

Din sökning på "*" gav 534151 sökträffar

Chronos minnesbank

Chronos minnesbank är en experimentell opera i vilken besökarna behandlas som spelare istället för publik. Genom verket introducerades uppdragsinstruktioner för rollspelande operabesökare och den modulbaserade formen gav utrymme för dynamiskt sammansatta och varierade upplevelser utifrån ett och samma grundmaterial. Syftet med det konstnärliga arbetet var att pröva operabesökares benägenhet till i

Environmental education tools to promote simple pro-environmental behaviour among preschool children in Japan and Sweden

Environmental education in early childhood has been pointed out as having a great potential to promote pro-environmental behaviour in early years. Among various tools, games and visual items are commonly used for children’s learning and development and therefore, could possibly be used to promote such behaviour among young children. However, their impact on the actual behaviour should be investiga

Deep-learning image enhancement and fibre segmentation from time-resolved computed tomography of fibre-reinforced composites

Monitoring the microstructure and damage development of fibre-reinforced composites during loading is crucial to understanding their mechanical properties. Time-resolved X-ray computed tomography enables such an in-situ, non-destructive study. However, the photon flux and fibre-matrix contrast limit its achievable spatial and temporal resolution. In this paper, we push the limits of temporal and s

No title

With this study I seek to contribute to existing research on young, regenerative farmers in Denmark by illuminating their relationship with alienation from nature. The title is “The Re-generation – a study of young, regenerative farmers in Denmark and their relationship to alienation from nature in a time of ecological crises”. A more detailed description the purpose of this research is that I wan


Eldar är en komponerad meditation över språk och våld – det är en fri association kring Marilyn Monroes rollfigur Roslyn i filmen the Misfits. Filmen blev både Monroes och Clark Gables sista film och inspelningen av filmen var besvärlig på flera sätt, inte minst på grund av hettan i Nevadas öken, men också för att Marilyn Monroe drack och använde receptbelagda läkemedel. Det fanns en känsla av att

“Why Not Study What Tourists Actually Do, Instead of Asking Them What They Think They Do?” A Call for More Experiments in Tourism and Hospitality Research

This chapter aims to encourage tourism researchers to widen their scope of method when studying tourist behavior. It does so by debating tracking mobility and planning exercises as meaningful complements in researchers’ method repertoire. Both methods have been found to reflect tourist behavior in a more accurate way than do, for example, surveys and interviews, which rather mirror what tourists s

Factors Associated With Circulating Sex Hormones in Men

Background: Various factors modulate circulating testosterone in men, affecting interpretation of testosterone measurements. Purpose: To clarify factors associated with variations in sex hormone concentrations. Data Sources: Systematic literature searches (to July 2019). Study Selection: Prospective cohort studies of community-dwelling men with total testosterone measured using mass spectrometry.

Against the turning away: : Understanding the relationships of bystander motivation and behaviors to school bullying

Forskning om mobbning i skolan har ägnat avsevärd uppmärksamhet åt att undersöka vilken roll åskådare (elever som bevittnar mobbning eller vet att den pågår) spelar i att påverka antalet mobbningsfall. Omfattande forskningsfynd har visat att ingripande från kamrater är väsentligt för att minska mobbningsbeteenden och följaktligen har efterföljande studier sökt avgöra vilka faktorer som bidrar tillResearch on school bullying has devoted a considerable amount of attention to investigating the roles of bystanders – the students who witness bullying or know that it is occurring – in bullying episodes. Numerous findings have shown that peer intervention is essential for reducing bullying behaviors; consequently, subsequent studies have examined which factors contribute to increasing the number

Technology development with older people : the role of “unfettered design”

This article introduces a new method to design with older people: unfettered design. We discuss three points of concern with existing methods of involving older users: unspecific design outcomes, prejudiced views on older users, and underlying power asymmetries, which can diminish the innovative capacities of the older adults involved. To overcome these issues, we argue for the benefits of adoptin

