Din sökning på "*" gav 533069 sökträffar
Food security in a changing climate : The role of cropland intensification and land acquisitions across Africa
Food security is one of the world’s greatest challenges. The current food system shows an entanglement across the globe which means that local farmers reliant on subsistence agriculture no longer operate in isolation of larger-scale processes within the global economy or the changing biophysical system of the planet. The persistently high number of undernourished people, volatile food prices, incr
The Not so Simple Stellar System ω Cen. II. Evidence in Support of a Merging Scenario
We present multiband photometry covering ∼5° × 5° across ω Cen collected with the Dark Energy Camera on the 4 m Blanco telescope, combined with Hubble Space Telescope and Wide Field Imager data for the central regions. The unprecedented photometric accuracy and field coverage allows us to confirm the different spatial distribution of blue and red main-sequence stars, and of red giant branch (RGB)
Bloggstafett #2 : Samtal i Coronan - om virtuella möten
Ett universitets värde bestäms delvis av kvaliteten på de samtal som förs där. Utifrån vad vi vet om kreativa processer kan man anta att bra samtal leder till bra idéer som i sin tur leder till god utveckling på längre sikt.Men vilka förutsättningar krävs för att det goda samtalet ska kunna komma till stånd? Hur påverkas våra samtal och därmed våra samarbeten i Corona-tider när i stort sett all ve
Epoxyheptadecadienes Identified as Sex Pheromone Components of Tephrina arenacearia Hbn. (Lepidoptera Geometridae)
(Z, Z)-3, 9-cis-6, 7-Epoxyheptadecadiene, and (Z, Z)-6, 9-cis-3, 4-epoxyheptadecadiene were identified by gas chromatography/flame ionization detection-electroantennographic detection (GC/FID-EAD) and coupled gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) from abdominal tip extracts of Tephrina arenacearia (Lepidoptera: Geometridae), an alfalfa pest. In gas chromatography/flame ionization—single sen
Population variation and genetic control of pheromone communication systems in moths
The nature of variation in moth pheromone communication systems and its genetic control is critical for the evolution of these systems and for their role in mate‐finding and reproductive isolation. Significant additive genetic variance has been demonstrated in female pheromone production in monomorphic populations. However, corresponding variance in male pheromone response with respect to the blen
Vad talar vi om när vi talar om praktiknära forskning?
TTS - The systematic and efficient approach to define, maintain and demonstrate safety performance on complex hydrocarbon processing facilities
Statoil has implemented a structured approach for assessing the condition of the safety barriers on their processing facilities as a key measure to control and reduce major accident risk. The TTS (Teknisk Tilstand Sikkerhet, Norwegian for technical condition safety) methodology is developed with a strong focus on assessing the actual conditions of the technical safety barriers in place to manage m
Below-surface water mediates the response of African forests to reduced rainfall
Terrestrial ecosystem gross primary productivity (GPP) is the largest land-atmosphere carbon flux and the primary mechanism of photosynthetic fixation of atmospheric CO2 into plant biomass. Anomalous rainfall events have been shown to have a great impact on the global carbon cycle. However, less is known about the impact of these events on GPP, especially in Africa, where in situ observations are
Lärares användning av digitala resurser i undervisningen : "Kombinationen av ett praktiskt verktyg och en skicklig lärare"
AbstractThis thesis investigates the use of digital resources in education with a 1-1 computer to student ratio. Studies were performed with a sociocultural perspective and in the light of the theory of affordances. The two studies differ methodologically but the shared topic is teachers’ usage of digital resources. Previous studies have shown that using digital resources to promote collaboration,
Earthquake effects on artificial groundwater recharge efforts in south Japan
The Kumamoto area includes 11 municipalities and a population of about one million. The area represents the largest total use of groundwater in Japan. The main recharging area for this groundwater used to be paddy fields for rice production located along the mid-stream section of the Shirakawa River. In the past few decades, the area of paddy fields has rapidly decreased due to the Japanese govern
Environmental hazards and urban abandonment : Case studies and typological issues
The article discusses the phenomenon of urban abandonment as a result of environmental hazards. Seen as an outcome of environmental drivers, the underlying assumption is that a characteristic of environmental hazards is their spatial and temporal constancy of impact, whereby processes and phenomena having taken place in the past have their analogies in the present. In order to generate insights fo
Planering för strategisk cykelinfrastruktur : Resultat från en intervjustudie
I dagens samhälle med klimatförändringar och miljöproblem ses cykeln som ett allt viktigare transportmedel för att minska bilanvändning. Trafikverket konstaterade att ökad cykling medför stora vinster för samhället, inte minst för miljön. Således borde cykel prioriteras allt mer i planeringen, vilket inte alltid görs. Hur man planerar cykelinfrastruktur och vad som klassas som bra eller dålig cyke
Barn resonerar kring naturvetenskapliga fenomen : i sagans värld på förskolan
Protektionism och utländska direktinvesteringar i den globala ekonomiska krisen
There are signs of increasing protectionism in the world. Foreign direct investment regimes are in many countries gradually shifting away from the past policies of providing incentives to attract foreign multinational firms. Instead, various new regulations are implemented to provide the ability of host country to stop foreign acquisitions of domestic firms. This article examines the development o
Institutionalizing climate change mitigation and adaptation through city advisory committees: Lessons learned and policy futures
Municipal advisory committees are becoming increasingly influential in guiding decision-making processes that address climatic issues. According to the Adaptigation Institutionalization Framework (included in the recent IPCC report), the implementation of such participatory structures is vital for the effective, joint institutionalization of climate change mitigation and adaptation. However, there
Vart tog backsmörblommorna vägen?
A World of Neighbours : Working Group on Media and Narratives. Bratislava, 17th-20th of June 2019
Report from Working Group on Media and Narratives, Bratislava, 17th-20th of June 2019.