

Din sökning på "*" gav 534692 sökträffar

Exploring the population of Galactic very-high-energy γ-ray sources

At very high energies (VHE), the emission of γ rays is dominated by discrete sources. Due to the limited resolution and sensitivity of current-generation instruments, only a small fraction of the total Galactic population of VHE γ-ray sources has been detected significantly. The larger part of the population can be expected to contribute as a diffuse signal alongside emission originating from prop

Solid-phase extraction on C18 silica as a purification strategy in the solution synthesis of a 1-Thio-β-D-galactopyranoside library

A novel strategy for the purification of carbohydrate-based chemical libraries synthesized in solution was developed. Purification of reaction products was accomplished by means of solid-phase extraction enabled by protecting the 2-, 3-, 4-, and 6-hydroxyl groups of a galactose derivative as their hydrophobic O-laurates. The presence of multiple O-laurates allowed adsorption of reaction products o

PapG adhesin from E. coli J96 recognizes the same saccharide epitope when present on whole bacteria and as isolated protein

Purified PapG adhesin from the genetically well-defined uropathogenic Escherichia coli strain J96, as well as whole bacteria, were bound to microtiter plates that carried covalently bound globotetraose and galabiose. The binding was inhibited by soluble saccharide derivatives corresponding to the globoseries of glycolipids, including all di-, tri-, tetra-, and pentasaccharide fragments of the Fors

Encountering Class Actions in Swedish Law and Society

Class actions in Sweden are not flourishing. This paper examines why the oldest class action regime in Scandinavia has not developed into anything more than a peripheral addition to the Swedish legal landscape, drawing on relevant procedural, political, and sociological insights. It is divided into two sections that (1) analyse the reform process in the 1990s and latest developments, including mai

The Cherenkov Telescope Array: layout, design and performance

The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) will be the next generation very-high-energy gamma-ray observatory. CTA is expected to provide substantial improvement in accuracy and sensitivity with respect to existing instruments thanks to a tenfold increase in the number of telescopes and their state-of-the-art design. Detailed Monte Carlo simulations are used to further optimise the number of telescopes a

Recasting Hume and Early Modern Philosophy : Selected Essays

This book is a collection of essays that are concerned with major figures and central topics of the history of early modern philosophy. Most of these essays are studies on the philosophy of David Hume, one of the great figures in the history of philosophy. One central theme, connecting many of the essays, concerns Hume's fundamental irreligious intentions. Russell argues that a proper appreciation

Farm and landscape factors interact to affect the supply of pollination services

Farms can harbor substantial biodiversity, which in turn sustains the supply of ecosystem services. The effectiveness of farm management to enhance biodiversity, however, may be modified by land cover in the surrounding landscape beyond a farmer’s direct control. We examined how landscape pattern and farm management affect the abundance and diversity of native bees visiting highbush blueberry in V

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Abstract in Portuguese:Referências a paisagens e lugares são elementos centrais nas narrativas tradicionais de falantes da língua Dâw (Naduhup,Amazônia brasileira). Essa ênfase na referência espacial é estabelecida principalmente por meio de orações adverbiaislocativas que são frequentemente repetidas ao longo do discurso. Sua função é relacionar um evento a um lugar, estabelecerreferência à inforReferences to landscape and places are central in traditional narratives by speakers of Dâw (Naduhup, Brazilian Amazon). This emphasis on spatial reference is primarily established through locative adverbial clauses that are often repeated throughout the discourse. Their function is to relate an event to a place, establish reference to locative information mentioned earlier in discourse, and provi

The invisible leash : when human brands hijack corporate brands' consumer relationships

Purpose: Corporate brands increasingly use influential, high reach human brands (e.g. influencers, celebrities), who have strong parasocial relationships with their followers and audiences, to promote their offerings. However, despite emerging understanding of the benefits arising from human brand-based campaigns, knowledge about their potentially negative effects on the corporate brand remains li

Will the iranian women succeed? A case study of current events in Iran

With Mahsa Amini’s death in Iran on the 13:th of September a series of protests began that are still ongoing today. With the help of previous literature, research, a qualitative interview and three fictional scenarios; nothing happens, a political revolution takes place or a social revolution takes place, the paper aims to qualitatively come to a conclusion on what the most likely scenario is afte

Reproducing a foreign dress : A short evaluation of the Archaic Cypro-Egyptian kilt

In the sanctuaries of 6th century Cyprus, a limited group of votive figures carry Egyptian-style dress, head gear, jewellery, and ornaments. This collection of lime-stone and bronze votaries is merely one category of several, within the island's material, which testify to Egyptian(-izing) preferences. The relation to similar material from the sanctuaries on the Phoenician coast remains to be estab

Solcellspark och vätgaslagring - Potential och förutsättningar utifrån fallstudie i Malmö

Att det idag råder energibrist i samhället är svårt att missa. Det är ett stort problem och det finns ingen quickfix. Ett sätt att hjälpa till att tillfredsställa energibehovet är att anlägga solcellsanläggningar på mark, kombinerat med ett vätgaslager. Det finns stor potential och engagemang för dessa anläggningar, men bristfälliga regleringar och lagar hämmar deras utveckling. Oroligheter i omvWhen society adjusts its energy supply to include environmentally friendly, fossilfree alternatives such as solar energy and hydrogen storage, clarity is needed regarding laws, rules, and standards. These have not really caught up with the development in technology and the growing interest that exists in this field. This work wants to answer the question regarding what the legal prerequisites and

Performance of a proposed event-type based analysis for the Cherenkov Telescope Array

The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) will be the next-generation observatory in the field of very-high-energy (20 GeV to 300 TeV) gamma-ray astroparticle physics. Classically, data analysis in the field maximizes sensitivity by applying quality cuts on the data acquired. These cuts, optimized using Monte Carlo simulations, select higher quality events from the initial dataset. Subsequent steps of t

Från empowerment till paternalism - En välviljans paradox i preventivmedelsrådgivningen till kvinnor med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning

Bakgrund: Barnmorskan ansvarar i Sverige självständig för att förskriva preventivmedel med indikation antikonception, samt arbetar för att främja sexuell och reproduktiv hälsa. Det är således i barnmorskans intresse att även för kvinnor med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning identifiera behov, främja sexuell hälsa och anpassa information utifrån intellektuella och adaptiva variationer, särskilt då

Where did all the money go? Funding, personnel and expenditure in Swedish universities and colleges 2001–21

Swedish universities and colleges have received a substantial funding increase since the turn of the millennium, as part of continued policies of expanding the admission of students to higher education to broader layers of the population and strengthen Swedish public research and development to increase the competitiveness of the Swedish knowledge-based economy. In this article, publicly available

Att stå mellan två världar - En kvalitativ studie om identitetsskapandet hos andra generationens invandrare

This study seeks to explore the identity and cultural belonging of second-generation immigrants. The purpose is to examine the view that second-generation immigrants have on these two aspects and the impact it has on creating their identity. The study is conducted through qualitative semi-structured interviews held with six individuals who qualify as second-generation immigrants. The individuals c

Synthesis of Ganglioside Lactams Corresponding to Gm1-, Gm2-,Gm3-, and GM4-Ganglioside Lactones

Ganglioside lactams are potentially useful analogs of ganglioside lactones, which are highly immunogenic derivatives of gangliosides. The lactam corresponding to the GM3-lactone saccharide has been synthesized by sialylation of a suitably protected lactose derivative carrying an azido group in the 2'-position, followed by reduction and ring closure to form GM3-lactam. Glycosylation in the 4-positi