

Din sökning på "*" gav 528089 sökträffar

Kvinna och intagen - En studie av kriminalvårdares normer om kvinnliga intagna

The purpose with this essay was to investigate which kind of norms prison warders have about female inmates in a Swedish prison for women. I also examined where norms about female inmates cause from. The study is based on a survey that I have made with nine prison warders. Michel Foucaults theory of power and discipline, gender theories by Frances Heidensohn, Simone De Beauvoir, Ingrid Lander and

Barnen i den slutna cirkeln - om ungdomars problemkarriärer i skolan.

In recent years, school have taken on the responsibility to, in a higher degree, concentrate on social fostering and preventive measures in order to help children with conduct disorder. This paper deals with the question how the educational system works around children with special needs. The focus lies in mapping out the prevailing strategies and the driving forces behind alternative schooling. T

"Perversa konsekvenser"- En studie om socialarbetares inställning till underhållsbehandling

The purpose of this study was to examine how professionals within the social services who work with drug abuse think and feel about methadone and subutex as a treatment against heroin addiction. I have used qualitative interviews to receive information about the respondent’s experiences, views and attitudes. I have interviewed three social workers from different municipalities. The municipalities

Adoption: organiseringen av föräldrautbildning

The purpose of this study was to examine how Sweden organizes their adoption education program since it differs from adoption agencies in Canada. The aim was to find out why Sweden has a different organizational strategy compared to an adoption agency in British Columbia in Canada when the content in the adoption education program basically is the same in both countries. It was of interest to exam

Underhållsbehandling för opiatmissbrukare – en studie kring professioners synsätt gällande behandling av opiatmissbrukare

The purpose of this study has been to describe and analyze the views of the staff working at substitute receptions and at a social services abuse unity regarding sustenance treatment and at the same time distinguish different factors of influence. My introductory line of question has been to find out the thoughts and ideas of the staff regarding sustenance treatments. Furthermore I wanted to find

En studie av adaptiva färdigheter hos ungdomar i gymnaisesärskola

Denna psykologexamensuppsats undersöker användbarheten av den nya svenska versionen av The Adaptive Behavior Assessment System – second edition (ABAS-II), ett standardiserat psykologiskt instrument vilket bedömer adaptiva färdigheter via föräldra- och lärarskattningar. Tjugofem föräldra- och lärarskattningar gällande ungdomar/elever i gymnasiesärskola, varav majoriteten hade diagnosen mental retarThis paper investigates the usability of the new Swedish version of The Adaptive Behavior Assessment System – second edition (ABAS-II), which is a standardized psychological instrument, used for estimating adaptive skills by parent and teacher ratings. Twenty five parent and teacher ratings on adolescents/students in upper secondary special school, the majority with the diagnosis mental retardatio

Ungas hälsa - En studie om ungas kost- och motionsvanor med avseende på kön och ekonomi

The aim of this study is to examine adolescents' nutrition and exercise habits in comparisons to gender and economical status. The study is based on a questionnaire study with 193 adolescents in three different high schools in Malmoe, Sweden. Based on our study we divided the adolescents by gender, and by income groups, low, middle and high. To analyze our study we used theories from Abraham M

Insatser vid mäns våld mot kvinnor – ett enskilt ställningstagande eller lagliga direktiv? En intervjustudie med socialtjänstemän i en skånsk kommun

Men’s violence towards women in intimate relationships is an established social problem and the police reports on violence are increasing steadily. In 2008, police reported 26 000 cases of violence against women, and in 19 100 of them the man and the woman knew each other. Social Services Act establishes the municipality's responsibility towards women and children who witness domestic violence

Med andras ögon - En explorativ studie om nio invandrares upplevelser av Sverige, svenskhet och hur det är att arbeta i Sverige.

Mångfald berikar en organisation men det krävs både organisatoriskt stöd och rätt ledarskap för att individers olikheter ska kunna tas tillvara på bästa sätt. Att medvetandegöra kulturella skillnader ökar chansen för en lyckad integrering. Syftet med studien har varit att medvetandegöra den svenska kulturen för att skapa en bättre förståelse för hur den inverkar i möten mellan människor från olika

Ensemblelärarens betydelse för en jämställd undervisning - En studie om elevers musicerande på gymnasiets estetiska program, inriktning musik

Title: The ensemble teachers importance for an equal education – A study of students musicality in the upper secondary schools aesthetic program, direction music Author: Daiana Corduneanu The purpose of this paper is to study how music teachers look at the relation between gender and the choice of the instruments drums, bass, guitar and piano within the genres pop and rock. The goal is also to get

Implicit attityd till ingrupp: Har unga individer med högt internaliserade sociala könsroller mer positiv ingruppsattityd?

