

Din sökning på "*" gav 527960 sökträffar

En föreställning om samhället : militära marscher som social och politisk kommunikation i frihetstidens lokalsamhälle

Denna uppsats intresserar sig för den tidigmoderna människans interaktion och kommunikation med centralmakten. Utgångspunkten är att lokalsamhällets föreställningar om centralmakten skapades i lokala möten med denna. Ett sådant möte var den indelta krigsmaktens marscher i frihetstidens Sverige. Denna uppsats syftar till att analysera dessa marscher såsom kommunikativa och ideologiladdade ritualer

A packaging cost model for Ericsson AB

Problem Definition: Ericsson wants to increase their focus on reducing the total cost of packaging for the company in the whole world. They want to create a simple calculation model that can calculate the total packaging cost and compare different packaging solutions (country, freight, packaging, and product) in order to find the most cost effective packaging solution. This will facilitate the dev

"Så länge man kan motivera ett beslut": en vinjettstudie av variation i bedömning om ekonomiskt bistånd

The purpose of this study was to examine divergences in assessments of social assistance in one big and one small social welfare office in the municipalities of Malmö. To examine this we used a qualitative method. We held interviews with social workers and their superiors. At the end of the interviews with the social workers we presented two vignettes, describing different cases of first time appl

"Utanförskapets reservarmé": talet om Rosengård i svensk dags- och kvällstidningspress

The aim with this study has been to examine and to analyze the discourse of Rosengård in Swedish media. With the concept of discourse is meant here specific ways to speak about and to understand the world, or a part of it. In order to reach increased understanding regarding media presentations and constructions of Rosengård, I have done a study about how Rosengård has been presented in the Swedish

Long-term Water Balance of an Inland River Basin in an Arid Area, North-Western China

China, like many other countries in the region suffers from the water scarcity and problems of desertification and land degradation. One of the most useful approaches to deal with such a problem in the region is water balance study and analysis of different components involved to get an overview of the water supply and demand of the region so that engineers and policy makers can use that in their

Att se sitt barn med nya ögon: en narrativ studie om föräldrars upplevelse och meningsskapande när deras barn får diagnosen autistiskt syndrom

Based on phenomenological hermeneutics and narrative theory the study explored how parents experience and create meaning when the child receives the diagnosis of autistic disorder. Interviews were conducted with eight parents and the analysis concerned both contents and form in their stories. The resulting aspects of the contents is presented in seven areas: stories about the time before the diagn

Sångrösten - skillnader och likheter mellan manlig och kvinnlig sångröst i ett pedagogiskt perspektiv

The singing-voice ? Differences and similarities between male and female singing-voices in a pedagogical perspective The primary purpose of the present study is to create a basis for a deeper understanding of the male singing-voice. Within the above purpose the present study also aims at comparing differences and similarities between the male and the female singing-voice, and examining possible p

Ground Water and Surface Water Influence on the Water Quality in the Antequera River basin, Bolivia : A Minor Field Study

The Antequera Basin of 150 km2 is a sub-basin to Lake Poopó, located at an altitude of 3800 meters above sea level on the Bolivian high plateau. Lake Poopó is a terminal lake with high salinity and heavy pollution from centuries of extensive mining activity. The climate is semiarid-cold with an average precipitation of 450 mm/year and potential evaporation of 1700 mm/year. Almost all rain falls du

No title

Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the fossilization in language acquisition of Italian of two Swedish learners. I intend to use the Processability Theory and the Theory of gradual construction of italian verbs of the Pavia project. I also intend to investigate the sources of linguistic input of the learners . Methodology: I have recorded two learners as they speak and based on th

"De glittrar liksom igen" Om hur organisationer arbetar med flyktingbarn och vad en pedagog med skapande inriktning kan tillföra detta arbete

Denna studie har som huvudsyfte att undersöka hur organisationer arbetar med flyktingbarn och på vilket sätt en pedagog med skapande inriktning (till exempel en musiklärare) kan arbeta för att förbättra flyktingbarns situation i Sverige och i världen. Studien utgår från tre intervjuer med människor som är aktiva inom tre olika organisationer i Sverige. Dessutom tar studien upp integrationsprojekte

Förälder är lika med mamma: Synen på föräldraskap hos professionella som möter missbrukare.

