

Din sökning på "*" gav 529127 sökträffar

The Right to Have Labour Rights - A Study of the Impact of Migration Law on the Enjoyment of Labour Rights of Third Country Migrant Workers in Sweden

Labour law is facing a challenge in the era of globalisation. Due to new conditions in the landscape of employment relations, the legal field needs to reformulate its legitimacy in order to not risk becoming obsolete. This thesis seeks to contribute to the discussion on the need to reinvigorate labour law with a focus on labour rights protection of third country migrant workers. The thesis analyse

Implementation av sensorteknik vid vattendistributionssystem

Vi lever idag i ett informationssamhälle, information är mer lättillgänglig än någonsin. I Sverige lever vi också i en trend av urbanisering, i dagsläget bor 85% av svenskarna i tätorter (SCB, 2015). Det är i ljuset av denna samhällsutveckling som konceptet om en smart, uppkopplad och hållbar stad har växt fram. Uppsatsen undersöker svenska kommuners uppfattning kring nytta och användbarhet av sma

Continuities and Changes of Europe in Romanian National Discourse A thematic analysis of Romania`s chiefs of state speeches, between 1931 and 2016

Abstract There are several problems when studying, as this thesis, the interplay between the concepts of Europe and of nation, in an official discourse of a state. One is that these concepts are largely seen as being in a dichotomous position. This research argues about the importance of changing the perception about the various way the concepts can relate to each other. The study considers the re

Parkeringsnormen som ett styrmedel för en hållbar stad? - En fallstudie av parkeringsnormens inverkan på hållbarhet i Helsingborgs stad

The problematic aspects of the car and car dependency in the cities form together one of the most central challenges when it comes to achieving sustainability in today’s society. This case study seeks to examine how regulations of minimum parking requirements affects the level of sustainability in the municipality of Helsingborg. The aim is to critically investigate the configuration of this plann

Sustainability Analysis of the Airline Industry – Low Cost Carriers and Full Service Carriers

The aviation industry is perceived as being unsustainable in the long term due to foreseen continuous growth and the use of finite natural resources. To become more sustainable airlines need to address sustainability in their business model and business strategies. This research explores how the two airline carrier types, Ryanair, an LCC, and Scandinavian Airlines (SAS), an FSC, have addressed sus

Extended Producer Responsibility for Solar Photovoltaic panels: Practices and challenges for end-of-life management in Germany, Italy and Switzerland

As the capacity of solar photovoltaic (PV) panels installed around the world increases every year, so does the concern regarding their proper end-of-life management given the hazardous nature of this waste. European Member States such as Germany, Italy and Spain, being amongst the earliest adopters of this technology, have already started seeing end-of-life PV modules coming into the waste streams

Water Removal from Protective Glass

Today’s network outdoor surveillance cameras face problems when water drops stick to the protective glass in front of the camera lens, thus significantly disturbing the image. This problem mainly occurs during heavy rain weather or when the camera is being cleaned with a hose. Solving this problem would greatly improve the performance and versatility of outdoor surveillance cameras. The way this p

Dating in the 21st century: How important is authenticity for mobile dating apps?

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to shed light on which role authenticity plays in mobile dating apps, an environment where users can present themselves only with a limited amount of information. By investigating how users create their profiles and evaluate others, the existing knowledge on authenticity and self-presentation can be advanced. Methodology: The research applied a relativist and


Our study revealed that switching the classic IMS process to idea generation, development and lastly evaluation has a strong positive impact on spurring motivation. If the outlined steps are followed and key features, such as the introduction of a cross-functional team, reliance on organizational learning and a network connectivity solution for facilitating the entire process, are integrated then

Redovisningsregelverk – Något som leder till ekonomiska konsekvenser?

Syfte: Studien syftar till att studera huruvida redovisning enligt K2- respektive K3-regelveket medför några ekonomiska konsekvenser för fastighetsbolag. Metod: Uppsatsen utgår från den deduktiva forskningsansatsen och följer en kvantitativ forskningsmetod. Uppsatsens undersökning är uppdelad i två delar vars underlag kommer från 109 fastighetsbolags årsredovisningar. Teoretiska perspektiv: UppsPurpose: The purpose of this project is to study whether accounting according to the K2- or K3-regulation framework has any economic consequences for real estate companies. Methodology: The project is based on a deductive research approach and follows a quantitative research method. The survey is divided into two parts whose material comes from 109 real estate companies’ annual reports. Theoreti

Skyddande, bevarande och skapande av urbana ekosystemtjänster i svenska kommuner

Andelen av världens befolkning bosatta i städer väntas dubbleras från år 2010 till år 2050. Sverige urbaniseras enligt samma trend. Detta har lett till snabba antropogena förändringar av ekosystemen de senaste 50 åren. Trycket på de ekosystem som förser oss med livsviktiga tjänster har ökat markant. Tjänsterna från ekosystemen kallas ekosystemtjänster. Riskerna av förtätade miljöer och de utmaningThe share of the world’s population living in urban areas is likely to double between the year 2010 and 2050. Sweden develops in the same manner. For the last 50 years many, rapid, anthropogenic changes has occurred within the ecosystems. In urban communities where the population increases the most, challenges that follow are exploitation and densification of unnatural surfaces. This can, in some

Functional investigations of SPI-B and dCK in relation to cytarabine resistance in MCL

Mantelcellslymfom är en typ av cancer som drabbar B-celler, en typ av vita blodkroppar som är viktiga för kroppens immunförsvar. Sjukdomen är obotlig och många patienter överlever endast tre till fyra år efter diagnostisering. Ett läkemedel som har ökat livslängden hos framförallt unga patienter med mantelcellslymfom är cytarabin. Behandling med cytarabin leder tyvärr också ofta till att patienterMantle cell lymphoma (MCL) is an aggressive type of B-cell lymphoma with poor clinical outcome. The use of cytarabine (ara-C, cytosine analogue), a chemotherapeutic drug, in the treatment of MCL, has during the last decade greatly improved the survival rate in younger patients, but relapses are common and are often associated with drug resistance and poor outcome. The origin if resistance developm

You are what you eat - and not what you earn: An Experimental Study on the Influence of Income and Self-perception on Food-based Moral Judgments

One response to mitigate climate change is the replacement of conventional products with more environmentally friendly ones. The increased popularity of organic food can be said to be an effect of this development. This popularity has in combination with the prosocial characteristic of organic food and its associated price premium made sustainable consumption a political question, as it raises que