

Din sökning på "*" gav 533107 sökträffar

Arm Lymphoedema, Shoulder Mobility and Muscle Strength after Breast Cancer Treatment ? A Prospective 2-year Study

Arm lymphoedema and impaired shoulder mobility and muscle strength are well known side-effects to breast cancer treatment. The aim of this prospective study was to follow closely and describe the arm volume, range of motion of the shoulder and muscle strength of the shoulder and hand after breast cancer treatment in order to form a basis for further studies in the area including physiotherapy inte

Progression i progymnasmata

Temat “Retorik och lärande” fångar den pedagogiska dimensionen av retoriken som ett undervisningsämne. Historiskt har utgångspunkten varit de retoriska övningarna, progymnasmata. Min översättning av Afthonios progymnasmata publicerades 2002 under titeln Retoriska övningar. I mina kurser har vi återupptagit dessa övningar så att studenterna gradvis lär sig retorikens grunder. Övningsserien bygger p

Data commentary in science writing: Using a small, specialized corpus for formative self-assessment practices

Data commentary, the verbal comment on visual material, is a complex area in science writing; yet, few studies in academic writing focus on it, and teaching material is often too generic to be of use for students. This chapter presents an approach to addressing the teaching and learning of data commentary in ESP writing courses within the science disciplines involving direct application of a small

Molecular studies of pancreatic cancer: Characterization of the transforming growth factor beta signaling pathway

Popular Abstract in Swedish Pankreascancer (cancer i bukspottkörteln) drabbar ungefär 900 personer om året i Sverige. Tumörformen har tidigare varit vanligare hos män men är numera lika vanlig hos män och kvinnor. Pankreascancer är ovanligt före 40 års ålder, men ökar stadigt med åldern och ungefär 80% av dem som drabbas är över 60 år gamla. Pankreascancer är en aggressiv tumörform och på grund avIn the present thesis, genetic abnormalities in pancreatic cancer were studied, with special emphasis on alterations of components involved in the transforming growth factor beta (TGFB) signaling pathway. In the first study, fluorescence in situ hybridization and cytogenetic analyses revealed aberrations of chromosome 18 in all 13 pancreatic carcinoma cell lines studied, in particular frequent bre

Small-Scale Production of Fuel-Cell Hydrogen

The work presented here aims at producing hydrogen for proton-exchange fuel-cell applications from hydrocarbons. This thesis describes an integrated catalytic converter comprising a steam-reforming reactor (heat of reaction supplied by catalytic combustion), a water-gas shift reactor and a preferential oxidation of carbon monoxide reactor, and the work performed on the fuel processing catalysts th