

Din sökning på "*" gav 533107 sökträffar

Carbohydrate, dietary glycaemic index and glycaemic load, and colorectal cancer risk: a case-control study in China

A carbohydrate-rich diet results in hyperglycaemia and hyperinsulinaemia; it may further induce the carcinogenesis of colorectal cancer. However, epidemiological evidence among Chinese population is quite limited. The aim of this study was to investigate total carbohydrate, non-fibre carbohydrate, total fibre, starch, dietary glycaemic index (GI) and glycaemic load (GL) in relation to colorectal c

Views of swedish elder care personnel on ongoing digital transformation : Cross-sectional study

Background: Swedish municipalities are facing demographic challenges due to the growing number of older people and the resulting increased need for health care services. Welfare technologies are being launched as possible solutions for meeting some of these challenges. Objective: The aim of this study was to explore the perception, experimentation, evaluation, and procurement of welfare technology

Performance Analysis of the Doho Rice Irrigation Scheme in Uganda

The study analyzed the performance of Doho Rice Irrigation Scheme (DRIS), the largest public irrigation scheme in Uganda, using (1) water supply indicators comprising relative water supply (RWS), relative irrigation supply (RIS), and water delivery capacity (WDC) related to water supply from the system in relation to scheme crop water demand for the 2018–2019 growing season; and(2) water balance r

The Frog That Leaped: : Systemic design at the crossroads – options, constraints and design criteria for methodological development

The family of methodologies and approaches used and developed by the systemic design community has several characteristics that could play a vital role in supporting collective visioning and concerted action for sustainability transitions. It offers heuristics for bridging scales and domains, and tools for constructing spaces of joint reflection, visioning and decision-making. These methodologies

IPECAD Modeling Workshop 2023 Cross-Comparison Challenge on Cost-Effectiveness Models in Alzheimer's Disease

Objectives: Decision-analytic models assessing the value of emerging Alzheimer's disease (AD) treatments are challenged by limited evidence on short-term trial outcomes and uncertainty in extrapolating long-term patient-relevant outcomes. To improve understanding and foster transparency and credibility in modeling methods, we cross-compared AD decision models in a hypothetical context of disease-m

Transition metal transporting P-type ATPases : terminal metal-binding domains serve as sensors for autoinhibitory tails

Copper is an essential micronutrient and yet is highly toxic to cells at elevated concentrations. P1B-ATPase proteins are critical for this regulation, providing active extrusion across cellular membranes. One unique molecular adaptation of P1B-ATPases compared to other P-type ATPases is the presence of metal-binding domains (MBDs) at the cytosolic termini, which however are poorly characterized w

Green Oil - An investigation of the environmental narratives of ‘Profits & Principles’

This paper examines the ways in which carbon majors like Shell may present and identify themselves as ‘green’ alternatives whilst undermining the credibility of climate change science by investigating the construction of these narratives and how they differ between internal (employees) and external (general public) audiences. Focus is paid primarily to their rebranding of the late 1990s, analysing

Skamfläck eller föredöme? – Rättshjälp i förvaltningsprocessen: en komparativ studie av rättshjälp vid överprövning av förvaltningsbeslut i Sverige, Finland och Norge

Detta arbete behandlar frågan om enskildas möjligheter att erhålla allmän rättshjälp vid överprövningen av förvaltningsbeslut. Det övergripande syftet har varit att sätta den svenska rättshjälpen och dess förhållande till förvalt-ningsprocessen i ett komparativt perspektiv. En komparativ metod har därför använts för att undersöka likheterna och skillnaderna mellan den allmänna rättshjälpen i SveriThis paper examens the possibility of obtaining legal aid when appealing against administrative decisions. The overall aim has been to put the Swe-dish legal aid system and its relationship to the administrative procedure in a comparative perspective. A comparative method has therefore been used to examine the similarities and differences between the legal aid systems in Sweden, Finland and Norway

Bankernas ansvar vid bedrägerier - Om gränsdragningen mellan obehöriga och behöriga transaktioner enligt betaltjänstlagen och förhållandet till 30 § avtalslagen

Den tekniska utvecklingen på betalningsmarknaden har resulterat i att bedragare använder alltmer sofistikerade metoder för att lura sina offer på pengar. I Sverige har särskilt bankbedrägerier genom social manipulation ökat de senaste åren. Enligt 5a kap. 1 § betaltjänstlagen bär banken som huvudregel det ekonomiska ansvaret för obehöriga transaktioner. För att bestämmelsen ska vara tillämplig kräTechnological developments in the payment market have resulted in fraudsters using increasingly sophisticated methods to defraud their victims of money. In Sweden, bank fraud through social engineering has increased in recent years. According to Chapter 5a, Section 1 of the Payment Services Act, the bank bears, as a general rule, the financial responsibility for unauthorized transactions. However,

Disablised or Ablised?: Linguistic Categorisations of Dis/ability in Swedish Print Media Over Time

