

Din sökning på "*" gav 526011 sökträffar

Retailising Space, Architecture, Retail and the Territorialisation of Public Space

In recent decades we have witnessed a proliferation of new kinds of retail space. Retail space has cropped up just about everywhere in the urban landscape, at libraries, workplaces, churches and museums. In short, retail is becoming a more and more manifest part of the public domain. The traditional spaces of retail such as city centres and outlying shopping malls are either increasing in size or

Passive houses in Sweden - Experiences from design and construction

The sector of residential buildings and service organizations uses 36% of the total energy in Sweden. In June 2006, it was decided by the Swedish parliament that the energy use in residential buildings and premises should decrease by 20% per heated unit area before 2020. To reach this goal, more energy efficient buildings must be produced as well as energy efficient improvements must be performed

Mammalian Molecular Systematics with Emphasis on the Insectivore Order Lipotyphla

Insectivore classification has been one of the most controversial problems in mammalian systematics. Evolutionary relationships among the six extant families, Talpidae (moles), Soricidae (shrews), Erinaceidae (hedgehogs), Tenrecidae (tenrecs), Chryosochloridae (golden moles), and Solenodontidae (solenodons), have remained uncertain based on morphological data. Animals classified within the order L

Development of a Novel Method for Evaluation of Interfacial Tension between Polymer Melts

A novel method for the evaluation of interfacial tension of high viscosity polymer melts is described. The method involves the tracking of the shape evolution of a highly deformed droplet of one material imbedded in a second one. This makes it possible to determine the interfacial tension over a relatively short time period. The imbedded material is initially either a fiber or a disk. The techniqu

Revisiting Software Requirements Specifications - What could we learn

A software requirements specification (SRS) is an important document that reports the result from the system requirements determination (SRD) which forms a basis for subsequent activities in the systems development process. In order to increase the knowledge base of SRS and how they could be structured nine SRSs are analyzed. The analysis aims at demonstrate similarities and differences in SRS com

Volume of fluid and immersed boundary investigations of a single rising droplet

(IB) methods are two popular computational techniques for multi-fluid dynamics. To help shed light on the performance of both techniques, we present accuracy assessment including interfacial geometry, detailed and global transport characteristics. The investigations include the simulations of a droplet under static equilibrium and a droplet rising due to gravity for Re≤1000. Different surface tens

Survival of Cultured and Grafted Embryonic Dopaminergic Neurones - Effects of hypothermia and prevention of oxidative stress

Popular Abstract in Swedish Parksinson’s sjukdom (PD) är en neurodegenerativ sjukdom där dopamininnehållande (dopaminerga) nervceller gradvis dör av oklar anledning, vilket leder till störningar I rörelsemönstret hos patienten. Det finns för närvarande inte någon bot mot sjukdomen och de goda effekterna av medicinering avtar efter 5-10 år. Genom att transplantera nya dopaminerga nervceller från hTransplantation of embryonic dopaminergic neurones can ameliorate symptoms in Parkinson’s disease, but a major obstacle for clinical transplantations to overcome is the low survival (typically 5-10%) of implanted nigral neurones. If cell death in nigral grafts can be prevented, less embryonic tissue would be needed per transplantation session and hence more patients could receive intracerebral gra

Computer-controlled systems : theory and design (3 ed.)

Practically all modern control systems are based upon microprocessors and complex microcontrollers that yield high performance and functionality. This volume focuses on the design of computer-controlled systems, featuring computational tools that can be applied directly and are explained with simple paper-and-pencil calculations. The use of computational tools is balanced by a strong emphasis on c

Composing ad-hoc applications on ad-hoc networks using MUI

The MUI framework supports composition of ad-hoc applications from services available on ad-hoc networked devices. MUI is an open-ended framework, relying on migrating user interfaces and standardized data formats for connecting services, allowing existing devices to be connected to new devices without needing any pre-defined knowledge of their services. We illustrate the benefits of the approach

Foraging behaviour in benthivorous fish

Popular Abstract in Swedish Förmågan att kunna hitta mat är väldigt viktigt för alla djur eftersom detta påverkar flera saker, t ex hur snabbt man växer. Det i sin tur påverkar vilken roll man har i en grupp, hur mycket energi man har råd att lägga på fortplantning och hur många ungar man får. Att söka mat är oftast för-knippat med att äta, men inkluderar även andra aspekter som att söka efter matThe foraging ability of an organism is essential since it affects various traits, e.g. growth, reproduction effort, social status and, ultimately, fitness. Foraging is often associated with food intake but includes more aspects such as searching for and assessing food patches and evaluating the patch as good or bad compared to the rest of the environment. On top of that, a forager also has to surv

In pursuit of a promise: Perspectives on the political process to establish the European Spallation Source (ESS) in Lund, Sweden

On 28 May 2009, at a closed meeting in Brussels, ministers and state secretaries of education and science from several EU countries decided to build the European Spallation Source (ESS) in Lund, Sweden. Or did they? It is common for big European science projects to be surrounded by secrecy and political deceit, but the ESS is extraordinary in its elusiveness. There is a remarkable lack of concrete

A Future for the Past of Desert Vernacular Architecture

Popular Abstract in English Vernacular (local) architecture is in danger and about to disappear in several parts of the world. What we call native, traditional and handmade will disappear gradually and then the true meaning of vernacular vanishes. The present thesis shows that the disappearance of vernacular traditional skills creates an increasing threat to the existence of desert vernacular archDesert vernacular architecture has always been the product of a sustainable building cycle. People inherited the traditional way of building from their ancestors and the knowledge was transferred and developed from one generation to another. Inhabitants responded to their environment and climate through trial and error in a way that satisfied their needs and aspirations to create a developing buil