

Din sökning på "*" gav 533093 sökträffar

Continuous evaluation of neurological prognosis after cardiac arrest.

Post-resuscitation care has changed in the last decade, and outcome after cardiac arrest has improved, thanks to several combined measures. Induced hypothermia has shown a treatment benefit in two randomized trials, but some doubts remain. General care has improved, including the use of emergency coronary intervention. Assessment of neurological function and prognosis in comatose cardiac arrest pa

Increased levels of cocaine and amphetamine regulated transcript in two animal models of depression and anxiety.

The neurobiological bases of mood disorders remain elusive but both monoamines and neuropeptides may play important roles. The neuropeptide cocaine and amphetamine regulated transcript (CART) was shown to induce anxiety-like behavior in rodents, and mutations in the human CART gene are associated with depression and anxiety. We measured CART-like immunoreactivity (-LI) in genetic rat models of dep

Evaluation of CSF Biomarkers as Predictors of Alzheimer's Disease: A Clinical Follow-Up Study of 4.7 Years.

In this study, we determined the diagnostic accuracy of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) biomarkers to predict development of Alzheimer's disease (AD) within five years in patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI). To do so, the levels of tau, phosphorylated tau, Abeta42, Abeta40, Abeta38, sAbetaPPalpha, and sAbetaPPbeta were analyzed in 327 CSF samples obtained at baseline from patients with AD (n=

Alteration of the counterregulatory responses to insulin-induced hypoglycemia and of cognitive function after massive weight reduction in severely obese subjects

The autonomic nervous system (ANS) and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis are reported as activated in excess in the morbidly obese state and, therefore, changes after weight loss can be anticipated. The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of a massive (similar to30%) weight reduction on the activation of the HPA axis and the ANS following bariatric surgery. Eight (7 women, 1 ma

Case in Icelandic : A Synchronic, Diachronic and Comparative Approach

This dissertation addresses the question of what the function of morphological case is in Icelandic. The working hypotheses of this book is that morphological case is a multifunctional category. Firstly, new verbs in Icelandic were collected and examined to cast light on the productivity of the morphological cases, revealing that not only are the nominative and accusative productive in Icelandic b

Effect of hyperthermia and/or nicotinamide on the radiation response of a C3H mammary carcinoma

The effect of hyperthermia and/or nicotinamide (200 mg/kg of body weight) on the tumour growth delay induced by radiation was evaluated in a C3H mouse mammary adenocarcinoma. The study showed a radiosensitizing effect of hyperthermia and of nicotinamide but the combination of all three modalitites showed no increased tumor growth delay compared to hyperthermia and radiation alone. The tumour growt

Two new avian mitochondrial genomes (penguin and goose) and a summary of bird and reptile mitogenomic features

We report complete mitochondrial (mt) genomes for a penguin (little blue, Eudyptula minor) and a goose (greater white-fronted, Anser albifrons). A revised annotation of avian and reptile mt genomes has been carried out, which improves consistency of labeling gene start and stop positions. In conjunction with this, a summary of mt gene features is presented and a number of conserved pattems and int

Growth and optical properties of strained GaAs-GaxIn1-xP core-shell nanowires

We have synthesized GaAs-GaxIn1-xP (0.34 < x < 0.69) core-shell nanowires by metal-organic vapor phase epitaxy. The nanowire core was grown Au-catalyzed at a low temperature (450 degrees C) where only little growth takes place on the side facets. The shell was added by growth at a higher temperature (600 degrees C), where the kinetic hindrance of the side facet growth is overcome. Photoluminescenc

A direct search for stable magnetic monopoles produced in positron-proton collisions at HERA

A direct search has been made for magnetic monopoles produced in e(+)p collisions at a centre of mass energy of 300 GeV at HERA. The beam pipe surrounding the interaction region in 1995-1997 was investigated using a SQUID magnetometer to look for stopped magnetic monopoles. During this time an integrated luminosity of 62 pb(-1) was delivered. No magnetic monopoles were observed and charge and mass

Fetal surveillance and outcome in postterm pregnancy

To minimize the risk of short-term and long-term morbidity and mortality among children born postterm, studies were performed to evaluate the fetal surveillance program. (1) Male-fetus pregnancies were at an increased risk

Extending autonomy by substituting judgment: A case of mistaken identity

According to the so-called Substituted Judgment Standard, a surrogate decision maker, acting on behalf of an incompetent patient, ought to make that health care decision which the patient would have made, had the latter been competent. The most common way of justifying the Substituted Judgment Standard is to maintain that this standard extends patients’ opportunities for self-determination to situ

There is an association between contact allergy to aluminium and persistent subcutaneous nodules in children undergoing hyposensitization therapy.

BACKGROUND: The development of persistent itchy nodules at the injection site following hyposensitization therapy with aluminium-precipitated antigen extract has been described in several reports. Occasionally, contact allergy to aluminium has been reported in individuals with such nodules. OBJECTIVES: To investigate if hyposensitization therapy can induce contact allergy to aluminium and examine

Primary aldosteronism among newly diagnosed and untreated hypertensive patients in a Swedish primary care area.

Abstract Objective. To evaluate the prevalence of primary aldosteronism (PA) in newly diagnosed and untreated hypertensive patients in primary care using the aldosterone/renin ratio (ARR), and to assess clinical and biochemical characteristics in patients with high and normal ARR. Design. Patient survey study. Setting and subjects. A total of 200 consecutive patients with newly diagnosed and untre

Longitudinal assessment of femoral knee cartilage quality using contrast enhanced MRI (dGEMRIC) in patients with anterior cruciate ligament injury - comparison with asymptomatic volunteers.

OBJECTIVE: In this observational longitudinal study we estimate knee joint cartilage glycosaminoglycan (GAG) content, in patients with an acute anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury, with or without a concomitant meniscus injury. METHODS: 29 knees (19 men/10 women) were prospectively examined by repeat delayed gadolinium-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging of cartilage (dGEMRIC), approximately 3

C-reactive protein, metabolic syndrome and incidence of severe hip and knee osteoarthritis. A population-based cohort study.

OBJECTIVE: To explore the relationships between C-reactive protein (CRP), metabolic syndrome (MetS) and incidence of severe knee or hip osteoarthritis (OA) in a prospective study. METHODS: A population-based cohort (n=5171, mean age 57.5+/-5.9 years) was examined between 1991 and 1994. Data was collected on lifestyle habits, measures of overweight, blood pressure as well as high-density lipoprotei