

Din sökning på "*" gav 528099 sökträffar

De apatiska flyktingbarnen - en medialiserad saga om gott och ont

Vi har funnit exempel på de tekniker som medierna använder för att spetsa till en nyhet. Tidningarna har valt ut en ”ond” och en ”god” sida samt placerat flyktingbarnen i mitten som ”offer. Vi har sett tendenser på att rapporteringen inte alltid låter båda sidor av en fråga komma till tals på samma villkor. Uppsatsen diskuterar även detta ämne ur ett större perspektiv och finner att mediernas rapp

Internkommunikatör i förändring - strategier för att bli strateg

Kommunikatörsyrket är sedan en tid tillbaka i en förändringsfas. Allt fler kommunikatörer upplever att utvecklingen går från en mer renodlad producentroll, till en roll som strateg. Denna uppsats undersöker hur en sådan förändring av internkommunikatörsrollen genomförts i en större organisation. Studien genomfördes ur ett tolkande perspektiv med kvalitativ metod på Universitetssjukhuset Malmö Allm

Go Fish! : the Vezo Fisher Folk and Sustainable Livelihood

This Master thesis deals with the environmental and economical sustainability of and their effects on the livelihood strategies of the Vezo fisher folk in Saint Augustin, Toliara region, Madagascar. By using the Sustainable Livelihood theory and adopting the different forms of capital (human, social, physical, natural and economic) in the Analytical Framework the income activities of the fisher fo

Logistic challenges in the IKEA food and beverage supply chain

Syftet med detta examensarbete har varit att identifiera flödet av varor och information mellan Sverige och Grekland för att i den mån det är möjligt presentera alternativa lösningar som är bättre för IKEA sett från ett ekonomiskt, miljömässigt tids- och effektivitetsperspektiv. I detta arbete har författarna valt att endast studera tre av de större områdena inom logistiken, nämligen fysisk distri

Boendesegregation i det svenska folkhemmet : en studie av statens konceptualisering av ett samhällsproblem och makthierarkier i samhället

The study aims to make visible how the Swedish state has been constituting and conceptualising segregation in housing as a societal problem since 1950. Critical discourse analysis makes up the theoretical and methodical framework. It focuses on the relationship between the conceptualisation of segregation in housing and the hierarchies of power along ethnic and class dimensions in the making of it

Dissociation of C 1s excited states of OCS

I alla tider och på alla platser har människan försökt förstå hur världen hänger ihop. Sökandet efter den substans som bygger världen har lett oss till upptäckterna av molekylerna, atomerna och atomernas byggstenar. Och när man tränger längre och längre in i materiens märkligheter finner man att svaren inte bara ligger i vad byggstenarna är, utan också hur de trivs med varandra. Växelverkan – hur Excitation of the C 1s core-electron in carbonyl sulfide (OCS) gives rise to many dissociation channels. Excitation at the C 1s edge gives rise to localized core-holes in carbon atoms, thus being strongly site specific. Photoelectron–photoion coincidence (PEPICO) measurements of the fragmentation of OCS have been done with 3D spectroscopy at MAX-lab in Lund. I show in this report strong difference

The role of the print media in the fight against HIV/AIDS amongst the women in Cameroon: Case of the Cameroon Post newspaper

HIV/AIDS has been a serious challenge which has plagued the world at large especially Africa. This thesis; The role of the print media in the fight against HIV/AIDS amongst the women of Cameroon; Case of the Cameroon Post newspaper investigates the strategies and techniques that have been used by the Cameroon post newspaper in the fight against HIV/AIDS amongst the women in Cameroon. This work als

De traumatiserade barnen - en studie av hur barn som lider av posttraumatiskt stressyndrom bemöts och behandlas

Abstract Author: Emily Andersson and Nathalie Lantz Title: The traumatised children – a study about how children suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder are being received and treated [translated title]. Supervisor: Gunilla Lindén Examiner: Åsa Lundqvist The purpose of this study was to enter deeply into the treatment of children with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. More specifically the ai

Traditionell klämdhet eller möjligheternas platå? - En studie kring mellanchefers upplevda arbetssituation

The purpose of this study was to examine how middle managers within the social service experience and perceive their own role and work situation. It was also my intention to investigate what kind of demands and expectations were attributed to their role. Furthermore, I aimed to investigate how they experience their possibilities to fulfill or match these demands and expectations. I have read artic

Att arbeta vid en total institution- en studie om vårdares syn på sitt arbete inom rättspsykiatrin

Abstract The aim of our essay was to study how attendants in forensic psychiatry experience their work situation, how they see forensic psychiatry as an institution and survey how they experience the relationship between themselves as professionals and their patients. In our essay we have primarily used previous research on psychiatry, but we have also used semi-structured interviews in our sear

Betydelsen av ledarskap för jämställdhetsintegration - En studie gjord på Sydöstra Skånes Samarbetskommittés kommuner

My intentions with this essay are to highlight the importance of leadership for gender integration. Some professions have big differences in the distribution between men and women, for example in social work. What opportunities and constraints do we have to affect the equality between men and women? And maybe a more important question –What can leaders do to increase equality? My purpose is to an

Ingen filmcensur för vuxna - men förstärkt skydd för barn och unga mot skadlig mediepåverkan?

Due to the fast pace of the developments within the media world reflection on its impact on young people and children is a hot topic. To have a successful impact in protecting them from media influence that can be harmful there has to be a cohesive understanding of the need for protection. On the 9th of June a commission submitted a report suggesting that the film – censorship for adults according

Gender-roles in magazine advertisements: A comparison between Egypt and Sweden

Middle Eastern countries are highlighted by media today and people all over the world are getting more interested in the Middle Eastern cultures. Egypt is one of the more liberal and west influenced countries in the Middle East but despite that only one survey has been done of Egyptian media contexts trying to examine the construction of men and women and its effects and reflection of the society.

Kvinnors rädsla -sexuellt våld och sexuella trakasserier i det

The purpose of this essay has been to investigate how the treath of sexual violence and sexual harrasement is experienced by eight young women in Malmö. Sexual violence and sexual harassment is in swedish society seen as a social problem which must be regulated by law, and socialy delt with. Although, in our opinion, this is only half the truth. It is not a misjudgement to state that sexual violen

Att leva som alla andra - Normalisering av individer med psykisk ohälsa

The explanations and solutions to psychological problems have varied throughout history. In recent decades, however, an ideology characterized by social inclusion and autonomy has emerged where the key element has been to make individuals with mental health problems a part of the community rather than to screen them from the rest of society. This essay analyzes the work of five community-based ser

Building or burning bridges? Examining cooperation between Palestinians and Israelis over water scarcity at the Jordan River Basin.

Water scarcity is an important and complex issue to study. However, in an era when the world faces climate change, migration and globalization, cooperation is increasingly important. Water scarcity is especially noticeable in the Middle East in general and at Jordan River Basin in particular. This dissertation is a case study of the possibilities and obstacles of cooperation over Jordan River Basi