Acquisition of complement fixing antibodies targeting Plasmodium falciparum merozoites in infants and their mothers in Uganda

Background: Antibody-mediated complement fixation has previously been associated with protection against malaria in naturally acquired immunity. However, the process of early-life development of complement-fixing antibodies in infants, both in comparison to their respective mothers and to other immune parameters, remains less clear. Results: We measured complement-fixing antibodies in newborns and

Impact of SARS-CoV-2 and Other Upper Respiratory Tract Viral Infections on Reproductive Parameters in Young Healthy Men with Mild Symptoms of Disease

Data regarding excretion of SARS-CoV-2 in semen are inconclusive and counseling regarding risk of sexual transmission is still challenging. Our knowledge on the effect of upper respiratory tract infections (URTI) on male reproductive system is also scarce. Apart from negative effect of fever on spermatogenesis virtually no study has been able to compare reproductive parameters in men with COVID-19

Two-body dissociation of isoxazole following double photoionization - an experimental PEPIPICO and theoretical DFT and MP2 study

The dissociative double photoionization of isoxazole molecules has been investigated experimentally and theoretically. The experiment has been carried out in the 27.5-36 eV photon energy range using vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) synchrotron radiation excitation combined with ion time-of-flight (TOF) spectrometry and photoelectron-photoion-photoion coincidence (PEPIPICO) technique. Five well-resolved tw

Carbohydrates – a scoping review for Nordic Nutrition Recommendations 2023

Background: Dietary carbohydrates are a major source of energy in the Nordic and Baltic countries. The health effects of different types of carbohydrates vary and there is a need to update the evidence regarding specific carbohydrates and their effects on health-related outcomes. Objective: The aim of this scoping review was to describe the evidence for the role of total carbohydrates (fiber exclu

A formative journal for a formative career : a personal recollection of how JCPA has inspired and guided my research life

A fateful decision as a 15-year-old high school student, and good advice from a distinguished professor of zoology, were the catalysts that not only decided my entire career but also led me to the Journal of Comparative Physiology A, and to the myriad biological wonders that were held within its covers. In my celebration of JCPA, I look back on the formative years of my career in Australia, and th

Flexibility and Function of Distal Substrate-Binding Tryptophans in the Blue Mussel β-Mannanase MeMan5A and Their Role in Hydrolysis and Transglycosylation

β-Mannanases hydrolyze β-mannans, important components of plant and microalgae cell walls. Retaining β-mannanases can also catalyze transglycosylation, forming new β-mannosidic bonds that are applicable for synthesis. This study focused on the blue mussel (Mytilus edulis) GH5_10 β-mannanase MeMan5A, which contains two semi-conserved tryptophans (W240 and W281) in the distal subsite +2 of its activ

Prevalence of women with breast implants in Sweden : a study based on the population-based mammography screening programme

BACKGROUND: Knowledge about the prevalence of women with breast implants is paramount in calculations of risks and in estimations of effects on screening and breast cancer treatment. Most of the estimations of prevalence made to date are rough and often based on sales data. The main aim of this study was to calculate the prevalence of breast implants in Swedish women. The secondary aim was to inve

Computationally efficient direction of arrival estimation using adaptive grid selection

The authors propose a computationally efficient approach to estimate the directions of arrival of far-field sources impinging on a sensor array. The proposed estimator is formed using a sparse reconstruction framework, employing a novel adaptive grid selection technique to reduce the dimensionality of the used dictionary matrix. The method further makes use of a SPICE-inspired dictionary to adapti

Braided Convolutional Self-orthogonal Codes with Double Sliding Window Decoding

In this paper, we investigate a class of braided convolutional codes (BCCs), where the component codes are convolutional self-orthogonal codes (CSOCs), called braided convolutional self-orthogonal codes. Compared to conventional BCCs, the advantages of braided CSOCs include the availability of several low-complexity decoding methods and the relative ease of extending these methods to high rates Mo