

Din sökning på "*" gav 526636 sökträffar

Personalisation at the top of civil societies? Legitimation claims on civil society elites in Europe

Top civil society organisations (CSOs) face a particular legitimacy dilemma as they need to have leaders who are seen as legitimate by the elite groups they interact with, and by those they represent. This article investigates how they handle this dilemma by studying legitimation practices of newly appointed leaders. Based on Weber’s theory of authority and Pitkin’s theory of representation, the a

Desmoglein-2 is important for islet function and β-cell survival

Type 1 diabetes is a complex disease characterized by the lack of endogenous insulin secreted from the pancreatic β-cells. Although β-cell targeted autoimmune processes and β-cell dysfunction are known to occur in type 1 diabetes, a complete understanding of the cell-to-cell interactions that support pancreatic function is still lacking. To characterize the pancreatic endocrine compartment, we stu

Sparse Codes on Graphs with Convolutional Code Constraints

Modern coding theory is based on the foundation of the sparse codes on graphs, such as the low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes, and the turbo-like codes (TCs) with component convolutional codes. The success of the LDPC codes and the TCs lies in their ability to perform low-complexity iterative message passing decoding procedures. The iterative message passing decoders that exchange messages prob

Från antika kättarmunkar till religionsdebatter på Facebook : Några nedslag i heresins form och historia

This article argues that there are observable similarities between the way ancient heresiologists depicted their theological opponents and how religious people and religion as a phenomenon are described by con­­­tempo­rary anti-religion orators. The short study takes its departure from previ­ous studies on the Nag Hammadi texts and ancient heresiological discourse and ends with reflections on the

Utvecklingen av lager- och logistikfastighetsmarknaden

Vad händer på fastighetsmarknaden när e-handeln växer kraftigt på kort tid? Vilka potentiella hinder uppstår och vad blir viktiga parametrar att förhålla sig till som beslutsfattare? Det finns en ökad efterfrågan på lager- och logistikfastigheter starkt kopplat till e-handel och pandemin som har bidragit till en ökning av varor som säljs på nätet. E-handeln har sett en enorm tillväxt, framförallt The Covid-19 pandemic has led to a rapid change in trading patterns in large parts of the world. E-commerce has seen enormous growth, especially in the last two years, which has placed new demands on well-functioning logistics chains. This in turn has contributed to increased demands on warehouse and logistics properties and a shortage of land in attractive locations. The supply deficit on land ha

A Single-Nucleus RNA Sequencing Analysis of HERVs and LINE1s in Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Disease

Transposable elements (TEs) are mobile genetic elements that make up roughly 50% of the human genome, with retrotransposons (or transposons which retrotranspose via an RNA intermediate) making up the vast majority of these elements. Recent studies have suggested that TEs could play a role in many neurological conditions, including ALS and dementia. The specific reasons why TEs are associated with

Vid pornografins gräns : Erotik i svensk prosa 1819–2019

Omstridda sexuella representationer har länge varit en konfliktyta i en västerländsk kontext. Vissa av dessa representationer har snabbt avfärdats som obscena, pornografiska, smutsiga, värdelösa eller ointressanta, medan andra har utmanat etablerade kategoriseringar och blivit föremål för intensiv debatt. För att undersöka och förstå de skriftliga sexuella representationernas historia i en svensk Transgressive sexual representations have long been a point of contention in Western societies. While some representations are easily disregarded as obscene, pornographic, smut, worthless or uninteresting, others disrupt established categorizations and are subject to heated debates. To map and understand the history of written, sexual representations in a Swedish context, I use the literature/porn

Identification of functional synonymous variants in familial breast cancer

The genetic causes of familial breast cancer are still unclear, where only less than 20% have evident germline mutations. Most studies focus on mutations that cause a direct impact in the protein, disregarding the synonymous variants, where the codon is changed but the amino acid encoded remains the same. Synonymous variants can affect mRNA stability and translation, by differences in codon usage

Stilla rum

My thesis is about how to design rooms that meet the human need to slow down, contemplate and find peace in an urban environment. Contemplative and quiet rooms with a public character exist as a natural part of common social functions and building types, such as parks, museums, libraries and church rooms. What I want to explore in this work is a type of building that serves as a complement to thes

No title

This collaborative statement from the International Society for Holter and Noninvasive Electrocardiology/Heart Rhythm Society/European Heart Rhythm Association/Asia Pacific Heart Rhythm Society describes the current status of mobile health (“mHealth”) technologies in arrhythmia management. The range of digital medical tools and heart rhythm disorders that they may be applied to and clinical decisi

Inside a White Power echo chamber: Why fringe digital spaces are polarizing politics

Recent decades have seen a blurring of the line between extremist movements and mainstream politics, driven by rising sectarian polarization. This development has been linked to digital media, with suggestions that so-called echo chambers may drive political radicalization. To understand the social processes taking place inside such digital spaces, this article draws on Randall Collins and the Dur

The post-normal politics and science of wind power planning : Evidence from a Danish near-shore wind farm tender

Post-normal science (PNS) has long advocated the inclusion of stakeholders in scientific processes where there is uncertainty, urgency and high stakes. Increasingly, however, such conditions have become recognised as the norm. Using the theoretical perspective of PNS, we examine the interactions between public objection, unstable coalition politics and uncertain environmental assessment knowledge

Negotiating Identities : Conflict, Conversion, and Consolidation in Early Judaism and Christianity (200 BCE–600 CE

Covering the period from 200 BCE to 600 CE, this book describes important aspects of identity formation processes within early Judaism and Christianity, and shows how negotiations involving issues of ethnicity, stereotyping, purity, commensality, and institution building contributed to the forming of group identities. Over time, some of these Jewish group identities evolved into non-Jewish Christi