

Din sökning på "*" gav 533550 sökträffar

Making a Correct Diagnosis of Glaucoma : Data from the EMGT

Précis: A correct diagnosis of glaucoma established at initial visits. Purpose: It has been suggested that a diagnosis of glaucoma cannot be certain until progression has been demonstrated. Our aim was to evaluate the correctness of a glaucoma diagnosis established after 2 initial visits. Patients and Methods: Patients included in the Early Manifest Glaucoma Trial (EMGT) who had continued follow-u

Exact clustering of weighted graphs via semidefinite programming

As a model problem for clustering, we consider the densest k-disjoint-clique problem of partitioning a weighted complete graph into k disjoint subgraphs such that the sum of the densities of these subgraphs is maximized. We establish that such subgraphs can be recovered from the solution of a particular semidefinite relaxation with high probability if the input graph is sampled from a distribution

A Consensus Molecular Classification of Muscle-invasive Bladder Cancer

Background: Muscle-invasive bladder cancer (MIBC) is a molecularly diverse disease with heterogeneous clinical outcomes. Several molecular classifications have been proposed, but the diversity of their subtype sets impedes their clinical application. Objective: To achieve an international consensus on MIBC molecular subtypes that reconciles the published classification schemes. Design, setting, an

Psychometric Properties of the Swedish Version of the Brief Repetitive Thinking Questionnaire (RTQ-10) : An Internet-Based Study on Degrees of Affective Symptoms and Levels of Distress

Introduction: Repetitive negative thinking (RNT) is reported in a wide variety of emotional disorders, although it is most often associated with either depression or anxiety disorders, assessed as symptoms of rumination and worry. Early detection of indicators for RNT across disorders is needed. To this end we explored the psychometric properties of a transdiagnostic measure, i.e., the Swedish ver

Intra- and Inter-Rater Agreement Describing Myometrial Lesions Using Morphologic Uterus Sonographic Assessment : A Pilot Study

OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the intra- and inter-rater agreement for myometrial lesions using Morphologic Uterus Sonographic Assessment terminology. METHODS: Thirteen raters with high (n = 6) or medium experience (n = 7) assessed 30 3-dimensional ultrasound clips with (n = 20) and without (n = 10) benign myometrial lesions. Myometrial lesions were reported as poorly or well defined and then systematic

Parameterization-induced uncertainties and impacts of crop management harmonization in a global gridded crop model ensemble

Global gridded crop models (GGCMs) combine agronomic or plant growth models with gridded spatial input data to estimate spatially explicit crop yields and agricultural externalities at the global scale. Differences in GGCM outputs arise from the use of different biophysical models, setups, and input data. GGCM ensembles are frequently employed to bracket uncertainties in impact studies without inv

Educational assortative mating, gender equality, and income differentiation across Europe: A simulation study

Demographic explanations for the rise in household income inequality include increased educational assortative mating and changes in the division of paid labour within families. Building on this research, the current study focuses on the connected nature of these two inequality-producing mechanisms, while at the same time bridging the divide with the economic literature on the role of income diffe

Manifesto for an international digital mental health network

AbstractCurrent mental health services across the world remain expert-centric and are based on traditional workflows, mostly using impractical and ineffective electronic record systems or even paper-based documentation. The international network for digital mental health (IDMHN) is comprised of top-level clinicians, regulatory and ICT experts, genetic scientists, and support organizations. The IDMCurrent mental health services across the world remain expert-centric and are based on traditional workflows, mostly using impractical and ineffective electronic record systems or even paper-based documentation. The international network for digital mental health (IDMHN) is comprised of top-level clinicians, regulatory and ICT experts, genetic scientists, and support organizations. The IDMHN has b

Expression levels of enzymes generating NO and CO in islets of murine and human diabetes

The possible implication of the gasotransmitters NO and CO for the development of diabetes remains unresolved. Our previous investigations in rodents suggested NO being inhibitory, and CO stimulatory, to glucose-stimulated insulin secretion (GSIS). Here we studied the possible role of these gasotransmitters in both murine and human type 2 diabetes (T2D) by mapping the expression pattern of neural

Did the Computer Revolution shift the fortunes of U.S. cities? Technology shocks and the geography of new jobs

This paper shows how the Computer Revolution of the 1980s shifted the economic trajectories of U.S. cities. Examining the emergence of new occupational titles in official census classifications, we document a sharp reversal in the skill content of new jobs. While technological change was biased towards routine skills throughout the 1970s, new job titles mainly appeared in occupations and industrie

Investigation of the spring thermal regime in Lake Ladoga using field and satellite data

We use a combination of field and satellite data to investigate the thermal regime in Lake Ladoga in spring 1992. The analysis concentrates mainly on the temperature structure in the convectively mixed region and the dynamics of a special thermo‐hydrodynamic phenomenon called “thermal bar” (a zone of descending water with the temperature of maximum density equal to ∼4°C). A theoretical model of th

”Är det verkligen fred vi vill ha?” : Att kommunicera det komplexa fredsbegreppet genom populärmusik

Hösten 1971 släppte en ny grupp från Malmö, Hoola Bandoola Band, sitt första album, Garanterat individuell, vilket kom att få stor spridning och innebära gruppens genombrott i den svenska populärmusikgenren. En av de sånger som har kommit att göra albumet ihågkommet genom flera decennier är Fred (Till Melanie)skriven av Mikael Wiehe. Den drygt 13 minuter långa sången avslutar albumet och är av när

Situating overtourism in urban contexts

One of the most important trends in contemporary tourism is the increase in urban tourism, both in absolute and in relative terms. In some destinations, e.g. Barcelona, the pressure from tourism on local resources such as housing and urban space has reached a point where we begin to speak about overtourism. The development of overtourism is related to decreasing relative costs of travel, e.g. low-

Influence of single-walled carbon nanotubes induced exciton dissociation improvement on hybrid organic photovoltaic devices

Torch-plasma-grown single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) are integrated with regioregular poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT) and a fullerene derivative 1-(3-methoxycarbonyl) propyl-1-phenyl[6,6]C61 (PCBM) as a hybrid photoactive layer for bulk heterojunction solar cell devices. We demonstrate that molecular information could be accurately obtained by time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry thr

New synthetic approaches to biofuels from lignocellulosic biomass

Lignocellulose from terrestrial plant biomass is abundant and contains polymeric carbohydrates and lignin; both recognized as attractive renewable feedstocks for energy, chemicals and materials as alternatives to fossils to meet the targets for future sustainable development. Liquid biofuels are particularly important renewable commodities because of the vast infrastructure already in place to use