Which linguistic labels we use to name ourselves and others – such as disabled and non-disabled – make a difference regarding how we see ourselves and each other. Such labels may also say something about how we view society and the roles of people in it, as illustrated by the choice between people-first and identity-first labels. In the present study, we use a sample of 56,666 articles published b

Trivsamt eller lönsamt? En kvantitativ studie om socialt stöd och arbetstillfredsställelse på arbetsplatsen

Denna studie syftar till att undersöka fenomenet socialt stöd och huruvida det har en inverkan på den upplevda arbetstillfredsställelsen hos kontorsmedarbetare inom den privata sektorn. Studien tar även hänsyn till andra eventuella faktorer som främst lön men även kön. Variablerna mättes genom en webbenkät (N=78) och de statistiska analyserna genomfördes genom korrelationer och multipel regressionThis study aims to examine the phenomenon of social support and whether it relates to the perceived job satisfaction of white collar workers in the private sector. The study also considers other potential influencing factors, salary and gender. The variables were measured through a web-based survey (N=78) and statistical analyses were conducted using correlations and multiple regression. The resul

Constitutive GITR Activation Reduces Atherosclerosis by Promoting Regulatory CD4+ T-Cell Responses-Brief Report

OBJECTIVE: Glucocorticoid-induced tumor necrosis factor receptor family-related protein (GITR) is expressed on CD4(+) effector memory T cells and regulatory T cells; however, its role on these functionally opposing cell types in atherosclerosis is not fully understood.APPROACH AND RESULTS: Low-density lipoprotein receptor-deficient mice (Ldlr(-/-)) were lethally irradiated and reconstituted with e

Sharpen existing tools or get a new toolbox? Contemporary cluster initiatives and regional transformation

This paper explores the evolving landscape of regional innovation policy, focusing on the interplay between traditional cluster policies and emerging transformative agendas. Over the past decade, policy initiatives aimed at fostering place-based, collaborative innovation have proliferated. However, questions arise regarding the adequacy of existing policy tools in accommodating newer, transformati

At the timeshed: On the importance of seizing opportunity

At a geological time-scale, seas rise aloft and mountains crumble. We are currently in the middle of a debate on whether—in order to acknowledge the pervasive and geologically significant traces of human action on the planet—our present era should be labelled the “Anthropocene”, and if so, what would be the cut-off date for the commencement of that era. At the same moment, we are already contempla

Det nya parodi- och pastischundantaget - En kritisk analys av förslaget till en generell inskränkning för användning av upphovsrättsligt skyddade verk i parodi- och pastischsyfte i Lag (1960:729) om upphovsrätt till litterära och konstnärliga verk

Ett icke-lagstadgat undantag från upphovsrätten är det s.k. parodiundantaget som kommit att utläsas ur förarbeten till URL och svensk rättspraxis. Parodier har kommit att betraktas som nya och självständiga verk i svensk rätt och har därför sammankopplats med 4 § andra stycket URL. Pastischer har inte uttryckligen nämnts i äldre svenska förarbeten eller svensk rättspraxis, men har antagits inkludeA non-statutory exception to copyright is the so-called parody exception, which have been inferred from legislative history of the Swedish Act on Copyright in Literary and Artistic Works and Swedish case-law. Parodies have come to be regarded as new and independent works in Swedish law and have therefore been linked to Section 4(2) of the Swedish Act on Copyright in Literary and Artistic Works. It

Association between Dietary Zinc and Selenium Intake, Oxidative Stress-Related Gene Polymorphism, and Colorectal Cancer Risk in Chinese Population - A Case-Control Study

Zinc and selenium may protect against colorectal cancer (CRC) progression through their anti-oxidative effects. This study examined the independent and combined effect of dietary zinc and selenium intake, and polymorphisms of the oxidative stress-related genes (superoxide dismutase 1, superoxide dismutase 2, glutathione peroxidase, and catalase) on CRC risk in a Chinese case-control study. A total

Association between flavonoids, flavonoid subclasses intake and breast cancer risk: a case-control study in China

Anti-tumor effect of dietary flavonoids has been sustained by laboratory experiments, but epidemiological studies with breast cancer risk remained inconsistent and insufficient. This study aimed to investigate the associations between total and subclasses of flavonoid and breast cancer risk among Chinese population. This case-control study recruited 1522 eligible breast cancer cases and 1547 frequ

Antibiotic treatment recommendations for acute respiratory tract infections in Scandinavian general practices—time for harmonization?

Introduction: During recent years, the world—including Scandinavia—has experienced significant challenges with shortages of antibiotics. In Scandinavia, phenoxymethylpenicillin is recommended as first-line antibiotic treatment for most acute respiratory tract infections (ARTIs). However, the Scandinavian countries each constitute rather small markets for phenoxymethylpenicillin. The aim of this di

Activation Solution for Dual Functional Clutch Pack for Limited Slip Differential

Limited-slip differentials (LSD) are normally placed in high-end and race cars to improve the handling, by reducing the differential speed and balancing the torque between the driving wheels. However, electrical-activated LSD struggles to continuously eliminate the differential speed over extended periods of time. To overcome this, BorgWarner proposed a dual-functional clutch pack, featuring two d