Om schlager, känslor och svensk homokultur
This article discusses the specific popular music genre "schlager" as a part of gay sensibility and gay aesthetics in Sweden.
This article discusses the specific popular music genre "schlager" as a part of gay sensibility and gay aesthetics in Sweden.
An introduction to a descriptive grammar. Various forms of grammar. various forms of Swedish. Historical background. The grammar is only one aspect of language. Various parts of grammar. Structure and meaning.
Geophysical investigations using 2-D DC resistivity were carried out on old parts of two similar landfills, with waste of different ages. The data sets, which included high data density in both vertical and horizontal directions, were interpreted with 2-D smoothness constrained inversion. The landfills were excavated after the surveying. The objective was to test the capability of the resistivity
Mixed acid phospholipids are valuable compounds, which are used mainly in membrane- and lipoprotein research and in liposome technology. The chemical synthesis of these special lipids is rather difficult and involves both toxic chemicals and harsh reaction conditions, which makes the products less attractive for medical and biological applications. Enzymes in contrast catalyze chemical reactions u
To accept the nomination to become the supervisor of a PhD candidate is not only to step into a specific, challenging and potentially rewarding relationship, but also to enter a new zone of uncertainty: what kind of contribution to this relationship is expected from me? In what ways is this new professional task framed and supported by the institutional context to which I belong? What do I gain fr
Abstract not available
Popular Abstract in Swedish RB-GENEN SKYDDAR OSS MOT CANCER OCH STYR UTMOGNADEN AV BLODCELLER. Frisk och sjuk blodbildning: Varje dag bildas det ungefär ett tusen miljarder blodkroppar av olika sorter i vår benmärg. Varje dag, livet ut. Denna imponerande massproduktion av celler är livsnödvändig. Dom vita blodkropparna ser tex till att vi inte dukar under i infektioner, dom röda transporterar deThe aim of this study was to investigate the role of some tumor suppressor gene products (with emphasis on the retinoblastoma suppressor gene product) in the regulation of differentiation and proliferation in leukemic and normal hematopoietic cells. For this purpose, the expression of the tumor suppressor genes RB, p53 and p16 were artificially altered. Cells used were human leukemic cell lines an