

Din sökning på "*" gav 533358 sökträffar

The influence of passive measures on the highly demanding room climate requirements of a museum building in terms of sustainability

In the exhibition space of a museum, a compromise between the requirements for the preservation of cultural goods and thermal comfort criteria for visitors has to be applied. Such a high level of control without allowing fluctuations in temperature and relative humidity poses a big challenge to the air conditioning systems to maintain these very specific hygrothermal conditions. This study present

Identification and suggestions of emerging technologies for a smart warehouse

Title: Identification and suggestions of emerging technologies for a smart warehouse Authors: Xinchuan Li, Monish Ashok Kumar Background description: The warehouse is a crucial point and one of the most vital logistics and supply chain management links. Warehouses are built to smooth the supply chain and can be divided into different classifications. The importance of warehouses has increased a lo

Modellering och simulering av den isolerande förmågan i installationsschakt

Inom större byggnader används ofta installationsschakt, vilket är en brandteknisk avskild vertikal förbindelse mellan våningsplan för kanaler av olika media. Genom att använda ett sådant schakt går det att undvika isolering, brand-/brandgasspjäll och liknande åtgärder när rör- och kanalgenomföringar går igenom brandceller. Ofta är schakten avsedda för flera kanaler, då besparingar i form av isolerWithin larger buildings, shafts for installations are often used as a hub for air ducts and pipes for other medias across different floors of the buildings. The walls of such shafts are currently required, for most cases, to have the same fire protection rating as an ordinary wall. Forshafts which are performed with non-combustible materials, or done with extra fire protection within the shaft, th

Weight of evidence transformation in credit scoring models: How does it affect the discriminatory power?

Weight of evidence (WOE) transformation has been used for several decades in the credit industry. However, despite its widespread use, it has, surprisingly, been an overlooked approach in published literature. In this paper, we, therefore, investigate what effect WOE transformation has on the discriminatory power of a credit-scoring model. Our results suggest that using WOE transformation with log

“A glass half-full of opportunities” The perceptions and lived experiences of Arabic-speaking immigrants using digital primary healthcare applications in Scania, Sweden. A qualitative content analysis study.

Abstract Background: There is growing concern in Sweden about health inequity and unequal access to traditional primary healthcare among different socio-economic groups, predominantly immigrants. The use of information and communication technology in the health sector has been suggested as a potential tool to overcome healthcare accessibility and equity. Digital primary healthcare in Sweden was in

Skattemässiga avdrag för kostnader som inte självklart är en del av verksamheten – Med fokus på HFD:s hantering av sponsring och klimatkompensation

Denna uppsats behandlar den förhållandevis oklara skatterättsliga regleringen av näringsverksamheters avdrag för sponsrings- och klimatkompensationsutgifter. Oklarheterna kan antas påverka skattskyldigas incitament för att ge sådana bidrag och därmed motverka uppfyllandet av Sveriges klimatmål. Uppsatsen utreder också hur HFD har gått och ska gå till väga vid sin tolkning och tillämpning av reglerThis thesis investigates the rather unclear tax regulation regarding expenses for sponsorship and climate compensation. Namely, the unclear aspects can be assumed to affect taxpayers’ incentives to make such contributions and thereby counteract the fulfillment of Sweden's climate targets. The thesis also investigates how SAC has gone and should go about interpreting and applying the regulation

Tidningsdebatten i januari 2016 omkring de sexuella trakasserierna vid festivalen We are Sthlm

This essay will portray how articles in Swedish newspapers conveyed the sexual harassments that happened in a festival in Stockholm between 2014-2015 in the context of a media debate on sexual harassment, asylum seekers and police intervention that took place in January 2016. My research question is ”How have three Swedish newspapers dealt with the sexual harassments that took place at the We are

Testing the environmental Kuznets curve in Brazil: The effect of renewable energy sources on CO2 emissions

Clean sources of energy have increasingly gained importance as a means to mitigate climate change. This study analysed the relationship between CO2 emissions, GDP, GDP2, fossil fuel consumption, hydroelectricity consumption, new renewables (solar, wind, biomass) consumption, and biofuels consumption (all variables are per capita) in the context of the environmental Kuznets curve theory in Brazil f

“Gud ditt folk är vandringsfolket” En studie om människans frånvändhet och närhet till naturen

