

Din sökning på "*" gav 536570 sökträffar

Helsingborg Arena - En Brandteknisk Riskvärdering

I denna rapport undersöks och utvärderas brandskyddet och möjligheten till utrymning vid nödsituation i Helsingborgs Arena. Undersökningen har baserats på noteringar från platsbesök, simuleringar av tänkta scenarion och kvalitativa resonemang. Utifrån dessa undersökningar har det framkommit att den största risken för människors liv vid brand i Helsingborgs Arena är vid brand i en av garderoberna In this report the fire-safety of Helsingborg Arena is analysed and evaluated. This has been done considering the safety of the people evacuating the building in case of a fire. The evaluation has been based on notes and experiences taken on a visit to the site, simulations of suggested scenarios and reasoning around possible risks and fire sources. During the progress of the work 13 different s

Chronic kidney disease mortality in Costa Rica ; geographical distribution, spatial analysis and non-traditional risk factors

Central America in general and Costa Rica in particular have been facing with increasing number of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD). Experts have recently (2013) recommended spatial analysis of the relevant data for better understanding of the situation. This study was performed to evaluate geographical distribution of CKD mortality in Costa Rica through spatial analysis of CKD mortality data. The s

Political Institutions in Swedish Regions: The Effect on the Innovation Imperative of the Firm

This master essay examines whether regional political institutions affect the imperative of firms to invest in innovation. It uses multilevel modelling techniques to explicitly test the spatial dimension of regional institutional embeddedness of the innovation process using micro-data on manufacturing firms in Sweden. The main argument of this essay is that firms are embedded in a region and that

Twitter is not for Everyone

Politicians and public relations practitioners need to consciously and strategically communicate on Twitter not only during elections, but also during incumbency. However; previous approaches to PR failed to offer candidates successful long-term strategies. In addition, political PR research underestimated the influence of the characteristics of Twitter on the tone and the rhetoric of political co

Knocking on Europe's door... : Investigating modes of governing and the principle of solidarity as EU member states respond to the asylum pressure on its southern borders

Two thousand and fourteen saw a drastic increase in asylum seekers knocking on Europe’s door. A great many arrived at Europe’s southern borders, with Italy as the main entrance gate, after having embarked on the dangerous journey across the Mediterranean. Due to the limited number of EU entrance countries and the growing pressure on these southern European countries, the Dublin Regulation, as the

Face Verification and Open-Set Identification for Real-Time Video Applications

In this work we aim to develop a video-based face verification algorithm suitable for real-time use in an embedded environment with limited space and restricted computational resources. We investigate face verification based solutions to envisioned real-time video applications that require open-set face identification. In particular, we create a prototype system for keeping track of the identities

Bank Lending Channel of Listed Banks in China -- Bank Level Panel Data Analyses

The Bank Lending Channel, proposed by Bernanke & Blinder (1988), among other transmission mechanisms, is hypothesized to exist in China because of the dominance of the Chinese banking system. This paper mainly investigates the effect of monetary policy rate change on the lending behavior of Chinese banks. The study firstly used the aggregated data of all banks including policy banks, commercia

Är rekryterarens nivå på Big Five och evaluativa faktorn relaterad till en preferens för att utforma rekryteringsprocessen på ett visst sätt?

Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka om rekryterares personlighet, baserat på de personlighetsdimensionerna från Big Five, men även social önskvärdhet, är relaterat till preferens för särskilda rekryteringsmetoder i en rekryteringsprocess. Social önskvärdhet mättes genom den evaluativa faktorn, som kan beskrivas som en preferens för evaluativ information och en tendens att beskriva sig själv The purpose of this study was to examine if recruiters’ personality, based on the personality dimensions from the Big Five model, but also social desirability, is related to preference for certain recruitment methods within a recruitment process. Social desirability was measured by the evaluative factor, which can be described as a preference for evaluative information and a tendency to describe o

Barriärer och förutsättningar för främjande av egenvård vid diabetes typ 2

Diabetes typ 2 är en folksjukdom som ständigt ökar i världen där miljöfaktorer och levnadsvanor är de främsta bidragande orsakerna till sjukdomen. Syftet var att utifrån ett patientperspektiv identifiera barriärer och förutsättningar för sjuksköterskans främjande av egenvård. Litteraturstudien grundar sig på 10 kvalitativa intervjustudier. Teman som framkom utifrån barriärer i resultatet var indiv

När disruptiva innovationer förändrar marknadsstrukturer – modell för att identifiera möjliga hållbara positioner.

