

Din sökning på "*" gav 535712 sökträffar

Understanding the correlation between molecular structure of chilled dairy creams and the risk of environmental stress cracking in Tetra Pak® carton packages

Multilayer food packaging are lined with an inner layer of plastic and has excellent barrier properties. However, plastics lose their mechanical properties after being exposed to certain conditions; the combination of factors generates failures in the material such as the appearance of cracks, this phenomenon is known as environmental stress cracking (ESC). Tetra Pak® has been interested in resear

Investigation of Bio-based Substitutes in a Nitrile-Butadiene/Epichlorohydrin Rubber Compound

En undersökning av biobaserade råvaror i en gummiprodukt som används i bilindustrin Gummiindustrin strävar efter att tillverka fler hållbara produkter för att jobba för samhällets miljömål. Denna undersökning har utgått ifrån en befintlig produkt som tillverkas av Trelleborg Industri AB och genom utbyte av råvaror försökt göra produkten mer hållbar. I dagens samhälle står vi inför stora utmaniThis thesis is focused on finding more sustainable substitutes for raw materials in a rubber product that is produced today at Trelleborg Industri AB. The rubber compound consists of a polymer blend of epichlorohydrin and nitrile-butadiene rubber, fillers, plasticizer. There are some other materials as well that are not in focus in this project. Several different raw materials are investigated and

An investigation of Market-Based Development through the DANIDA Market Development Partnerships Programme

This thesis investigates the concept of market-based development through the DANIDA Market Development Partnerships programme (DMDP), a challenge fund by the Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA). Market-based development is an emerging development approach that introduces the market in development work in order to achieve business goals and development objectives simultaneously, which

Path planning algorithm for levitating planar motion system

In today’s world of ever increasing competitiveness, solutions that include automation and smart production have become a vital part to consider in overall business strategy, specifically for the industry sector. Whether an automated production process will be beneficial or not is dictated by how sub-processes such as interproduction transportation operates. The importance of these processes has b

Att prata industripolitik på europeiska

In March 2020 the European Commission put forward a new strategy for Europe's industrial future. The stated goal of the Strategy is to establish a globally competitive and world-leading industry that paves the way for climate neutrality, digital leadership and European strategic autonomy. The aim of this thesis is to broaden the understanding of EU’s industrial policy by analysing how the Comm

Building the Future - A case study on creating a climate neutral construction sector in Malmö, Sweden

LFM30 - en lokal färdplan för att accelerera arbetet med att uppnå klimatneutralitet i byggbranschen Byggbranschen står för cirka en femtedel av Sveriges växthusgasutsläpp. Det är därmed en sektor inom vilket mycket kan, och måste förändras om Sverige ska kunna nå upp till de mål man åtagit sig genom den nationella implementeringen av Agenda 2030 och mål uppsatta i Parisavtalet. Sektorn är starktThe climate on our planet is changing, and with it the conditions for its people. As the need for housing grows, the construction sector will have to balance increasing environmental requirements with a continuous need for construction. In order to do so, Sweden has a national roadmap with set goals for climate neutrality. But the question of how to work toward the set up goals remain as there is

It takes two to tango! - Employee Engagement perceptions

The main purpose of our study is to explore the ‘say-do’ gap between management and employees and investigate whether there is a consensus or dissensus between what is being said and done. In addition, we aim to gain an in-depth understanding of both managers' and employees' perceptions of the employee engagement’s supporting and hindering factors and the employee engagement initiatives.

Prognostisering av Restaurangförsäljning med Linjär Regression och Maskininlärning

Konsekvenserna av att missbedöma framtida försäljning kan för en restaurang vara förödande. Optimistiska prognoser kan leda till överbemanning och matsvinn. Å andra sidan kan pessimistiska prognoser leda till att personal måste ringas in i sista stund vilket skapar en dålig arbetsmiljö för de anställda. I en undersökning från Hotell- och Restaurangfacket angav 59 % att de har problem att planera sWithin the restaurant industry it is common practice to plan staffing and purchases of perishable goods based on intuition. Inaccurate predictions of demand and sales lead to poor working environments and food waste, both being significant challenges for the industry. While digitalization and innovation has enabled accurate data driven sales forecasting methods, many players in the restaurant indu

Is the Climate Changing for the Climate-Smart? A study on Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA), Resilience and Hunger

Could the use of CSA practices stabilize the hunger crisis? Despite the general understanding that CSA practices increase farmers' food security, its resilience to climatic shocks is much less understood. To address this gap, this study analyzes the effect of three CSA practices: inorganic fertilization, intercropping and improved seeding on maize productivity in Ethiopia, Tanzania, and Uganda

