

Din sökning på "*" gav 534196 sökträffar

The role of United States foreign aid in reducing unemployment in Colombia between 2001-2008

This paper will examine if U.S. foreign aid to Colombia had any effect on unemployment rates in the country from 2000-2008. The anti-drug policy Plan Colombia’s success will be assessed and how the policy, which consisted of military and social aid, was able to reduce unemployment numbers. The analysis will be a case study using a qualitative method of interpreting trends from longitudinal and cro

Aesthetics of Urban Culture: Corporeal Experience of Copenhagen

This thesis explores the visual culture of the streets; images and sensory experiences that shape our sense of space and ideas of identity and belonging. The atmospheres of cities, partly constructed by planners and partly lived by those who inhabit its spaces, produce audio-visual material that affect the atmosphere of the city, influencing dynamics of hierarchal structures in society. Nørrebro,

Gas chromatographytandem mass spectrometry using chemical ionization for analysis of blood metabolites

Introduction: Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) is a powerful tool when used in metabolomics, the study of small molecules in the body, and investigating new modes of using it might lead to even better tools for diagnostics and research. Background: Chemical ionization (CI) for GC-tandem MS (GC-MS/MS) is relatively rarely used compared to the more commonplace electron ionization (EI).

Earnings Management and Board Monitoring: Does CEO Power Have a Moderating Role?

The purpose of this study is twofold. The first is to examine the board monitoring's impact on accrual-based earnings management, as reflected by the absolute value of discretionary accruals. The second is to investigate the moderating effect of CEO power on the relationship between board monitoring and accrual-based earnings management. The study follows a deductive approach and a quantitati

Automated Functional Tests for a Web Application

Vid utveckling av stora applikationer använder sig många företag av tekniker så som testdriven utveckling för att skapa en stor samling av test som de sedan kan använda sig av för att validera skriven kod. Detta har blivit standarden på många arbetsplatser. Problem uppstår när en applikation redan är utvecklad och test ej har skrivits under utvecklingens gång. Detta gör det näst intill omöjligt atWhen developing a large application, many companies use techniques such as Test Driven Development in order to get a range of tests on which they later can validate their code with. This has become the standard in many work environments. Problems arise when an application is already developed and tests has not been written in the course of the development. This makes it near impossible to validate

Geologiska besöksmål och geoparker som plattform för popularisering av geovetenskap

I takt med att antalet geoparker och tillgängliga geologiska besöksmål ökar föds ett behov av att förstå hur dessa kan användas för att öka den geologiska kunskapen i samhället. Ett av syftena med geoparker är att främja utbildning om hållbar utveckling och bevarande av både geologiska arv och Jorden. De senaste åren har tre svenska geoparker certifierats nationellt eller internationellt och ytterAs the number of geoparks and available geological tourist destinations increases there is also a need to understand how these can be used to increase geological knowledge in society. One of the purposes of geoparks is to promote education about sustainable use and protection of both geological heritages and Earth itself. In recent years in Sweden, three geoparks have been nationally or internatio

Which mechanisms are used by teenagers to create functioning ventures despite their presumed lack of experience and resources?

There is a rising phenomenon of teenagers starting ventures, some starting as early as ten years old. These entrepreneurial profiles seemingly lack experience and resources but still manage to create viable businesses, which shake the well-established assumptions about entrepreneurs. Despite this, teenagers are distanced from current research. This thesis aims to unpack the mechanisms that allow t

Vi cyklar runt världen - en studie av aktivism och förändring inom svenska plattformssektorn

The purpose of this study is to analyse, through a broad series of interviews with a multitude of actors, how collective organizing is created through the meeting of gig-workers and other organisational actors within the sector of the Swedish gig-economy. In the thesis, this is done by applying theoretical ideas about class identity, the outsider/insider dichotomy and new social movements theory t

Can parasocial relationships make consumers blind?

Abstract Purpose: This study explores how parasocial relationships between consumers and human brands can affect consumers’ responses toward human brand transgression. To answer the research question of parasocial relationships can make consumers blind. The study looks at human brands that have been involved in transgressions and focuses on exploring consumers’ responses to the transgression. Desi

The Influence of Natural Radon Occurrence on the Severity of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Germany: a Spatial Analysis

The exposure to naturally occurring, radioactive noble gas radon is known to cause permanent damage in lung tissue. Lung diseases and prior radiation of lung tissue have been identified as contributing to a severe progression of COVID-19. As the COVID-19 pandemic also showed within Germany largely unexplained high spatial variation of mortality and infection rates, it was suggested that the incre

Är kvinnor nyckeln till ett hållbart företagande?

Titel: Är kvinnor nyckeln till ett hållbart företagande? Seminariedatum: 2022-06-03 Kurs: FEKH69, Examensarbete i Redovisning på kandidatnivå, 15 HP Författare: Evelinn Källberg, Sofia Lindahl, Iris Snoei Handledare: Maria Gårdängen Nyckelord: Hållbarhetsrapportering, CSR, andel kvinnliga styrelseledamöter, diversitet i styrelsen, GRI Forskningsfråga: Finns det ett samband mellan andel kvinnTitle: Are women the key to sustainable business? Seminar date: 2022-06-03 Course: FEKH69, Degree Project in Accountancy, Bachelor level, 15 credits Authors: Evelinn Källberg, Sofia Lindahl, Iris Snoei Advisor: Maria Gårdängen Key words: Sustainability reporting, CSR, percentage of female board directors, board diversity Research Question: Is there a relationship between the percentage of fe

Modeling code quality using machine intelligence

For any company with a software development branch, one of the most important aspects is to write maintainable, understandable, high-quality source code. This will result in fewer work hours to refactor the code if changes are needed. Therefore it’s expensive to keep working with source code of poor quality. The question is, how to measure the quality of source code? The writers of this thesis ap

Överarbetaren är min idol! En studie om sambandet mellan glorifiering av överarbete och personlighet

Syftet med studien var att undersöka huruvida glorifiering av överarbete kan prediceras utifrån personlighetsdragen i femfaktormodellen. Med överarbete avsågs att som heltidsanställd självvalt och återkommande jobba mer än 100%, termen syftar således till nedlagd tid på arbetet. Glorifiering definierades i den aktuella studien med hjälp av tre komponenter: överarbete är 1) beundransvärt, 2) något The aim of the study was to examine if glorification towards over-working can be predicted by the five personality traits from the five factor model. Glorification was defined by three components: over-working is 1) admirable, 2) something to strive for and 3) constitutes a part of being successful. Over-working pertained to a full-time worker who voluntarily and recurring works more than 100%, he

Effects of plant polar lipids on postprandial glycemic regulation in healthy humans

In light of diabetes becoming a global discussion topic, some steps ought to be taken to help reduce the number of individuals suffering from the disease. Keeping good glycemic control through a healthy diet helps prevent diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Plant lipids are increasingly being studied for their postprandial effects on humans. Using a randomized cross-over dose-effect design based

Insider trading by Swedish CEOs

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate whether certain CEO- and firm characteristics have an impact on the extent of abnormal return on Swedish firms at the event of a CEO insider trade. Furthermore, the study aims to examine whether there is a difference depending on firm size and sector. Methodology: An event study has been performed based on the market model where the presence of

Skill Returns and Labor Market Mismatches - Exploring Workforce Potential in Urban Ghana and Kenya

Ghana and Kenya have both made significant efforts to strengthen the skills profile of their young and growing workforces. Raising skill levels and matching workers correctly to jobs is believed to increase productivity and reduce unemployment. The purpose of this thesis is to explore the skills potential within the urban workforces of Ghana and Kenya using data from the Skills Towards Employment