Do individuals with highly internalized social gender roles implicitly favor their own biological gender group more than androgynous or undifferentiated individuals do? To determine this, two identical studies were conducted and compared. One in 2002 (N=83), a second in 2009 (N=82). In total 165 17-19 year-olds (78 women, 87 men) completed three tests: Bem's Sex-Role Inventory (BSRI), categori

Familjeresan - tur och retur. Fyra personers livsberättelser om arbete och familj

In this thesis, I have, from a feminist view of family theories, welfare state theories and work life theories, visualized how parenthood and work life practices are experienced and interpreted. My research question is ‘how are family practices and work practices told to have contributed to my interviewees’ life courses and how can these practices be related to the social context’. Through life st

Japan - From Traditionel Home Cooked Meals to Dining Alone at McDonald's

Theoretical perspective: Existing theories within anthropology, globalization of McDonald’s and Japanese culture (household etc.) were used as providing explanations of the collected data. Methodology: This research uses McDonald’s as an example of fast food consumption in Japan. The fieldwork includes interviews, observations, and questionnaires. The research has an interpretational approach to

Missbrukare och kvinna - En kvalitativ studie om kvinnliga drogmissbrukares hjälpbehov betraktat ur ett genusperspektiv

The purpose of this study was to examine experiences of treatment needs of women in drug abuse in social services and in women focus treatment institutions and to which extent the efforts are considered to be adapted to the women´s needs. The reason of this aim is the fact that women in drug abuse rather than men in drug abuse run a larger risk of being exposed to physical, psychical and sexual vi

Konsten att vara kvinnlig – granskning och jämförelse av kvinnobilderna i två kriminalromaner

This essay studies and compare two different heroines and how they are represented in stories about them. The heroines are Sue Grafton´s Kinsey Millhone and Janet Evanovich´s Stephanie Plum. These two have been chosen because of that they both are strong and independent women. The goal for the essay is to find out if one of these stories are better than the other to work with in a Swedish school c

Socialsekreteraren genom andras ögon - poliser, lärare och psykologer om socialtjänsten

The aim of this study was to examine how social workers are described by actors of other professions’ who regularly cooperate with social workers. Social work with children is an area that involves several professions. The questions we intended to look at were: How do these actors describe and view the social worker and his or her work? How do other professions look at their collaborations with so

”När man haft samtal med henne ville man bara gå och dra i sig en sil" - en kvalitativ studie om familjens och omgivningens påverkan på unga heroinister

Author: Jessica Johansson Title:” When you had conversations with her, you just wanted to go and take an injection”- a qualitative study on family’s and surroundings influences on young heroin addicts Supervisor: Anders Östnäs Assessor: Carina Tigervall I`ve made a qualitative study based on four interviews with former young heroin addicts, and every one developed a heroin addiction when they wer

Socialt arbete bedrivet av ideella organisationer i Kanada- och deras sätt för att uppfylla sina uppdrag

This study aims to highlight conditions for some selected non-profit organizations providing social services in Toronto, Canada. The essay is a case study which includes literature studies, field observations and interviews with respondents working in the non-profit sector. The analyses are mainly based on qualitative semi structured interviews with respondents working in non-profit organizations

Olika typer av konflikter på arbetsplatsen: en fallstudie på ett mindre privat företag i södra Sverige

Syftet med denna uppsats var att genom en explorativ fallstudie se vilka olika typer av konflikter som beskrivs av anställda på ett mindre företag (13 anställda) i södra Sverige. En kvalitativ, emergent design användes för studien. Samtliga medarbetare på företaget ingick i urvalet och fick svara helt fritt på en öppen fråga kring vilka spänningar, friktioner eller möjliga konflikter de upplever pThis essay examines how employees in a small company (13 employees) in southern Sweden describe their experiences of conflicts in their workplace. A qualitative emergent design was used, and participants were given an open question and were asked to complete a written answer to it. The material was analyzed through an intuitive phenomenological approach as well as through a lexicalical analysis in