

Din sökning på "*" gav 528099 sökträffar

Suffering in Silence: Non-Help-Seeking amongst Women with Postpartum Depression

Postpartum depression (PPD) affects about 13% of all women giving birth and is described as a devastating disorder. Yet, the majority of women suffering from PPD do not seek professional help. Insecure attachment is shown to be a significant help-seeking barrier for women with PPD; however as research thus far has focused on help-seeking populations it is still unknown how different attachment sty

A development of a tool to improve traceability between requirement and verification

In the development of a product or system it is important to know that all the requirements are verified and validated in order to maintain a good reputation and standard. Today ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems AB does not have a clear traceability between requirements and verification. In order to improve and create a clear formal traceability for their developing process a traceability examination ha

Elever med ADHD i en inkluderande skola: om inklusion och exklusion i skolan

Jag har i min studie studerat hur specialpedagogens roll bidrar till en inklusion eller exklusion av elever med ADHD. Begreppet En skola för alla är ett begrepp som myntades i Sverige under 1980-talet. Begreppet är en politisk vision som innebär att den obligatoriska skolan i Sverige ska anpassas efter varje individ och dess individuella förutsättningar. Det talas även om ett inkluderande perspekt

Why Pay When You Can Get It For Free? A quantitative study of the competition on the web-based music market in Sweden

SVENSK SAMMANFATTNING Titel: Why Pay When You Can Get It For Free? A quantitative study of the web-based music industry Seminariedatum: 4 juni 2014 Kurs: FEKH19 Kandidatkurs i Strategic Management, 15 Hp Författare: Erika Fredriksson, Louise Klintner, Evelina Wennerberg Handledare: Christine Blomquist Nyckelord: Web-based music services, Buyer switching costs, Sampling, Willingness to pay, ABSTRACT IN ENGLISH Title: Why Pay When You Can Get It For Free? A quantitative study of the web-based music industry Seminar date: 4 of June, 2014 Topic/Course: FEKH19 Bachelors Thesis in Strategic Management, 15 University Credits Points (UPC) or ECTS-credits) Authors: Erika Fredriksson, Louise Klintner, Evelina Wennerberg Advisor: Christine Blomquist Key words: Web-based music services,

Auctioning as a financial instrument. Alternative strategies in overcoming economic hardship in Malmö, 1840-1870.

The impact of economic hardship has been proven to be a substantial factor in how people lived their lives in the 19th century Sweden. Equally the second-hand market has in recent studies been shown to have been a substantial part of the 19th century economy. The second-hand market consisting of market institutions such as peddler merchants, pawnshops and auctions were central to how people bought

Rotationsviskosimeter, RVB

To most people bitumen is an unknown material although it is the most important ingredient in asphalt pavements, something that everyone knows and uses every day. By merely distilling crude oil a substance is produced with unique properties and durability, which could not have been produced by synthetic means, at least not in those quantities used. The production is not that simple and the raw mat

Assessing the Market Attractiveness for a Renewable Energy Source

Background The EU’s 20-20-20 targets determine that Finland’s share of energy consumption from renewable energy sources is to be 38 % by 2020, a target that the government intends to reach by expansion of wind power. The government has a beneficial feed-in tariff in place as an incentive for rapid wind power expansion, which has made both domestic and international developers evaluate the business

Electricity Prices and Energy Efficiency - A Regression Discontinuity Approach

This study analyzes the relationship between electricity prices and energy efficiency in German companies. Economic theory suggests that higher energy prices will lead to higher energy efficiency. This paper tests this hypothesis empirically by analyzing company-level data from Germany. In particular, a special provision of the German Renewable Energy Act (REA) is exploited. According to this prov

REE mineralisation and metasomatic alteration in the Olserum metasediments

The Olserum mineralisation is situated in the metasediments of the Västervik formation, which repre-sents the southernmost continental margin of the Svecokarelian Domain. After deposition between 1.88 – 1.85 Ga these sediments were subsided to a depth of about 10 km and intruded by a series of granitoid melts. The resulting HT/LP metamorphism, with a peak at upper amphibolite facies, transformed t

Environmental Performance in Customer Communications

Corporate environmental efforts are now valued higher than ever and need to be communicated to customers in a successful manner. Companies today wish to promote themselves as sustainable and use environmental performance to obtain competitive advantages. SKF is promoting themselves as an environmentally sustainable supplier and wishes to ascertain how environmental performance can be communicated

Fast Valuation of Options under Parameter Uncertainty

Option valuation is typically done under the unrealistic assumption of perfect knowledge about model parameters. This thesis shows that risk-neutral valuation, while still adressing the parameter uncertainty, can be computed for a variety of models within the Fourier framework. This results in a computationally inexpensive method for valuating options. A study of S&P500 index option data shows

Fleet Management – Utveckling av verktyg för estimering av underhållskostnader

Bakgrund Trafikoperatören Arriva DK befinner sig i en expansionsfas och ser därför ett ökat behov av att arbeta på ett mer strukturerat sätt, i förhållande till tidigare ad hoc-kultur. Beslut har därför tagits att skapa en portfölj innehållande verktyg och processer för att bättre hantera styrningen av företagets bussflotta. Styrningen av en bussflotta kallas även fleet management och examensarbet

Tracking Product Profitability A Case Study on Challenges and Opportunities in Performance Management

Background:The case company Atlas Copco has a decentralized organisation where the product responsibility has been delegated to the Product Line Manager located at the production facility. To manage the product portfolio and make strategic and tactical business decisions related to the products, information about product performance and profitability is a key input. Today, the Product Line Manager

Den teknologiska IPOn i kraschens efterdyningar

Tidigare forskningsresultat har indikerat att långsiktig underprestation i regel återfinns hos börsintroducerade bolag. Syftet med den här studien är att testa huruvida de tidigare forskningsresultaten också gäller för börsintroduktioner inom teknologibranschen under 2000-talet. Genom att studera börsintroducerade bolags aktiekursutveckling, fastställs prestationen då de jämförs med marknads- och Earlier studies have shown that long-run under performance is occuring for Initial Public Offerings (IPOs). The purpose of this thesis is to test whether long-run under performance is appliable for IPOs within the technology sector during the 21st century. By studying movements in stock prices, the performance is determined when comparisons to indices are made. Further on, the three year buy-and-h

Return Models and Covariance Matrices

Return models and covariance matrices of return series have been studied. In particular, GARCH and SV models are compared with respect to their forecasting accuracy when applied to intraday return series. SV models are found to be considerably more accurate and more consistent in accuracy in forecasting. Covariance matrices formed from Gaussian and GARCH return series, and in particular, return s

Whaling in the High Seas - Conservatory obligations and customary law

This thesis examines what conservatory obligations there are on whaling in customary law and international sources. The focus is on high sea whaling and the main international laws on the high sea concerning living resources and the main whaling conventions. The exploitation of marine mammals is regulated by the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Seas, the Convention on Biological Diversi