

Din sökning på "*" gav 532970 sökträffar

A qualitative study of international students’ sexual health information behaviours: The case of Chinese men who have sex with men

There has been an increase in HIV diagnoses among Chinese men who have sex with men international students (CMISs) in Australia. However, there is not a lot of understanding about the sexual health information of this cohort of transient students. There are often assumptions of low sexual health literacy and other vulnerabilities made about this cohort, but the actual cultural and systemic barrier

Vart ska dom ta vägen nu? (Where will they go now?)

This is a text-sound-composition work made in Ambisonics. It was commissioned by Audiorama and PULS, for a concert curated by composer Trond Lossius, at Østre gallery in Bergen, in 2019. IMPORTANT: This is a headphone version of the work, and will not play properly in stereo speakers. Files for multichannel performance are available on request.Ambisonics fixed media composition. 2020. 14:00. PLEASE NOTE this is a Headphone version. It will not play properly in speakers. Multi-channel speaker versions of the piece are available from the composer on request.

Mapping the Impossible : Incongruent Transposition as a Method of Playing

This is a two-part presentation of a non-traditional transposition and improvisation technique, first demonstrating the transposition practice itself, as I have developed it to date, then demonstrating how I have employed it both in research and in teaching. Transposition of non-musical sources, especially field recordings and incongruent real world sounds from a variety of environments, is a part

No title

In November 2007, the Danish Parliament asked the Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS) to prepare a report on developments in the EUsince 2000 in the areas covered by the four Danish ropt-outs. In the commission for the investigation, it is requested to include the development that a new treaty basis (the Treaty of Lisbon) gives rise to. This investigation therefore examines developme

Pencil beam scanning proton therapy of Hodgkin’s lymphoma in deep inspiration breath-hold: a case series report

BackgroundMost patients with Hodgkin’s lymphoma are young and have a favourable prognosis, therefore it is of high importance to decrease the radiation doses to normal tissues received during radiotherapy. A combination of proton therapy and deep inspiration breath-hold technique (DIBH) can improve the sparing effect and thereby reduce the risk of late effects.Case presentationThe two first patien

Quantum Mechanical Calculations of Redox Potentials of the Metal Clusters in Nitrogenase

We have calculated redox potentials of the two metal clusters in Mo-nitrogenase with quantum mechanical (QM) calculations. We employ an approach calibrated for iron–sulfur clusters with 1–4 Fe ions, involving QM-cluster calculations in continuum solvent and large QM systems (400–500 atoms), based on structures from combined QM and molecular mechanics (QM/MM) geometry optimisations. Calculations on

Trends in soil frost formation in a warming maritime climate and the impacts on urban flood risk

The most severe urban flooding in cold maritime climates is due to the co-action of long-duration rainfall, snowmelt, and soil frost. Increasing winter air temperature due to climate change is projected to change the magnitude and frequency of rain-on-snow (RoS) events and increase the number of freeze–thaw cycles and midwinter snowmelt. While daily rainfall records are readily available, less is

Transcriptional biomarkers of toxicity - powerful tools or random noise? : An applied perspective from studies on bivalves

Aquatic organisms are constantly at risk of being exposed to potentially harmful chemical compounds of natural or anthropogenic origin. Biological life can for instance respond to chemical stressors by changes in gene expression, and thus, certain gene transcripts can potentially function as biomarkers, i.e. early warnings, of toxicity and chemical stress. A major challenge for biomarker applicatiAquatic organisms are constantly at risk of being exposed to potentially harmful chemical compounds of natural or anthropogenic origin. Biological life can for instance respond to chemical stressors by changes in gene expression, and thus, certain gene transcripts can potentially function as biomarkers, i.e. early warnings, of toxicity and chemical stress. A major challenge for biomarker applicati

Familjecentrerad vård och barncentrerad vård

En femtedel av Sveriges befolkning är barn i åldrarna 0–17 år, totalt drygt 1,9 miljoner. Barndomen är den socialiseringsprocess där barn utvecklas till unika individer och blir en del av samhället. Kulturella sammanhang påverkar barns känsla av samhörighet och av att höra hemma någonstans. Synen på barn och hur de behandlas, också när de är sjuka, påverkas därmed av ett flertal historiska, kultur

Drawing the Line: Evaluation, Boundary Work, and Boundary Objects in a New Discipline

Artistic research—research carried out by artists, through artistic practice—displays the markers of a burgeoning academic discipline. Dominant perspectives on research cultures would therefore predict that practitioners’ boundary work would play a decisive role in the development of this field. But when binary understandings come up against multiplex meanings, when and how do binaries matter? Foc

Path tracing in the study of agency and structures : Methodological considerations

Despite the rapidly expanding literature on agency in regional development, the methodological approaches available to study it have not followed theoretical development and empirical studies. This article aims to shed light on methodological issues related to the study of path dependence, path creation and agency. The article’s main purpose is to construct a methodology - path tracing - that woul

Steel decarbonization in China–a top-down optimization model for exploring the first steps

The steel industry is a major contributor to emissions of CO2 and key air pollutants. Reducing air pollution has since long been a policy priority in China. Reducing CO2 emissions has more recently also become a key priority partially manifested through the signing of the Paris Agreement in 2015. Although there are often synergies between reducing CO2 emissions and air pollution, it may have impli

Reaktorhallen: Violin Solo

In 2021, I had a residency in "Reaktorhallen" (The Reactor Hall, or "R1"), a former nuclear reactor hall on the campus of Kunliga Tekniska Högskolan (the Royal Institute of Technology, or "KTH"). I was there to make a work for the Skandia organ, a former cinema organ that is housed in R1. I also worked with the violin in the space, and played an improvisation from this material on the concert I di

Sustainable greenhouse systems - The potential of microorganisms

Due to the high input of means of production and productivity, environmental issues have been highlighted in horticulture for some years. They concern the impact of horticultural production systems on the environment in a narrow (i.e., occupational, crop) and broader (CO2 emission, nutrient leakage, chemical pollution) sense. In all production systems, multiple plant-microbial interactions occur.

An annotated high-content fluorescence microscopy dataset with Hoechst 33342-stained nuclei and manually labelled outlines : Dataset record

Here we present a benchmarking dataset of fluorescence microscopy images with Hoechst 33342-stained nuclei together with annotations of nuclei, nuclear fragments and micronuclei. Images were randomly selected from an RNA interference screen with a modified U2OS osteosarcoma cell line, acquired on a Thermo Fischer CX7 high-content imaging system at 20x magnification. Labelling was performed by a si

Efficacy of eicosapentaenoic acid in inflammatory depression : study protocol for a match-mismatch trial

Background: Most antidepressant treatment studies have included patients strictly based on the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders definition of Major Depressive Disorder (MDD). Given the heterogeneity of MDD, this approach may have obscured inter-patient differences and hampered the development of novel and targeted treatment strategies. An alternative strategy is ​​to use bioma