

Din sökning på "*" gav 534265 sökträffar

Dynamics of cell cycle phase perturbations by trabectedin (ET-743) in nucleotide excision repair (NER)-deficient and NER-proficient cells, unravelled by a novel mathematical simulation approach

OBJECTIVES: Trabectedin (ET-743, Yondelis) is a natural marine product, with antitumour activity, currently in phase II/III clinical trials. Previous studies have shown that cells hypersensitive to ultraviolet (UV)-rays because of nucleotide excision repair (NER) deficiency, were resistant to trabectedin. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether this resistance was associated with diff

Antitumor activity of the retinoid-related molecules (E)-3-(4'-hydroxy-3'-adamantylbiphenyl-4-yl)acrylic acid (ST1926) and 6-[3-(1-adamantyl)-4-hydroxyphenyl]-2-naphthalene carboxylic acid (CD437) in F9 teratocarcinoma : Role of retinoic acid receptor gamma and retinoid-independent pathways

The retinoid-related molecules (RRMs) ST1926 [(E)-3-(4'-hydroxy-3'-adamantylbiphenyl-4-yl)acrylic acid] and CD437 (6-[3-(1-adamantyl)-4-hydroxyphenyl]-2-naphthalene carboxylic acid) are promising anticancer agents. We compared the retinoic acid receptor (RAR) trans-activating properties of the two RRMs and all-trans-retinoic acid (ATRA). ST1926 and CD437 are better RARgamma agonists than ATRA. We

Remediation of synthetic greywater in mesocosm—Scale floating treatment wetlands

Two different chemical recipes comprising various pollutants were selected to create high (HC) and low (LC) levels of contaminated synthetic greywaters (SGW). Remediation in macrocosm–scale floating treatment wetlands (FTW) vegetated with Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud. (common reed) was investigated under natural weather conditions. The presence or absence of vegetation, short or long

Multi-scale investigation of interface properties, stacking order and decoupling of few layer graphene on C-face 4H-SiC

In this work, we report a multi-scale investigation using several nano-, micro and macro-scale techniques of few layer graphene (FLG) sample consisting of large monolayer (ML) and bilayer (BL) areas grown on C-face 4H-SiC (000-1) by high-temperature sublimation. Single 1 × 1 diffraction patterns are observed by micro-low-energy electron diffraction for ML, BL and trilayer graphene with no indicati

Blomstrande bergssidor

Ingvar Kärnefelt fann sitt naturintresse i Göteborg under uppväxtåren, inte minst i den yttre skärgården. Här berättar han om intresset för Alperna och dess ängar.

Characterization of cereal β-glucan extracts from oat and barley and quantification of proteinaceous matter

An extraction method for mixed-linkage β-glucan from oat and barley was developed in order to minimize the effect of extraction on the β-glucan structure. β-Glucan were characterized in terms of molecular size and molar mass distributions using asymmetric flow fieldflow fractionation (AF4) coupled to multiangle light scattering (MALS), differential refractive index (dRI) and fluorescence (FL) dete

Water Quality, Availability and Potential of Geothermal Energy Utilization, Afra Water, Jordan

Reusing of 3.3 MCM (million cubic meter) of water every year from utilizing thermal water of the hot springs will boost the availability of water at the Dead Sea area. This water represent an additional sources of water for agribusiness in which all available springs and similar sources can follow the same way of successful. In this work the water quality of Afra hot springs was analysed at source

Recommendations for gonadotoxicity surveillance in male childhood, adolescent, and young adult cancer survivors : a report from the International Late Effects of Childhood Cancer Guideline Harmonization Group in collaboration with the PanCareSurFup Consortium

Treatment with chemotherapy, radiotherapy, or surgery that involves reproductive organs can cause impaired spermatogenesis, testosterone deficiency, and physical sexual dysfunction in male pubertal, adolescent, and young adult cancer survivors. Guidelines for surveillance and management of potential adverse effects could improve cancer survivors' health and quality of life. Surveillance recommenda

Soil networks become more connected and take up more carbon as nature restoration progresses

Soil organisms have an important role in aboveground community dynamics and ecosystem functioning in terrestrial ecosystems. However, most studies have considered soil biota as a black box or focussed on specific groups, whereas little is known about entire soil networks. Here we show that during the course of nature restoration on abandoned arable land a compositional shift in soil biota, precede

Abundances of disk and bulge giants from high-resolution optical spectra : II. O, Mg, Co, and Ti in the bulge sample

Context. Determining elemental abundances of bulge stars can, via chemical evolution modeling, help to understand the formation and evolution of the bulge. Recently there have been claims both for and against the bulge having a different [α/Fe] versus [Fe/H] trend as compared to the local thick disk. This could possibly indicate a faster, or at least different, formation timescale of the bulge as

Ignition Sensitivity Study of Partially Premixed Combustion by Using Shadowgraphy and OH∗ Chemiluminescence Methods

Partially Premixed Combustion (PPC) is a promising combustion concept for future IC engines. However, controllability of PPC is still a challenge and needs more investigation. The scope of the present study is to investigate the ignition sensitivity of PPC to the injection timing at different injection pressures. To better understand this, high-speed shadowgraphy is used to visualize fuel injectio

Monetization and the behavior of velocity in Sweden, 1871-1913

The income velocity of money declined sharply in Sweden between the 1870's and the outbreak of World War I. This decline is explained by a monetization process. An account of this process is given focusing on (a) the growth of commercial banking, (b) changes in wage contracts and in labor markets, and (c) changes in exchange arrangements in the markets for goods. A number of proxy measures of the

Urinary incontinence and its management in patients aged 65 and older in orthopaedic care - what nursing and rehabilitation staff know and do

Aims and objectives: To describe what nursing and rehabilitation staff know and do with regard to urinary incontinence and risk of urinary incontinence in patients 65 years or older undergoing hip surgery. Background: Urinary incontinence is a common but often neglected issue for older people. Despite the existence of evidence-based guidelines on how to assess, manage and prevent urinary incontine

A STUDY of multigrid smoothers used in compressible CFD based on the convection diffusion equation

We look at multigrid methods for unsteady viscous compressible flows. We specifically target smoothers that can be used in parallel and without computation of a Jacobian, which are particlarly attractive candidates in the context of Discontinuous Galerkin discretizations. In CFD, a plethora of nonlinear smoothers have been suggested which are hard to analyze. Our methodology is to use a linear mod

The use of the r* heuristic in covariance completion problems

We consider a class of structured covariance completion problems which aim to complete partially known sample statistics in a way that is consistent with the underlying linear dynamics. The statistics of stochastic inputs are unknown and sought to explain the given correlations. Such inverse problems admit many solutions for the forcing correlations, but can be interpreted as an optimal low-rank a