En av dessa principer, som tidigare har tillämpats av rättstillämparen på sedvanerättsliga grunder, är lis pendens. Lis pendens, eller litispendens, är en processuell princip som inom den allmänna processen innebär att en rättegång innebär ett rättegångshinder i en annan. I förvaltnings-förfarandeWith the most recent administrative reform in Sweden, a few principles developed in practice were enshrined in law. One of these principles, which has previously been applied by the practitioner on common law grounds, is lis pendens. Lis pendens is a procedural principle which, in general procedure, implies that one proceeding is a bar to another. In the administrative procedure, lis pendens has a

Higher education institutions as a microcosm of the circular economy

Higher education institutions (HEIs) can play a key role in the transition to the circular economy (CE) given their missions, characteristics and role in shaping the coming generations of citizens and leaders. The aim of this paper is to provide a comprehensive examination of HEIs as microcosms for transitioning to circular models. Through a semi-systematic literature review, it focuses on the sys

Controlling Destiny : Julian Huxley's Post-Darwinian Evolutionism and the History of Transhumanism

The evolutionary biologist Julian Huxley (1887–1975) attempted to promote a “religion for the future,” which he would come to refer to as Transhumanism. It was Huxley’s firm belief that mankind needed a unifying system of thought that could motivate action and change. Transhumanism was also an attempt to unite a more traditional humanistic view of the human as containing some form of core essence The evolutionary biologist Julian Huxley (1887–1975) attempted to promote a “religion for the future,” which he would come to refer to as Transhumanism. It was Huxley’s firm belief that mankind needed a unifying system of thought that could motivate action and change. Transhumanism was also an attempt to unite a more traditional humanistic view of the human as containing some form of core essence

Behandlares, handledares och utbildares upplevelser av arbete med Emotion Regulation Group Therapy ur ett implementeringsperspektiv

Huruvida en metod används och sprids i rutinmässig vård beror inte enbart på behandlingseffekt utan även på effektiviteten i implementeringen. Den manualbaserade gruppbehandlingen Emotion Regulation Group Therapy (ERGT) har ännu inte undersökts utifrån dess implementeringsprocess. Syftet med denna studie var att utforska ERGT i Sverige idag ur ett implementeringsperspektiv och att därigenom bidra The integration and dissemination of a method within routine care rely not only on treatment efficacy but also on the effectiveness of the implementation. So far, Emotion Regulation Group Therapy (ERGT), a manual-based group treatment, has not been investigated from an implementation perspective. The aim of this study was to examine the implementation process of ERGT in Sweden and thereby contribu

Störande Standardavtal - Om standardavtals konkurrensbegränsande effekt vid upphandling av entreprenader

Uppsatsen undersöker huruvida användningen av standardavtal vid offentlig upphandling av entreprenader inom Sverige innebär en inskränkning av den grundläggande unionsrättsliga friheten att tillhandahålla tjänster inom EU som säkerställs genom artikel 56 i Fördraget om Europeiska Unionens Funktionssätt. Entreprenadrätten är i Sverige oreglerad i lag och regleras istället genom standardavtal utformThis paper examines whether the use of standard agreements within public procurement of contractors in Sweden constitutes a restriction of the freedom to provide services within EU, which is ensured through article 56 in the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. Contract-law is not regulated through law within Sweden but is instead regulated through standard agreements developed by an i

Sexuella riskbeteenden och destruktiva sexuella miljöer inom ramen för 3 § LVU - En rättsfallsstudie samt en undersökning av barn och ungas normbrytande sexualitet och sexuella utsatthet

Barn och unga kan, motiverat av egna sexuella riskbeteenden, sexuell utsatthet samt vistelser i destruktiva sexuella miljöer, omhändertas med stöd av 3 § lagen (1990:52) med vissa bestämmelser om vård av unga (LVU). Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka vilka riskbeteenden och riskmiljöer som kan falla under rekvisitet annat socialt nedbrytande beteende. Uppsatsen består inledningsvis av en deskriptChildren and young people can, motivated by their own sexual risk behaviors, sexual vulnerability and stays in destructive sexual environments, be taken into care with the support of the law (1990:52) Care of Young Per-sons (Special Provisions). The essay aims to investigate which risk behaviors and risk environments that are included under the 3 § prerequisite of “other socially destructive behav

Arbetsgivarens rehabiliteringsansvar

Den här uppsatsen undersöker arbetsgivarens rehabiliteringsansvar och hur långt det sträcker sig. Ur arbetsgivarens perspektiv kan rehabiliteringsarbetet delas upp i tre distinkta delar med olika regleringar. Den första delen är undersökningsfasen där det viktiga är om arbetstagaren är sjuk och om arbetstagarens bristande prestation beror på sjukdomen, eftersom det endast är då rehabiliteringsansvEmployers have a responsibility when their workers become sick, to assist in the employee’s effort to rehabilitate and return to work, if possible. The objective for this student thesis is to take a closer look at the employer’s rehabilitation responsibility, by examining the legislation, the legislative history, and relevant court cases and precedents. The employer’s rehabilitation responsibiliti

Long object shift and reflexives

This short communication is concerned with long object shift of reflexives in Swedish. Only 3rd person reflexives can shift across their antecedent. For some reason this is possible even if the antecedent is 1st or 2nd person as well, but certain requirements on the antecedent are necessary. This paper shows that neither a purely syntactic nor a purely semantic analysis can account for all the fac

In Search of Conceptual Clarity About the Structure of Psychopathic Traits in Children: A Network-Based Proposal

Psychopathic traits in childhood have been revealed as potential identifiers of risk, being predictive of later forms of behavioral maladjustment. Yet, it is still under debate how psychopathic traits in children should be best conceptualized and which are the core dimensions for construct definition and prediction. The present study aims to examine the structure of psychopathic traits in childhoo