Din sökning på "*" gav 533865 sökträffar
The effect of small business managers’ growth motivation on firm growth: A longitudinal study
Physical activity and gain in abdominal adiposity and body weight: prospective cohort study in 288,498 men and women.
BACKGROUND: The protective effect of physical activity (PA) on abdominal adiposity is unclear. OBJECTIVE: We examined whether PA independently predicted gains in body weight and abdominal adiposity. DESIGN: In a prospective cohort study [the EPIC (European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition)], we followed 84,511 men and 203,987 women for 5.1 y. PA was assessed by a validated quest
Superhjältar söker fiender
Om superhjältar på film som ett svar på ett behov av föredömliga hjältar när samtiden är osäker.
Universitetets idé under omprövning
Accurate Time-resolved Laser Spectroscopy On Sputtered Metal Atoms
Vertical Nanowire High-Frequency Transistors
Popular Abstract in Swedish Minns du din första dator? Kanske köpte familjen den på avbetalning genom jobbet för 20 000 kr och kanske kan du såhär i efterhand tycka att effektförbrukningen var lite väl hög i relation till datorns prestanda. Den gick t.ex. inte att köra på batteri. Detta är ganska långt ifrån dagens datorer, smart-TV, smarta telefoner och surfplattor där vi kan streama filmer och mThis thesis explores a novel transistor technology based on vertical InAs nanowires, which could be considered both for low-power high-frequency analog applications and for replacing Si CMOS in the continued scaling of digital electronics. The potential of this device - the vertical InAs nanowire MOSFET – lies in the combination of the outstanding transport properties of InAs and the improved elec
Place of death: hospital-based advanced home care versus conventional care. A prospective study in palliative cancer care.
Kontroversiell biografi om den lysande Dennis Potter
B cell lymphomas express CX(3)CR1 a non-B cell lineage adhesion molecule.
To study the differential expression of cell membrane-bound receptors and their potential role in growth and/or survival of the tumor cells, highly purified follicular lymphoma cells were analyzed, using gene expression analysis, and compared to non-malignant B cell populations. Filtering the genome for overexpressed genes coding for cell membrane-bound proteins/receptors resulted in a hit list of
Techniques for aortic arch endovascular repair.
This article reviews endovascular strategies for aortic arch repair. Open repair remains the gold standard particularly for good risk patients. Endovascular treatment potentially offers a less invasive repair. Principles, technical considerations, devices and outcomes of each technique are discussed and summarized. Hybrid repair combines less invasive revascularization options, instead of arch rep
Trapped-particle Optical Microscopy
A scanned probe optical microscope allowing nondestructive studies of a wide range of objects and surfaces is described. The microscope utilizes a noninvasive optical trap to position a microscopic probe light source in immediate proximity to the studied object. We demonstrate the method experimentally and show theoretically its potential for optical imaging with subdiffraction limited resolution
Vocational Education and the Development of Knowledge in Sweden during the Post-war Period - Presentation of a Research Programme
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Den skickligt inkompetente chefen
Phosphorylation-dependent and -independent functions of p130 cooperate to evoke a sustained G1 block
The retinoblastoma (pRb)-related p130 pocket protein is a regulator of cell growth and differentiation, and a candidate tumour suppressor. Both pRb and p130 operate through interactions with cellular proteins, including the E2F transcription factors. While such interactions are controlled by phosphorylation of multiple sites of pRb, regulation of p130 remains poorly understood. We now identify 22