

Din sökning på "*" gav 527835 sökträffar

GDPR Compliance in EU-US Data Transfers - Examining the impact of the EU Commission’s 2023 adequacy decision on surveillance risks

Internationella dataöverföringar stödjer den globala ekonomin, underlättar internationellt samarbete och främjar ekonomisk expansion. Denna ökade produktivitet innehåller dock risker, nämligen stora risker för kränkningar av den personliga integriteten. I en tid som domineras av tekniska framsteg har regeringar, inom EU och i tredjeländer, potential att överträda individers integritet på en nära gInternational data transfers serve to support the global economy, facilitating international collaboration and economic expansion. However this increased productivity comes at a cost, namely amplified personal data privacy and security risks. In an era dominated by rapid technological advancements, the clandestine actions of intelligence agencies have the potential to infringe upon the privacy and

The road not taken - Killer Acquisitions, the changing nature of merger regulation and constitutional legitimacy in the modern EU

With the recent Illumina/Grail judgement and subsequent prohibition, more and more scholars within the EU are starting to pay attention to killer acquisitions and are considering them as a growing problem. However, solutions to these problems must still be legitimate in accordance with the purpose, values and ideals of the EU. This is done through analysing whether or not the judgements in the I

Letter of intent - mer än bara en avsikt?

I dagens affärsliv, med anledning av att ingåendet av ett avtal ska löpa så smidigt som möjligt, har det utvecklats olika typer av förhandlingsinstrument. Ett sådan instrument är ett s.k. letter of intent. Genom ett letter of intent kan parterna i det prekontraktuella skedet manifestera sin avsikt om att i framtiden ingå avtal. Syftet med ett letter of intent kan sägas vara att på ett ändamålsenliIn today's business world, to ensure that the conclusion of the agreement runs as smoothly as possible, various types of negotiation instruments have been developed. One such instrument is a letter of intent. Through a letter of intent, the parties can manifest their intention to enter into agreements in the future at the pre-contractual stage. The purpose of a letter of intent can be said to

Epigenetics, Parenthood and Responsibility for Children

This chapter analyses the implications of findings in epigenetics for the ascription of moral responsibility for children. It contrasts shared understandings of procreative responsibility and discusses its extension to include all (individual or collective) actors who influence a child’s gene expression. It also problematizes the focus on biology in this process, using the example of epigenetics a

Kvinnors upplevelse av klimakteriets påverkan på delaktighet i aktivitet

Bakgrund: Menopaus är en naturlig del av kvinnors åldrande och infaller runt 40–60 års ålder. Upplevelsen av symtomens påverkan i kroppen under denna period är högst individuell. Kvantitativa studier visar att klimakteriet har påverkan på delaktighet i aktivitet men studierna visar inte hur kvinnor upplever klimakteriets påverkan. Syfte: Studiens syfte är att undersöka kvinnors upplevelse av delaIntroduction: Menopause is a natural part of women's aging and occurs in the age between 40–60. Symptoms experienced during this period, is highly individual. Quantitative studies show that menopause has an impact on participation in activity, but studies do not highlight how women experience that impact. Aim: The purpose of the study is to investigate women's experience of participation i

Understanding Self-Determined Motivation to contribute to wildlife health surveillance

To preserve biodiversity and to maintain healthy wildlife populations, the Swedish National Veterinary Institute (SVA) supervises wildlife health in a disease surveillance program. The program is a form of citizen science, dependent on the public reporting and submitting carcasses and samples from the field for analysis. It is a fact that people voluntarily, collect, store (often in a private free

A temporal Hawkes process model for shooting occurrences in Sweden

The Hawkes process, also referred to as a self-exciting point process, is a class of point processes where the intensity is conditioned on previous events. More specifically, an event occurrence excites the process, temporarily increasing the probability of more events occurring. One application of Hawkes processes is to model occurrences of crimes, such as burglaries or shootings. The present the

Digital kunskapsdjungel : mångfalden av perspektiv på vitt snus

This study explores the social phenomenon of white nicotine pouches and the knowledge claims surrounding it. The scientifically established knowledge about the harmful effects of nicotine is not considered in the study as an isolated message but rather as one message among several others. The overarching framework in the study is social epistemology, which investigates how social aspects play a cr