

Din sökning på "*" gav 528469 sökträffar

Acknowledging the role of patient heterogeneity in hospital outcome reporting : Mortality after acute myocardial infarction in five European countries

BACKGROUND: Hospital performance, presented as the comparison of average measurements, dismisses that hospital outcomes may vary across types of patients. We aim at drawing out the relevance of accounting for patient heterogeneity when reporting on hospital performance.METHODS: An observational study on administrative data from virtually all 2009 hospital admissions for Acute Myocardial Infarction

Low Adherence to Statin Treatment during the First Year after an Acute Myocardial Infarction is associated with Increased Second Year Mortality Risk- An Inverse Probability of Treatment Weighted Study on 54,872 Patients

AIMS: Experiencing an acute myocardial infarction (AMI) is a life-threatening event and use of statins can reduce the probability of recurrence and improve long term survival. However, the effectiveness of statins in the real-world setting may be lower than the reported efficacy in randomized clinical trials. Therefore, we aimed to investigate whether low statin treatment adherence during the year

Evaluating a Mobility Service Application for Business Travel: Lessons Learnt from a Demonstration Project

Business travel contributes to significant greenhouse gas emissions, and there is a need for measures that reduce the demand for trips made with energy-intensive means of transport. In this study, a mobility service application (MSA) introduced in 13 Swedish organisations was tested and evaluated to facilitate booking and handling of business trips, in particular public transport. A before and aftBusiness travel contributes to significant greenhouse gas emissions, and there is a need for measures that reduce the demand for trips made with energy-intensive means of transport. In this study, a mobility service application (MSA) introduced in 13 Swedish organisations was tested and evaluated to facilitate booking and handling of business trips, in particular public transport. A before and aft

Early tibial subchondral bone texture changes after arthroscopic partial meniscectomy in knees without radiographic OA : A prospective cohort study

Arthroscopic partial meniscectomy (APM) may lead to changes in underlying trabecular bone (TB) structure potentially promoting the development of knee joint osteoarthritis. Our aim was to investigate if there are early changes occurring in tibial subchondral TB texture in the leg undergoing medial APM compared with the unoperated non-injured contra-lateral leg. The bone texture was measured as the

The effect of marketing messages on the motivation to reduce private car use in different segments

This study explores marketing messages promoting sustainable transport and reported motivation to reduce private car use within different segments. A stated preference survey targeting a sample of 1300 residents in Sweden was conducted, and exploratory factor analysis was used to identify underlying dimensions of a set of 19 marketing messages. Self-efficacy and collective efficacy were defined asThis study explores marketing messages promoting sustainable transport and reported motivation to reduce private car use within different segments. A stated preference survey targeting a sample of 1300 residents in Sweden was conducted, and exploratory factor analysis was used to identify underlying dimensions of a set of 19 marketing messages. Self-efficacy and collective efficacy were defined as

Benefit from extended surveillance interval on colorectal cancer risk in Lynch syndrome

Aim: Although patients with Lynch syndrome have an increased risk of developing colorectal cancer, surveillance can reduce morbidity and mortality. Whether or not affected individuals benefit from lifetime surveillance depends on individual factors and patient adherence, and these may vary, complicating risk modelling. The aim of this study was to identify individual factors which influence patien

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The essay is an attempt to distinguish between the semantic notion of "childfree" and that of "voluntary childlessness" taking into account the Russian specifics. The author consistently describes socio-political content of the Russian research field emphasizing the conservative pro-natal trends of the recent years. The paper considers the origins of the conceptual field of non-parenthood and the

Guided web-based treatment program for reducing cannabis use : a randomized controlled trial

BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of a web-based treatment program with therapist guidance for adults and adolescents with regular cannabis use from the general population. METHODS: A double blinded randomized controlled trial with a parallel group design was conducted (intervention group n = 151, wait-list control group n = 152). Follow-up 12 weeks from treatment co

Potassium Disturbances and Risk of Ventricular Fibrillation Among Patients With ST-Segment-Elevation Myocardial Infarction

Background Potassium disturbances per se increase the risk of ventricular fibrillation (VF). Whether potassium disturbances in the acute phase of ST-segment-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) are associated with VF before primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PPCI) is uncertain. Methods and Results All consecutive STEMI patients were identified in the Eastern Danish Heart Registry from

Behandling av erektil dysfunktion – från piller till implantat - Region Skåne har kapat kön till implantatkirurgi utan att urologisk cancerkirurgi påverkats

The article gives an overview of erectile mechanisms and erectile dysfunction (ED). Current treatment of ED is presented. Most of the patients with ED should be treated by their primary care physician. Urologists should be involved only when treatment has failed, and when erectile implants might be an option. In Skåne the waiting list for these patients has been eliminated by using the operating c

New Nordic Peace: Nordic peace and conflict resolution efforts

For a long time, the Nordic countries have been a region of peace, with the ability to resolve conflicts peacefully among themselves, and a region for peace, actively promoting peace globally. Although efforts to actively brand the Nordic region are ongoing, the Nordic Peace brand is an area with untapped potential. The Nordics have rich traditions for working together on peace and conflict resolu

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Denne bog er en grundlæggende indføring i konfliktløsningstilgangen til internationale konflikter fra konfliktoptrapning til deeskalering på elite- såvel som græsrodsniveau. Bogen introducerer afgørende spørgsmål om konfliktdynamikker, magt, følelser, vold og ikke-vold og beskriver konfliktløsningstilgange fra forebyggelse og fredsbevaring til mægling, fredsopbygning og forsoning. Endelig fremhæve

A SOX2 reporter system identifies gastric cancer stem-like cells sensitive to monensin

Gastric cancer remains a serious health burden with few therapeutic options. Therefore, the recognition of cancer stem cells (CSCs) as seeds of the tumorigenic process makes them a prime therapeutic target. Knowing that the transcription factors SOX2 and OCT4 promote stemness, our approach was to isolate stem-like cells in human gastric cancer cell lines using a traceable reporter system based on

Att förebygga verksamhetsavfall

- Rapporten beskriver hur företrädare för organisationer inom mat, textil,elektronik samt bygg och rivning ser på förebyggande av verksamhetsavfall.- Intervjupersonerna identifierar tre hinder för avfallsförebyggande avverksamhetsavfall: ett snävt företagsekonomiskt synsätt, en avsaknad avtekniska lösningar, organisatoriska normer som inte har sin grund i attförebygga uppkomsten av avfall.- Att ut