

Din sökning på "*" gav 528570 sökträffar

Immune cell phenotypes of head and neck lesions associated with viral infections

Tonsillar cancer (TC) and nasopharyngeal cancer (NPC) are associated with high-risk humanpapillomavirus (HPV) and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), respectively. Similarly, benign lesions, knownas laryngeal papilloma (LP), are associated with low-risk HPV. Recent advances have includedimmunotherapy as a part of the treatment regimen for recurrent and metastatic HNC and LP,although with limited response ra

Electrode Separators for the Next-Generation Alkaline Water Electrolyzers

Multi-gigawatt-scale hydrogen production by water electrolysis is central in the green transition when it comes to storage of energy and forming the basis for sustainable fuels and materials. Alkaline water electrolysis plays a key role in this context, as the scale of implementation is not limited by the availability of scarce and expensive raw materials. Even though it is a mature technology, th

Co-creating injury prevention training for youth handball players targeting end-users at the individual, team and organizational levels

IntroductionInjury prevention training is effective in reducing injuries in youth team sports, but public health impact is limited because such training is not widely, properly, or sustainably implemented. Insufficient involvement of end-users has been identified as a main barrier to implementation. Based on results from previous studies within the I-PROTECT project, the aim was to develop a full

Vilken ny kunskap ger aDNA-analyser om vegetationsutvecklingen i Nordeuropa under och efter Weichsel-istiden?

Under de senaste 30 åren har en ny metod för att få information om tidigare ekosystem utveck- lats, nämligen att analysera gammalt (“ancient”) DNA (aDNA). Denna forskningsgren är fortfarande ung men har redan hittat många områden inom vilka den kan tillämpas. Inom paleoekologin finns det två huvudsakliga ändamål med aDNA-analyser; att kartlägga en arts hela genom, samt att bestämma antal taxa och During the last 30 years a new method for obtaining information about past ecosystems has been devel- oped, namely to analyse old (“ancient”) DNA (aDNA). This research field is still young but has already found many areas within which it can be applied. In palaeoecology, there are two main purposes with aDNA analyses; to map the entire genome of a species, and to determine the number of taxa, and

Är det irrelevant att ha fågeln i handen?

Titel Är det irrelevant att ha fågeln i handen? Seminariedatum 2023-01-11 Kurs FEKH89, Företagsekonomi: Examensarbete i finansiering på kandidatnivå, 15 högskolepoäng Författare David Ragnesand, Philip Olsson och Åke Eklund Handledare Göran Anderson Nyckelord Utdelningspolicy, aktieprisvolatilitet, Stockholm OMX Large- Cap, direktavkastning, utdelningskvot Syfte Denna studie syftar till aTitle Är det irrelevant att ha fågeln i handen? Seminar Date 2023-01-11 Course FEKH89, Corporate finance degree project, Undergraduate, 15 ECTS Authors David Ragnesand, Philip Olsson and Åke Eklund Advisor Göran Anderson Key words Dividend Policy, share price volatility, OMX Stockholm Large- Cap, dividend yield, dividend payout ratio Purpose The purpose of this thesis is to examine if the

The SAGE Handbook of Leadership, : SECOND EDITION

The Second Edition of The SAGE Handbook of Leadership provides not only an in-depth overview the current field of leadership studies, but also a map into the future debates, innovations and priorities of where the field will move to. Featuring all new chapters from a global community of leading and emerging scholars, each chapter offers a comprehensive, critical overview of an aspect of leadership

Metal artifact reduction by virtual monoenergetic reconstructions from spectral brain CT

PURPOSE: Conventional computed tomography (CT) images are severely affected by metal artifacts in patients with intracranial coils. Monoenergetic images have been suggested to reduce metal artifacts.The aim of this study was to assess metal artifacts in virtual monoenergetic images (VMIs) reconstructed from spectral brain CT.METHODS: Thirty-two consecutive patients with intracranial coils examined

Assessment of the Surgical Apgar Score in a Swedish setting

BACKGROUND: Predicting major post-operative complications is an important task for which simple and reliable methods are lacking. A simple scoring system based on intraoperative heart rate, blood pressure and blood loss was recently developed to fill this gap. This system, the Surgical Apgar Score, shows promising results both in terms of validity and in terms of usefulness. The goal of this study

Local characteristics and electronic structure of fullerenes C60n-and fullerites C60Kn (n = 0-4,6)

The electronic structure of C60n- molecules and ions and C60Kn (n=0-4,6) crystals is investigated in the zero diatomic overlap approximation. The calculated characteristics of the carbon-carbon chemical bond in fullerenes and fullerites are compared with the bond characteristics in simpler covalent carbon-containing compounds, viz.: selected hydrocarbons, graphite, and diamond. It is shown that t

Information and Informality: Leaders as Knowledge Brokers in a High-Tech Firm

The article presents an empirical study of informal leadership in an international high-tech company. The empirical work consisted of qualitative observation and shadowing of managers in the company, and a total of 14 interviews. The transcribed fieldnotes and audio recordings of observations and interviews were analyzed thematically, resulting in three central themes: informality, information basThe article presents an empirical study of informal leadership in an international high-tech company. The empirical work consisted of qualitative observation and shadowing of managers in the company, and a total of 14 interviews. The transcribed fieldnotes and audio recordings of observations and interviews were analyzed thematically, resulting in three central themes: informality, information bas

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In this study, we discuss Swedish travelers from different backgrounds during their visits to Greece and Asia Minor in the 18th century. Besides their scientific interests, they write about their impressions of the Greeks and other people in the area, as well as education, language, religion, local economy, culture, and social life. They have good knowledge of ancient Greek history and the Greek l

Pulmonary 5-HT 2B receptor expression in fibrotic interstitial lung diseases.

Pulmonary fibrosis is a severe condition in interstitial lung diseases (ILD) such as idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) and systemic sclerosis-ILD, where the underlying mechanism is not well defined and with no curative treatments available. Serotonin (5-HT) signaling via the 5-HT 2B receptor has been recognized as a promising preclinical target for fibrosis. Despite this, the involvement of the

Women Are Perceived to Have More Power Than Men in Domains That Are Viewed As Important in U.S. Tweets

Previous research of gender differences in power has largely focused on the public domain (e.g., leadership positions), and to a lesser extent power on the private domain (e.g., power in private relationships), where people may perceive these domains to be more or less important in their lives. We studied gender differences in preference weighted power (PWP) in different domains by weighting the p

Assessing the impact of different carbonate system parameters on benthic foraminifera from controlled growth experiments

Insights into past marine carbon cycling and water mass properties can be obtained by means of geochemical proxies calibrated through controlled laboratory experiments with accurate seawater carbonate system (C-system) manipulations. Here, we explored the use of strontium/calcium ratio (Sr/Ca) of the calcite shells of benthic foraminifera as a potential seawater C-system proxy through a controlled