Din sökning på "*" gav 533520 sökträffar
Sex differences in helping effort reveal the effect of future reproduction on cooperative behaviour in birds
The evolution of helping behaviour in species that breed cooperatively in family groups is typically attributed to kin selection alone. However, in many species, helpers go on to inherit breeding positions in their natal groups, but the extent to which this contributes to selection for helping is unclear as the future reproductive success of helpers is often unknown. To quantify the role of future
Functional and Oncologic Outcomes Between Open and Robotic Radical Prostatectomy at 24-month Follow-up in the Swedish LAPPRO Trial
BACKGROUND: The adoption of robot-assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomy (RALP) has increased rapidly, despite lack of conclusive evidence of its superiority regarding long-term outcomes over open retropubic RP (RRP). In 2015, we reported on 12-mo follow-up from the LAPPRO trial showing a moderate advantage of RALP regarding erectile dysfunction. No significant differences were seen for urina
Severe asthma: Entering an era of new concepts and emerging therapies: Highlights of the 4th international severe asthma forum, Madrid, 2018
Antibody to the Mr 65,000 isoform of glutamic acid decarboxylase are detected in non-insulin-dependent diabetes in Japanese
It was recently reported that antibodies against glutamic acid decarboxylase (GADAb) have a high positive predictive value for insulin-dependency in non-insulin-dependent diabetic (NIDDM) patients. We studied 289 patients classified at onset as having NIDDM. Patients positive for GAD65Ab had a disease onset at a younger age, lower body mass index (BMI) and lower serum C-peptide concentration, and
On the temperature in dynamic crack surface ligaments
Small ligaments connecting the crack surfaces just behind the moving crack front are assumed to exist during fast cleavage crack growth. The production and conduction of heat during the process of tearing these ligaments are studied. The straining is computed by assuming an elastic visco-plastic material model. The produced heat during plastic work is calculated. Heat conduction is considered. TheSmall ligaments connecting the crack surfaces just behind the moving crack front are assumed to exist during fast cleavage crack growth. The production and conduction of heat during the process of tearing these ligaments are studied. The straining is computed by assuming an elastic visco-plastic material model. The produced heat during plastic work is calculated. Heat conduction is considered. The
Civil Society Democratising Global Governance? : Potentials and Limitations of “Counter-Democracy”
Communication management during the veld fires of 23 August 2011 in the Tlokwe Local Municipality : a cautionary tale
Background: A veld fire disaster in the Tlokwe Local Municipality on 23 August 2011, resultedin an estimated monetary loss of over R43 million. The veld fire disaster was characterised by a lack of strategic management and a subsequent lack of planned, coordinated communication between all role players involved. The lack of strategic communication management indirectly contributed to the losses su
Leukotriene D(4) triggers an association between gbetagamma subunits and phospholipase C-gamma1 in intestinal epithelial cells
The proinflammatory mediator leukotriene D(4) (LTD(4)) binds to the seven-transmembrane receptor CYSLT(1). Although this leukotriene plays an important biological role, its intracellular signaling pathways are only partly known. In previous experiments, we found that LTD(4) induced tyrosine phosphorylation and translocation of phospholipase (PLC)-gamma1 to a plasma membrane fraction in a human epi
On Phase-Field Modelling : Invited talk
The additional yield of GeneXpert MTB/RIF test in the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis among household contacts of smear positive TB cases.
No title
Orglet er et af de musikinstrumenter, som stadig anvendes i dag, der er at finde længst tilbage i den vesteuropæiske musiktradition. Allerede i det 3. århundrede f.Kr. findes versioner af instrumentet hos grækerne, som med tiden blev så populære, at de blev et fast element under de romerske gladiatorkampe. I middelalderen flyttede orglet ind i kristne kirkerum, først som flytbare orgler og siden 1
Sound Art Matters
Development and Applications of a Laser-Wakefield X-ray Source (updated)
In laser-wakefield acceleration (LWFA), a femtosecond laser pulse is tightly focused in a gas to intensities exceeding 1018 W/cm2 . The laser radiation ionizes the medium and excites a plasma wave that travels behind the laser pulse. Electrons can be trapped in the oscillations in the plasma density, where electric fields of the order of several hundreds of GV/m accelerate them to relativistic ene
Repair of Erosions in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis.
Objective. The aim of this study was to examine the occurrence of repair in a cohort of conventionally treated patients with early rheumatoid arthritis over 8 years.Methods. There were 395 patients included in the BARFOT study having radiographs of hands and feet at inclusion, and at 1, 2, 5, and 8 years, which were chronologically scored for erosions by the Sharp/van der Heijde method. An erosion
Alkaptonuria and ochronosis in three siblings. Ascorbic acid treatment monitored by urinary HGA excretion.
Patients with alkaptonuria lack homogentisate 1,2-dioxygenase leading to retention of homogentistic acid (HGA) in body fluids and eventually to tissue deposition of oxidation products, giving rise to the clinical picture of ochronosis. Ascorbic acid is a known inhibitor of the enzyme which catalyses the oxidation of homogentisic acid (HGA) to the polymer with affinity for collagen and was used in
Geometry-based Modeling and Simulation of 3D Multipath Propagation Channel with Realistic Spatial Characteristics
For high-resolution massive MIMO and very large antenna arrays, wireless channel models have to scrutinize the detailed space features of the surrounding environment. Existing models such as WINNER and 3GPP are not appropriate for validating and evaluating new concepts for 4G/5G as they do not consider the spatial characteristics of the real environment. The simplified 3D shapes of simulated objec
Remissyttrande: Departementspromemorian Enklare avbetalningsköp (Ds 2011:11)
Metallmatriskompositer i masstillverkade komponenter och produkter : - MMC 2016-2018
Föreliggande rapport beskriver forskningsarbetet inom projektet: ”Utveckling av MMC för högpresterande aluminiumkomponenter – Vinnova 2015–05072 som leds av Marie Fredriksson vid Swerea SWECAST i Jönköping. Redovisade resultat bygger också på tidigare kunskaper och tidigare projekt som forskargruppen vid Lunds universitet genomfört. Resultaten från detta arbete visar att det kan vara fullt möjligt
Exposure to dioxins and dibenzofurans through the consumption of fish
Background.In some regions, including the Baltic Sea, fatty fish such as salmon and herring contain high levels of polychlorinated dibenzodioxins and dibenzofurans. We investigated human exposure to these potentially toxic substances in relation to the consumption of fish from the Baltic Sea.Methods.Plasma levels of 10 different dibenzofurans and 7 dioxins were analyzed in three groups of Swedish