Vi ser i Bibeln hur människan, naturen och Gud var tätt förbundna. I den kontext som Bibeln befinner sig i är relationen mellan människan och naturen en självklar del av vardagen. Människan levde i symbios med naturen och var helt beroende av denna för sin överlevnad. Naturen var den som gav människan mat men också den som hade makten att förgöra henne. I och med industrialiseringen och kapitalismIn this paper the relationship between nature and humanity will be examined by looking into the theological language of the ecotheological tradition and the tradition of pilgrimage in the Church of Sweden. In a time when humanity has long since taken a place above nature and often sees herself as a ruler and in full control of nature, a new problem becomes visible; climate change. The way humans h

Automated Layout Porting and Optimization of digital designs

The aim of the thesis is to investigate and implement an algorithm that can automate the porting of the layout from one technology node to another technology node. The layout optimization of any design block can be implemented for better performance. The primary task of the project is to develop a tool that can optimize and port the complete layout design that reduces the time and effort of manual

Dispositiv entreprenadrätt i ljuset av nordisk rättsgemenskap - Om utfyllning av entreprenadavtal efter NJA 2018 s. 653

Entreprenadavtalet är en oreglerad avtalstyp. Enligt den tolkningsmetod som tillämpas på de standardavtal som reglerar majoriteten av kommersiella entreprenadavtal kan tolkningen av oklara villkor göras i ljuset av dispositiv rätt. Frågan är hur innehållet i den dispositiva entreprenadrätten ska fastställas. I NJA 2018 s. 653 valde HD att härleda en dispositiv entreprenadrättslig regel med stöd avThe construction contract is an unregulated type of contract. According to the principles of interpretation applied on the standard-form contracts that govern the majority of construction contracts, the interpretation of unclear terms can be made in the light of default law. An important question is how the default rules applicable on construction contracts are to be determined. In NJA 2018 s. 653

Studying the Whole Through the Sum of its Parts: Comparing CD8+ Tumour Infiltrating Lymphocytes in Three Types of Human Carcinoma

Cancer är en sjukdom där celler i kroppen för förmågan att dela sig okontrollerat, vilket bildar svulster som påverkar kroppens funktion eller som sprider sig till andra kroppsdelar. Eftersom det är ett stort hälsoproblem så har forskare försökt ta fram nya angreppspunkter mot tumörer förutom metoder som cellgifter, cellskadande strålning eller kirurgi. Immunförsvaret är ett antal olika celler ochBackground: Tumour-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) that persist in chronic infections gradually lose their effector functions and become “exhausted”. Immune checkpoint blockade is an emerging cancer treatment which aims to induce exhausted TILs into regaining their effector function to fight neoplastic cells. However, response to treatment varies significantly between different cancer types and ma


Mortgage loan providers estimate the credit risks it caries when approving a mortgage loan to their clients. Further, defaulting a mortgage loan is a risk that has been calculated through decades using statistical models. By using entries at the time of a mortgage application, the goal of the thesis is to com- pare the accuracy between logistic regression and Support Vector Machine in predicting

Keystroke Classification of Motion Sensor Data - An LSTM Approach

With mobile phones often being used to type sensitive information, it is important that they remain secure and leak no information. One conceivable channel for information leakage, though, is the motion sensors accelerometer and gyroscope, sensors that require no permission to be used by an app. Do the data they produce contain information about the keys being typed? To answer this question, thi

Does polypyrrole assist in the formation of catalytic ZnO nanoparticle silk fibers in the absence of light?

Syftet med detta arbete var att testa hypotesen att zinkoxid tillsammans med en polymer (en stor molekyl bestående utav många upprepade, mindre molekyler) av pyrrol på silkesfiber kan verka katalytiskt, det vill säga sänka aktiveringsenergin för en viss eller vissa reaktioner utan att själv konsumeras. Med andra ord så var målet att producera hybridsilkesfiber som är katalytiska utan ljus. Silke äIn this report, we wish to test the hypothesis that zinc oxide (ZnO), usually only catalytic in the presence of light, can become catalytic when combined with polypyrrole and silk fiber in the absence of light. To template the synthesis of zinc oxide (sonication) and polypyrrole (oxidative polymerisation), we used four different silk fibers (Mulberry, Eri, Muga, and Tasar silks). We assessed the i

Study of Monitoring Circuitry for Ageing in FPGAs

Along with the down-scaling of CMOS technology, ageing has become one of the most important reliability challenges in CMOS devices. Ageing is defined as degradation in certain device characteristics such as delay, which can result in failure. Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) are typically the first among the CMOS devices to adopt the latest technology. It is, therefore, crucial to tackle age