

Din sökning på "*" gav 532880 sökträffar

Tuft cells : Distribution and connections with nerves and endocrine cells in mouse intestine

Tuft cells are gastrointestinal (GI) sensory cells recognized by their characteristic shape and their microvilli “tuft”. Aims of the present study were to elucidate their regional distribution and spatial connections with satiety associated endocrine cells and nerve fibers throughout the intestinal tract. C57BL/6 J mice were used in the experiments. The small intestine was divided into five segmen

Similarities and Differences of Blood N-Glycoproteins in Five Solid Carcinomas at Localized Clinical Stage Analyzed by SWATH-MS

Cancer is mostly incurable when diagnosed at a metastatic stage, making its early detection via blood proteins of immense clinical interest. Proteomic changes in tumor tissue may lead to changes detectable in the protein composition of circulating blood plasma. Using a proteomic workflow combining N-glycosite enrichment and SWATH mass spectrometry, we generate a data resource of 284 blood samples

Increasing preoperative body size in breast cancer patients between 2002 and 2016 : implications for prognosis

Overweight and obesity are increasing worldwide, but the extent in breast cancer patients is unknown. The two aims were to study secular trends in preoperative body mass index (BMI), waist circumference, and breast volume and their impacts on clinical outcome. BMI, waist circumference, and breast volume were measured preoperatively in 24–99-year-old primary breast cancer patients (n = 640) in Swed

Tracing Multimetal Craftsmanship through Metallurgical debris : Open air workshops and multimetality in Late Iron Age Scandinavia

Metallurgical debris is by far the most informative source material for studying the metal craftsmanship of the past. In comparison to the finished objects, which has attracted far more attention in archaeological research, debris material are more or less confined to the original workshop sites and hence provide direct evidence as to production volume and quality, site organization, artisanal ski

β-Mannanase-catalyzed synthesis of alkyl mannooligosides

β-Mannanases catalyze the conversion and modification of β-mannans and may, in addition to hydrolysis, also be capable of transglycosylation which can result in enzymatic synthesis of novel glycoconjugates. Using alcohols as glycosyl acceptors (alcoholysis), β-mannanases can potentially be used to synthesize alkyl glycosides, biodegradable surfactants, from renewable β-mannans. In this paper, we i

Long-Term Risk of Cardiovascular Death with Use of Clarithromycin and Roxithromycin : A Nationwide Cohort Study

Recent studies have raised concern that macrolide antibiotics may be associated with an increased long-term risk of cardiovascular death. We examined the 1-year risk associated with treatment with clarithromycin (n = 187,887) or roxithromycin (n = 698,899) compared with penicillin V (n = 3,473,081) matched 1:4 on propensity score, in a nationwide, registry-based cohort study in Danish outpatients,

Discrimination in the Housing Market as an Impediment to European Labour Force Integration : the Case of Iceland

Labour market integration, and the free movement of people, has been a key feature of the European Economic Area (EEA). In fact, the EEA states that the free movement of people is “perhaps the most important right for individuals, as it gives citizens of the 31 EEA countries the opportunity to live, work, establish business and study in any of these countries.” However, unless citizens within the

Test of Reconfigurable Modules in Scan Networks

Modern devices often include several embedded instruments, such as BIST interfaces, sensors, calibration facilities. New standards, such as IEEE Std 1687, provide vehicles to access these instruments. In approaches based on reconfigurable scan networks (RSNs), instruments are coupled with scan registers, connected into chains and interleaved with reconfigurable modules. Such modules embed reconfig

Invisible Search and Online Search Engines : The ubiquity of search in everyday life

This book is concerned with how search, searching and with them search engines have become so widely used that we have stopped noticing them. One of society’s key infrastructure for knowing and getting informed are computerised systems supporting the search for and locating of documents and information. The use of these systems, search engines, is curiously dispersed and centralised at the same ti

Surface water chemistry and nitrate pollution in Shimabara, Nagasaki, Japan

Groundwater is a finite resource that is threatened by pollution all over the world. Shimabara City, Nagasaki, Japan, uses groundwater for its main water supply. During recent years, the city has experienced severe nitrate pollution in its groundwater. For better understanding of origin and impact of the pollution, chemical effects and surface–groundwater interactions need to be examined. For this

Characterization of stone wool properties for fire safety engineering calculations

Prediction of the insulating capability of building products in fire conditions would support the product development process. Stone wool insulation is a widely used material in fire barrier constructions. Due to the combustion of its organic content, the temperature inside stone wool can rise above the temperature of the exposed boundary. This temperature rise is difficult to predict. An extensiv

Pseudo-DUBs as allosteric activators and molecular scaffolds of protein complexes

The ubiquitin (Ub) proteasome system and Ub signalling networks are crucial to cell biology and disease development. Deubiquitylases (DUBs) control cell signalling by removing mono-Ub and polyubiquitin chains from substrates. DUBs take part in almost all processes that regulate cellular life and are frequently dysregulated in disease. We have catalogued 99 currently known DUBs in the human genome

Effect of blockage configuration on film cooling with and without mist injection

Film cooling, as an effective protection technology, is widely applied in gas turbines to prevent components like vane blades from the hot mainstream. However, ash and other contaminants contained in the gas easily deposit on blade surfaces, which results in blockages inside the film holes and a reduction of the coverage area of the coolant air. Two blockage configurations (hemispherical and tetra

Seeking No War, Achieving No Peace: The Conflict over the Siachen Glacier

This paper models “no war, no peace” situations in a game theoretical framework where two countries are engaged in a standoff over a military sector. The first main objective is to identify rational grounds for such situations and, more precisely, explicit equilibria that leads to such situations. It is demonstrated that both countries get the same payoff from being in this continuous state of per

Tracing Multimetal Craftsmanship through Metallurgical debris : Open air workshops and multimetality in Late Iron Age Scandinavia

Metallurgical debris is by far the most informative source material for studying the metal craftsmanship ofthe past. In comparison to the finished objects, which has attracted far more attention in archaeologicalresearch, debris material are more or less confined to the original workshop sites and hence provide directevidence as to production volume and quality, site organization, artisanal skill

Self-Assembly of Ionic Microgels Driven by an Alternating Electric Field : Theory, Simulations, and Experiments

The structural properties of a system of ionic microgels under the influence of an alternating electric field are investigated both theoretically and experimentally. This combined investigation aims to shed light on the structural transitions that can be induced by changing either the driving frequency or the strength of the applied field, which range from string-like formation along the field to

Measurement of the charge asymmetry in highly boosted top-quark pair production in √s=8 TeV pp collision data collected by the ATLAS experiment

In the pp→tt¯ process the angular distributions of top and anti-top quarks are expected to present a subtle difference, which could be enhanced by processes not included in the Standard Model. This Letter presents a measurement of the charge asymmetry in events where the top-quark pair is produced with a large invariant mass. The analysis is performed on 20.3 fb−1 of pp collision data at s=8TeV co