

Din sökning på "*" gav 533979 sökträffar

Prolonged opioid use after distal radius fracture

BACKGROUND: Prolonged opioid use (more than 90 days) after injury puts the patient at risk for adverse effects. We investigated the patterns of opioid prescription after distal radius fracture and the effect of pre- and post-fracture factors on the risk for prolonged use.METHODS: This register-based cohort study uses routinely collected health care data, including purchases of prescription opioids

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A theatre performance with and about 4 war veterans with PTSD. In an autobiographical tur de force they take us back to their life changing moments and try to recreate the lives they had before they got crashed by war. Produced by Fix&Foxy together with Betty Nansen Teatret.TURNÉFORESTILLING.

The Assurance Problem for Transfers Between Generations and the Necessity of Economic Growth

Population ageing is a fact of all advanced economies. Fewer people are born all the while current members live longer. The support which old people have come to depend on, for example through elderly care and pensions, thus becomes increasingly expensive. This accentuates an assurance problem. Although it has been and still is the case that the young are willing to support the currently old, this

Proximity to oilseed rape fields affects plant pollination and pollinator-mediated selection on a co-flowering plant on the Tibetan Plateau

The ecological effects of mass-flowering crops on pollinator abundance and species richness of neighbouring habitats are well established, yet the potential evolutionary consequences remain unclear. We studied effects of proximity to a mass-flowering crop on the pollination of local co-flowering plants and on patterns of natural selection on a pollination-generalised plant on the Tibetan Plateau.

Radiographically confirmed community-acquired pneumonia in hospitalized adults due to pneumococcal vaccine serotypes in Sweden, 2016–2018—The ECAPS study

Objectives: In Sweden, pneumococcal serotype distribution in adults with community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) and potential coverage of currently licensed pneumococcal conjugate vaccines (PCVs) is unknown. Methods: During 2016–2018, patients aged ≥18 years hospitalized with radiologically confirmed (RAD+) CAP were enrolled at Skåne University Hospital in a study on the etiology of CAP in Sweden (ECA

Robust Deconvolution of Underwater Acoustic Channels Corrupted by Impulsive Noise

Impulsive noise is one of the most challenging forms of interference in an underwater acoustic environment. In this paper, we present an underwater acoustic channel deconvolution method based on a sparse representation framework. The application of the method enables a channel impulse response reconstruction that is robust to impulsive noise. By exploiting the inherent structure in the channel res

Socratic Provocation in Art

In his ‘Provocation in Philosophy and Art’ Dan Egonsson argues that provocation is integral to Socrates’ way of doing philosophy both when aiming for (the interlocutor’s) personal moral development and as an instrument for societal change, and that provocation in art differs significantly from its Socratic counterpart. Morally dubious provocation in art can, however, Egonsson argues be justified o

Modelling and Learning Dynamics for Robotic Food-Cutting

Interaction dynamics are difficult to model analytically, making data-driven controllers preferable for contact-rich manipulation tasks. In this work, we approximate the intricate dynamics of food-cutting with a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) model to apply a Model Predictive Controller (MPC). We propose a problem formulation that allows velocity-controlled robots to learn the interaction dynamics

Towards a Transrelational Theory of Moral Agency

This paper presents the foundations of a transrelational theory of moral agency, which extends the relational view with the idea that moral relationships include as well as transcend the descriptive criteria – e.g., in virtue of 1st person properties or 3rd person observables – of whatever makes someone a moral agent. The resultis a holistic picture that captures the complex interrelationship betwThis paper presents the foundations of a transrelational theory of moral agency, which extends the relational view with the idea that moral relationships include as well as transcend the descriptive criteria – e.g., in virtue of 1st person properties or 3rd person observables – of whatever makes someone a moral agent. The result is a holistic picture that captures the complex interrelationship bet

Ordered Mesoporous Particles in Titania Films with Hierarchical Structure as Scattering Layers in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells

This work aimed to understand the relationship between the physical properties of scattering particle layers in dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) and their performance, to assist optimization of this component of the DSSC. Highly ordered anatase 2D-hexagonal mesoporous titania (meso-TiO2) nanoparticles with a high surface area and large pore size were fabricated. Meso-TiO2 was used as scattering

GATA3 targets semaphorin 3B in mammary epithelial cells to suppress breast cancer progression and metastasis

Semaphorin 3B (SEMA3B) is a secreted axonal guidance molecule that is expressed during development and throughout adulthood. Recently, SEMA3B has emerged as a tumor suppressor in non-neuronal cells. Here, we show that SEMA3B is a direct target of GATA3 transcriptional activity. GATA3 is a key transcription factor that regulates genes involved in mammary luminal cell differentiation and tumor suppr

Interactions between quaternary ammonium surfactants and polyethylenimine at high pH in film forming systems

Film formation and film structure in films formed on solutions of cationic surfactants with polyethylenimine is influenced by the surfactant structure, including both the tail length and the nature of the headgroup, which alter the micelle properties. Experiments: A series of cationic surfactants were synthesized and conductivity measurements were used to compare the critical micelle concentration

Voltammetric optimisation of TEMPO-mediated oxidations at cellulose fabric

N-Oxyl mediated oxidations are becoming widely applied to the selective oxidation of a range of substrates bearing primary alcohol groups, including renewable biopolymers such as cellulose, but screening of mediators and oxidation conditions can be a laborious process, potentially limiting discovery of new mediators and/or optimised conditions for reaction. We describe a simple method for rapid vo

The link between body size, colouration and thermoregulation and their integration into ecogeographical rules : a critical appraisal in light of climate change

Biological rules describe general morphological, structural and genetic patterns within and across species. Within these, ecogeographical rules correlate phenotypic variation of organisms with biogeography. The latter have been developed over the last 150 years, and recently have gained renewed attention due to climate change, as researchers try to predict how species will respond to different env

Substrate thermal properties influence ventral brightness evolution in ectotherms

The thermal environment can affect the evolution of morpho-behavioral adaptations of ectotherms. Heat is transferred from substrates to organisms by conduction and reflected radiation. Because brightness influences the degree of heat absorption, substrates could affect the evolution of integumentary optical properties. Here, we show that vipers (Squamata:Viperidae) inhabiting hot, highly radiative

Excellent MSc Dissertations 2021

In this sixth edition of the Excellent MSc Dissertation series, eight students present condensed versions of their Master’s theses, completed for the MSc degree in Media and Communication Studies at Lund University. Viewed together, the eight dissertations comprising this book illustrate three key themes of media and communication scholarship. The first is the central role of media and communicati