Din sökning på "*" gav 534753 sökträffar
Biographical reconciliation on the field of psychiatry
Comments on 'Single step versus multistep performance criteria for steady state SISO systems'
It is well-known that there exists a critical control weighting parameter which results in an unstable controller design if the uncontrolled system is unstable or nonminimum phase and a single stage cost functional is used. The purpose of this note is to show that the determination of this parameter reduces to solving a root-locus problem.
What Kind of Car is this Sales Support System? On Styles, Artifacts and Quality-in-use
Joining the Bandwagon?: Second and Third Elections in Africa
Intra-party Conflict and Ministerial Selection in Coalition Governments
Realization of a floating-point A/D converter
A floating-point analog-to-digital converter (FP-ADC) with a linear architecture has been implemented using an amplifier network in front of a pipeline ADC. The amplifier network has outputs with binary weighted gains, each sampled separately. The signal with the proper gain is then converted in the ADC. This structure allows instant floating point exponent determination. The mismatches in the amp
Housing adaptations in Sweden: Needs for quality development in occupational therapy practice
Optimal Time-Frequency Analysis of EEG
Våglängdsmätningar i cesium I samt spektrum och termanalys av enkelt joniserat syre, O II
[abstract missing]
Vad är rättvisa skatter?
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Analysis of Adaptation in Anteroposterior Dynamics of Human Postural Control
Enhancing organizational performance of international SMEs through inter-firm marketing collaborations.
EG-domstolens och svensk rättspraxis i internationell privat- och processrätt 2006-2008
internationell privträtt; private international law
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Abstract in Spanish Este trabajo presenta algunas reflexiones preliminares acerca del desarrollo rural en el nordeste de Argentina a la luz de los cambios socio-económicos y políticos acontecidos en los últimos veinte años aproximadamente. Así, por ejemplo, los procesos de descentralización que han tenido lugar en este país durante la década de 1990 ilustran la complejidad de las estrategias de de
The Hebrew Waw-Consecutive as a North-West Semitic Augment
The classical problem of the Hebrew consecutive tenses is here attacked from a different angle: that of comparative language typology. The article explores parallel typological developments between West Semitic and early Indo-European as pertains to the creation of verbal forms by means of adding an “augment” or temporalizing particle to otherwise Aktionsart- or aspect-based morphological construc
The GABAA Receptor as Target for Novel Heterocyclic Compounds
Ligands for the benzodiazepine-binding site of the GABAA receptor can belong to structurally diverse classes of compounds including, in spite of the name of the binding site, many non-benzodiazepine structures. The GABAA receptor is a ligand-gated ion channel assembled of five subunits from eight different classes with multiple isoforms. The physiological effect elicited by benzodiazepines is beli
External Stakeholder Management in the Construction Process
Construction projects affect the community in both positive and negative ways. Positive effects are, for instance, better communications, better housing, and a higher standard of living. However, construction projects inevitably bring with them deterioration and changes on the local plane, at the site of the construction project. Thus, in construction projects, many different and sometimes controv
Experimental and theoretical comparison of spatially resolved laser-induced incandescence signals in a sooting flame
A detailed experimental and theoretical investigation has been made on the use of Laser-Induced Incandescence (LII) in two configurations; right-angle LII and backward LII. Both right-angle and backward LII imaging measurements were conducted in simultaneous experiments at various pulse energies. The theoretically calculated LII signals were based on a heat transfer model for soot particles expose