Purpose: To identify strategies that can be applied to achieve a sustainable position when the equilibrium state has changed. Problem: Research question 1: What factors should be analyzed to predict how disruptive innovations change market structures? Research question 2: What strategies can an innovator apply to achieve a sustainable position at a new equilibrium? Research question 3: How are the

Strategier för att bemästra livssituationen efter amputation av en nedre extremitet

Personer som genomgått amputation av en nedre extremitet kan använda sig av en mängd olika strategier för att hantera sin nya livssituation. I tidigare forskning har strategier inte fått något större fokus utan den har inriktat sig på den fysiska återhämtningen. Syftet var att beskriva vilka strategier vuxna personer som amputerat en nedre extremitet kan använda för att bemästra sin nya livssituat

Cultivating a Social Neighbourhood

As urbanisation continues throughout the world, issues of sustainability have been raised. Discussing ecological sustainability is becoming increasingly common, where green space in urban planning, has been given a particular function. At the same time, this sustainability goes beyond the environment and nature, since it also relates to social interaction and trust between people. The city of Malm

En studie med case series design av Unified Protocol, en transdiagnostisk och känslofokuserad KBT- behandling i gruppformat

Föreliggande studie syftade till att undersöka det transdiagnostiska och känslofokuserade KBT-behandlingsprogrammet Unified Protocol i gruppformat på en allmänpsykiatrisk öppenvårdsmottagning. Studien använde sig av case series design på tre patienter med en ångestproblematik som primärdiagnos. Studien följde förändringar i symtom av depression, ångest och upplevd livskvalitet samt känsloregleringThe present study aimed to investigate the transdiagnostic and emotion-focused CBT treatment program Unified Protocol in a group format in a general psychiatric outpatient clinic. The study used case series design on three patients with anxiety problems as primary diagnosis. The study followed changes in symptoms of depression, anxiety and perceived quality of life and emotion regulation skills du

Utgivning av populärhistorisk litteratur i Sverige : en studie ur ett genusperspektiv

Bara en liten del av vår historia ryms i historieböckerna. Vad hittar vi på hyllor i bokhandeln idag? Fokus i den här uppsatsen ligger på utgivningen av populärhistorisk litteratur i Sverige år 2014. Det är 208 titlar som ingår i undersökningen. Utgivningen analyseras utifrån ett genusperspektiv. Hur stor andel av den senaste populärhistoriska utgivningen i Sverige är skriven av kvinnor och handla

Att översätta en trend

Att översätta en trend – En studie av institutionaliseringsprocessen av content marketing Denna studie undersöker hur ett nytt begrepp inom kommunikationsbranschen sprids och börjar etableras. De få studier inom strategisk kommunikation som beskriver spridning av nya idéer handlar nästan uteslutande om hur de har anammats av efterfrågesidan. Denna studie studerar därför hur aktörerna på produktionTranslating a trend – A study of the intstitutionalization process of content marketing. This study explores how a new term in is diffused and established. The few studies on diffusion of ideas in Strategic communication that exists have mostly been focused on the adoption. This study is therefore an exploration over how actors act on the production field of communication ideas in an institutional

Markskador inom skogsbruket : jordartens betydelse

Skogsbruket är viktigt för svenskt näringsliv och står för ungefär 20 % av Sveriges totala export. Efterfrågan på virke blir därmed stor vilket resulterar i att avverkning sker ständigt, året om, på all typ av mark under alla olika sorters väderförhållanden. Ett stort problem inom skogsbruket är de markskador som ofta uppstår efter en slutförd avverkning. Markskador ändrar markens textur och egensForestry is important for Swedish industry and accounts for 20% of Sweden’s total export. The endless demand of wood results in logging all year round, but other aspects have to be taken into consideration. The ecology, forest recreation and the outdoor activities that the forest is providing is very important to preserve. A major problem in forestry is the soil damage after a successful harvest.

Attracting FDI as a Development Strategy

This paper is written in order to study the effects which foreign direct investment firms have on developing host countries in order to find if countries' policies to actively attract FDI are a good development strategy. In order to find how FDI effects the countries are a big set of possible effects discussed and empirically tested using firm level data from 126 different developing countries

O steward, my captain, what will the sea do to us? : adding a risk governance perspective to climate change adaptation planning in Malmö

Climate change is shifting from being seen as a future prediction once, the realisation that it is already a reality is growing. Action to combat its impacts has to be taken now. Next to mitigation measures increasing emphasis is put on climate change adaptation action. While mitigation aims to tackle global climate change, adaptation focuses on reducing the local impacts. Climate change adaptatio

Farming in the European Union: from organic to sustainable. An assessment of a legal transition based on land stewardship and participatory guarantee systems

The conventional agricultural production system is not sustainable. Organic agriculture is assumed to be sustainable from the environmental perspective, and its production and labelling has been regulated in the European Union (EU). The EU organic regime has been challenged by proponents of agroecology, a philosophy that merges agriculture and ecology and considers environmental and social aspects