

Din sökning på "*" gav 275368 sökträffar

A note on the selfshrinking generator

We show that certain weak feedback polynomials allow very efficient distinguishing attacks on the selfshrinking generator. This gives a new improved attack if the generator uses a secret feedback polynomial.

Memory Illusions and Memory Attributions : Behavioural and Electrophysiological Data

Popular Abstract in Swedish Minnet är ofta korrekt, men också formbart, vilket kan leda till uppkomsten av illusoriska eller förvrängda minnen. Studiet av dessa erbjuder en intressant inblick i minnets grundläggande natur och klarlägger omständigheter som påverkar minnets grad av korrekthet. Denna doktorsavhandling har försökt belysa processer som ligger till grund för både riktiga och falska minnAlthough memory often serves us well, it can also prove highly unreliable. The study of illusions and distortions of memory unveils important information about the nature of human memory functioning and, moreover, factors affecting memory accuracy. By taking a cognitive neuroscience perspective, the present dissertation aimed at elucidating processes promoting both true and false remembering and t

Febrile Urinary Tract Infection: P fimbriae, Innate Host Response and Bacteremia

Popular Abstract in Swedish Urinvägsinfektioner (UVI) är en av människans vanligaste bakteriella infektioner och drabbar både kvinnor och män. Kvinnor drabbas av UVI under hela sitt vuxna liv, medan UVI incidensen hos män ökar efter 40 – 50 års ålder pga. ökande problematik i urinvägarna med prostataförstoring, m.m. UVI orsakas av ett flertal olika bakteriearter, men tarmbakterien Escherichia coliUrinary tract infections (UTI) are among the most common human infections, and febrile UTI with bacteremia the most severe form. The relation between bacteria and host decides disease severity. The dominating uropathogen is Escherichia coli (E. coli). P fimbriae are the virulence factor of E. coli most clearly associated to severe disease. P fimbriated E. coli predominated in bacteremic febrile UT

Transverse and longitudinal Bose-Einstein correlations in e(+)e(-) annihilation

We show how a difference in the correlation length longitudinally and transversely, with respect to the jet axis in e+e- annihilation, arises naturally in a model for Bose-Einstein correlations based on the Lund string model. The difference is more apparent in genuine three-particle correlations and they are therfore a good probe for the longitudinal stretching of the string field.

South-South FDI and Development in East Asia

This paper attempts to measure the size of South–South foreign direct investment (FDI) in developing East Asia and the trends in it, the characteristics of the investing countries, and the investments themselves. It also summarizes the findings of studies in individual countries of the effects of these investments. The studies of individual countries will be used to try to find some consensus on d

Missbrukare i rättsstaten : en rättsvetenskaplig studie om lagstiftningen rörande tvångsvård av vuxna missbrukare

The Care of Abusers (Special Provisions) Act (1988:870) - LVM - gives society the right, and the obligation, to deprive an individual of his liberty on grounds of ongoing abuse of alcohol, narcotics or volatile solvents. In addition, legislation gives the authorities the right to make body search and superficial personal search, to control mail and other deliveries, and the right to further restri

Surface Area and Porosity

The BET surface area was found to be 10.5 (±0.5), 10.1 (±0.5) and 11.0 (±0.5) m2 g−1 for sample EL10, EL10V1 and EL10V8, respectively. No microporosity was observed for any of the samples. In all cases, a bimodal distribution of porosity was observed, indicating intraparticle macroporosity with radii about 0.1–0.2 and interparticle porosity radii around 10 μm. The TiO2 support is composed of parti

Structure of polyelectrolytes in 3 : 1 salt solutions

Polyion conformation and the distribution of small ions near the polyion have been investigated using Monte Carlo simulations. The systems of interest contained one polyion and its monovalent counterions, and variable amount of a 3:1 salt. With monovalent counterions only, the polyion is strongly extended. As salt is added, the polyion folds, and the most compact and spherical-like structure appea