Din sökning på "*" gav 527866 sökträffar
Mass Consumption and Political Consumerism
This chapter focuses on the relation between mass consumption and political consumerism. Mass consumption concerns the omnipresent role of consumption in contemporary societies with associated problems of excessive resource use in current practices of consumption. The late modern context and forces of mass consumption can both trigger and prevent political consumerism as well as shape its outcome.
Secure Cloud Storage with Joint Deduplication and Erasure Protection
This work proposes a novel design for secure cloud storage systems using a third party to meet three seemingly opposing demands: reduce storage requirements on the cloud, protect against erasures (data loss), and maintain confidentiality of the data. More specifically, we achieve storage cost reductions using data deduplication without requiring system users to trust that the cloud operates honest
Åt var och en sitt: Straffbestämmelse, straffskärpningsgrund eller både och?
Temporal relations in North Sámi ECM constructions
The embedded verb in North Sámi ECM-constructions can appear in one of three different forms: past participle, progressive and infinitive. The existing descriptions of North Sámi say that the past participle places the embedded event before the higher event, that the progressive (traditionally called aktio essive) expresses temporal coincidence with the higher event, and that the infinitive normal
hLMSC Secretome Affects Macrophage Activity Differentially Depending on Lung-Mimetic Environments
Mesenchymal stromal cell (MSC)-based therapies for inflammatory diseases rely mainly on the paracrine ability to modulate the activity of macrophages. Despite recent advances, there is scarce information regarding changes of the secretome content attributed to physiomimetic cultures and, especially, how secretome content influence on macrophage activity for therapy. hLMSCs from human donors were c
Påföljd för mord
Teori och politik : straffrätt i omvandling
Något har hänt med kriminalpolitiken. Brott och straff står högt på den politiska agendan hos såväl regeringen som oppositionen. Kriminalpolitiken tillhör väljarnas viktigaste frågor. Brottsligheten får ett allt större utrymme i media. Reformtakten på det straffrättsliga området har accelererat. I den här boken tar tolv yngre svenska straffrättsforskare pulsen på den samtida kriminalpolitiken. Gen
Adaptive Variational Nonlinear Chirp Mode Decomposition
Variational nonlinear chirp mode decomposition (VNCMD) is a recently introduced method for nonlinear chirp signal decomposition that has aroused notable attention in various fields. One limiting aspect of the method is that its performance relies heavily on the setting of the bandwidth parameter. To overcome this problem, we here propose a Bayesian implementation of the VNCMD, which can adaptively
Resolving the biological paradox of aneurysm formation in children with tuberous sclerosis complex
Aortic aneurysms are rare manifestations in children with tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) with life threating implications. Although an association between TSC, aortic and other aneurysms has been recognized, mechanistic insights explaining the pathophysiology behind aneurysm development and genetic aberrations in TSC have so far been lacking. Here, we summarize existing knowledge on aneurysms in
Cardiovascular effects of intrauterine exposure to maternal HIV and antiretroviral therapy in Ethiopian infants followed from fetal life
Objective:To assess cardiovascular effects of in-utero HIV and antiretroviral treatment (ART) exposure on offspring of HIV-positive mothers in Ethiopia.Design:HIV-positive and HIV-negative pregnancies were identified from a prospective cohort of women recruited at their first antenatal care visit in Ethiopia, using a nested case-control design.Methods:Fetal standard ultrasound and echocardiography
Paediatric reference values for the work rate-indexed systolic blood pressure response during exercise
Cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator correction attenuates heart failure-induced lung inflammation
Heart failure (HF) affects 64 million people worldwide. Despite advancements in prevention and therapy, quality of life remains poor for many HF patients due to associated target organ damage. Pulmonary manifestations of HF are well-established. However, difficulties in the treatment of HF patients with chronic lung phenotypes remain as the underlying patho-mechanistic links are still incompletely
Recension av Marie Rosenius : Delaktig i vilken mening? En teologisk analys av delaktighetsstrategier i svenskkyrkliga gudstjänstliv
Palmes misstag slarvade bort valsegern
Striatal hand deformities in Parkinson's disease - hand surgical perspectives
BackgroundThe knowledge about striatal hand deformities (SHD) in Parkinson’s disease (PD), has recently increased but need more attention due to their early impact on dexterity. The focus of clinical studies has been on the staging of SHD severity and neurological features. However, a hand surgical perspective has not been considered.ObjectivesOur purpose was to examine SHD in patients with PD usi
Compound-internal anaphora : evidence from acceptability judgements on Italian argumental compounds
The particular properties of argumental compounds in Italian pose interesting theoretical challenges, and investigations of possible syntactic operations within this type of complex words have resulted in conflicting conclusions. Regarding compoundinternal anaphora, some researchers exclude the possibility that pronouns can refer to the non-head, while others do not. However, these findings have b
Fredsrörelsen och dess kritiker : en studie i polarisering
How much do we really care what we pick? : Pre-verbal and verbal investment in choices concerning faces and figures
Decreasing the share of travel by car. Strategies for implementing ‘push’ or ‘pull’ measures in a traditionally car-centric transport and land use planning
This paper analyzes strategies that can be successfully pursued to implement measures to reduce car traffic in what has traditionally been a very car-centric planning praxis. Analytically, the paper use path dependency theory to provide an understanding of why certain types of measure are not implemented in cities on as widespread a basis as policy objectives may require, and to understand how tra