Despite the fact that men dominate substance abuse research and that most programs to target substance abuse therefore are developed by and for men, very little is known about the fact that substance abusing men can also be parents. Mothers are up until today regarded as the most important parent even though society is changing and fathers are taken a more active part in childrearing. The average

Två frivårdskontors syn på den procentuella skillnaden, vad gäller kontraktvårdsdomar

The aim of this paper is to spread some light over contract treatment from the perspective of the District Courts, Social Services and Probation Services, and understand the reason for local variation of the number of people sentenced to contractual treatment. Essential questions asked in this paper are; What advantages and disadvantages are known by the cooperating parties regarding contract tre

Vad är kommersiellt och vad är public service? : Innehåll, form och funktion i radions morgonprogram

Uppsatsen undersöker radiomediets form (utformning, uppbyggnad och dess olika delar) och funktion (för programmens helhet och för lyssnarna) i dagens Sverige. Syftet var att analysera vilka likheter och skillnader som finns mellan public service radion och den kommersiella radion. Det är framförallt public service radions identitet som relateras i förhållande till den kommersiella radion. I uppsa

Effekten av Social Ångest och Självfokusering på Attributionsstil och Impressionsbildning

Studerade effekten av social ångest och självfokusering på attributionsstil och impressionsbildning. En 2 (uppmätt hög/låg social ångest) x 2 (manipulerad hög/låg självfokusering) design användes. Deltagarna var 68 studenter, 56 kvinnor och 12 män. För attributionsstil användes separata skalor för bra och dåliga händelser. För impressionsbildning användes en positiv och en negativ skala. Hög socia

State trajectories and social transaction costs : Reflections on differentation and social order

The paper addresses the classical sociological problem concerning the dual process of social integration and differentiation, and puts it in relation to the contemporary discourse of social capital. A number of analytical problems related to social capital are considered with specific reference to the theoretical development which turned the concept into an explaining variable of social integratio

Chatt - ett nytt sätt att kommunicera med bibliotekarien

This thesis presents a new way of providing library users with reference services, namely chat (text based digital reference service in real time). Our research questions focus on the role of reference service, a comparison of chat reference to other reference forms, and the interest for real-time, digital reference. Our literature review covered the areas of digital reference and reference theory

Läsa sig empatisk - läsning av skönlitteratur för utvecklande av den empatiska förmågan

Within the Swedish school and the public library communities it is generally held as a truth that reading of fiction develops the empathic ability of the reader. This opinion is also expressed in political guiding documents for the school system and cultural sector. This paper's main hypothesis is that there is no assembled theoretic ground for the statement that reading of fiction develops th

Portal till det förflutna : en arkeologisk kvalitetskontrollerad ämnesportal som resurs för universitetsutbildning i Lund.

The purpose of this essay ("Gateway to the Past. An archaeological quality controlled subject gateway as a resource for higher education in Lund") is to examine how a quality controlled subject gateway could increase the quality of the information supply for the Department of Archaeology and Ancient History at Lund University. The essay gives a brief background to subject gateways and al

Hylluppställning och användarbeteende i en skönlitterär samling : en fallstudie av Lunds stadsbibliotek

The aim of this thesis was to look closer into the shelf arrangement and user behavior in a fiction collection with the municipal library in Lund as an example. The purpose was to investigate to what extent the shelf arrangement in this library is adapted to the behavior of users when it comes to searching for and choosing fiction. The study is mainly focused on the division between Hc- and Hce-cl

Enkätundersökningar i teori och praktik - med inriktning på folkbibliotek

The purpose of this thesis is to study to what extent the methodological theories are being reflected in the construction of user surveys at public libraries in Sweden. The study has been conducted as a qualitative literature study in two parts. The first part is an examination of literature concerning survey methodology; the second part is a study of three user surveys conducted at Swedish public