Sustainability and Investment Efficiency: A Study of The Effect of ESG Score on Investment Efficiency in the Biotechnological Industry

The purpose of this study is to investigate whether sustainability action can increase investment efficiency in relatively difficult industries. The study is conducted quantitatively. The ESG Score and the financial data are taken from Revinitiv (Popularly known as Thomson Reuters). The financial data are combined and calculated to make the control variables and investment efficiency. And the stud

Embodying Blindness: Exploring Multimodal Perception in Video Games

Video games Perception (2017) and A Blind Legend (2015) are both connected to blindness, though in two distinct ways. While in both games the player embodies a blind narrator, Perception is, in many ways, what we expect a video game to be: visual, while A Blind Legend is an audio game, exploring methods to navigate other than visual. While problematising ocularcentrism, this thesis investigates th

Revisorns roll i arbetet mot penningtvätt: Mottagandet av Revisorsinspektionens nya föreskrifter

Uppsatsen ämnar att fastställa vilken roll och betydelse som tillskrivs revisionsyrket i det brottsförebyggande arbetet och bekämpningen av penningtvätt. Det sekundära syftet för studien utgörs av en utredning för vilka egentliga anledningar och aktörer som orsakar den konflikt som råder kring revisorns faktiska roll i frågan. Studien antar en induktiv forskningsansats med ett kvalitativt angrepps

Att bygga nytt för klimatet - en intervjustudie om klimatkrav vid nybyggnation

Att bygga nytt för klimatet Med en ökande befolkning ökar även behovet av bostäder, kontor samt skolor och förskolor. En ny byggnad ger upphov till växthusgasutsläpp under hela sin livscykel. Tidigare har fokus legat på byggnadens driftsskede, men allt eftersom byggnaderna blir energisnålare flyttas fokuset över till byggnadens byggprocess. Byggbranschen står för en femtedel av Sveriges växthusgasAs the population increases, so does the need for residential buildings, offices, schools and preschools. The construction industry accounts for about 20% of Sweden’s greenhouse gas emissions. While buildings become more energy-efficient the focus is shifted from the operational phase to the construction phase. The law on climate declaration is a Swedish law, which holds developers responsible for

Plant-based Meat Alternative Products versus Conventional Meat: Exploring the Construction of Consumers’ Perception from a High Meat-Eaters Perspective

Title: Plant-based Meat Alternative products versus Conventional Meat: Exploring the Construction of Consumers’ Perception from a High Meat-Eaters Perspective Course: BUSN39 Degree Project in Global Marketing Authors: Akankshya Mishra and Laia Martinez Miracle Supervisor: Hossain Shahriar Keywords: Consumer Perception, Sustainable Consumption, Meat Consumption, Plant-based Meat Alternative Product

Using Dynamic Double Machine Learning for Guided District Heating Forecasting and Physical Parameter Extraction

This thesis’ main goals were to provide accurate forecasts and informative physical parameter estimates for energy use of the district heating in the Tingbjerg neighborhood, Copenhagen. Our work is aimed as a contribution for future work towards efficient on-demand energy production. We applied Dynamic Double Machine Learning to estimate the causal effects of weather observations on energy use. Th

Measuring the [C II]-to-H I connection in high-redshift absorption-selected galaxies

HI neutral gas is the basic building block of galaxies. It dictates the star formation rate and hence the metal enrichment rates within high redshift galaxies. HI neutral gas cannot be directly observed beyond z ≈ 0.38 due to the weakness of the 21 cm transition, therefore alternate methods need to be developed for studying high redshift galaxies. The emission luminosity of [C II]-157.741 μm trans

Det konstnärliga universitets- och högskolebiblioteket: en intervjustudie om relationen mellan biblioteket och den konstnärliga forskningen inom akademin

What does the relationship between the artistic research and the university library look like? Artistic research has been a practice in Sweden for several decades, but it was first in 2010 that the artistic research was given its own form of third-cycle education. In this study artistic research is intended to be understood as the research within the artistic practice. Therefore, the research

The Gym for everyone - A public space for physical and mental wellbeing

I have always been curious about the effects architecture and the built environment have on us. The special atmosphere and the ability to arouse a sense of safety and calmness, but also the negative feelings certain spaces can evoke. Which architectural elements contribute to the way we perceive a space and more importantly, does the built environment not only affect our emotions but also our ment