

Din sökning på "*" gav 534523 sökträffar

On the performance of iterative receivers for interfering MIMO-OFDM systems in measured channels

This paper investigates the gains harvested through base station cooperation in the up-link for a multi-user (MU) Multiple-Input Multiple-Output Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (MIMO-OFDM) system, operating in a real indoor environment. The base stations perform joint detection using an iterative receiver that carries out multi-user detection and channel estimation via soft information

Analysis of therapeutic peptides in human urine by combination of capillary zone electrophoresis-electrospray mass spectrometry with preparative capillary isotachophoresis sample pretreatment

The presented study deals with the off-line coupling of preparative isotachophoresis (pITP) with on-line combination of capillary zone electrophoresis with electrospray mass spectrometric detection (CZE-ESI-MS) used for the analysis of therapeutic peptides (anserine, carnosine, and buserelin) in complex matrix (urine). Preparative capillary isotachophoresis, operating in a discontinuous fractionat

An adaptive filter model of cerebellar zone C3 as a basis for safe limb control?

The review asks how the adaptive filter model of the cerebellum might be relevant to experimental work on zone C3, one of the most extensively studied regions of cerebellar cortex. As far as features of the cerebellar microcircuit are concerned, the model appears to fit very well with electrophysiological discoveries concerning the importance of molecular layer interneurons and their plasticity, t

Osteopontin That Is Elevated in the Airways during COPD Impairs the Antibacterial Activity of Common Innate Antibiotics.

Bacterial infections of the respiratory tract contribute to exacerbations and disease progression in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). There is also an increased risk of invasive pneumococcal disease in COPD. The underlying mechanisms are not fully understood but include impaired mucociliary clearance and structural remodeling of the airways. In addition, antimicrobial proteins that ar

Inventering av åkerogräs i Blekinge 2006.

Naturvårdsverket fastställde 2006-12-21 ett åtgärdsprogram för hotade åkerogräs (Kloth 2007). Där rekommenderas att de rödlistade arterna inventeras i varje län, att deras status bedöms och att förslag ges till åkrar där arterna aktivt kan vidmakthållas (s.k. allmogeåkrar).

Tolerance induction with T cell-dependent protein antigens induces regulatory sialylated IgGs

Background: Under inflammatory conditions, T cell-dependent (TD) protein antigens induce proinflammatory T-and B-cell responses. In contrast, tolerance induction by TD antigens without costimulation triggers the development of regulatory T cells. Under both conditions, IgG antibodies are generated, but whether they have different immunoregulatory functions remains elusive. Objective: It was shown

Vårdkedja för ungdomar eller professionella? En processutvärdering av projektet ”Motverka våld och gäng”

Syftet med denna studie är att analysera hur de involverade aktörerna upplever, definierar och tolkar ett behandlingsprojekt, som involverade samhällsomhändertagna ungdomar. Projektet involverade olika myndigheter vars representanter skulle innefatta en vårdkedja och benämndes Motverka Våld och Gäng (MVG-projektet). I projektet var också ett antal samordnare anställda. Utöver redovisningen av våraThis report concerns a large evaluation of a project concerning Swedish juvenile care. We analyse how professionals, youngsters and parents perceived and interpreted the three-year project which involved different authorities whose representatives should form a care-giving chain. The project also employed a number of coordinators. Beyond accounting for the results from just over one houndred inter

InSb Nanowire Field-Effect Transistors and Quantum-Dot Devices

The authors present fabrication and electrical measurements of InSb nanowire field-effect transistors (FETs) and quantum dots. The devices are made on a SiO2-capped Si substrate from InSb segments of InAs/InSb heterostructured nanowires, which are grown by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy. For the FETs, both single- and dual-gate devices are fabricated. The Si substrate is employed as the back gat

Supply chain management integration: a critical analysis

Purpose The purpose is to examine various aspects of integration in order to structure and define the concept of supply chain management integration. Design/methodology/approach The study is based on an extensive literature review in three steps and a series of interviews with leading SCM consulting firms. Findings We found limited empirical research discussing SCM integration beyond the dyadi

Extrinsic and Intrinsic Performance of Vertical InAs Nanowire MOSFETs on Si Substrates

This paper presents DC and RF characterization as well as modeling of vertical InAs nanowire MOSFETs with LG = 200 nm and Al2O3/HfO2 high-κ dielectric. Measurements at VDS = 0.5 V show that high transconductance (gm = 1.37 mS/μm), high drive current (IDS = 1.34 mA/μm), and low on-resistance (RON = 287 Ωμm) can be realized using vertical InAs nanowires on Si substrates. By measuring the 1/f-noise,

External or internal fixation in the treatment of non-reducible distal radial fractures? A 5-year follow-up of a randomized study involving 50 patients

Background and purpose We have previously shown in a randomized study that in the first year after treatment, open reduction and internal fixation resulted in better grip strength and forearm rotation than closed reduction and bridging external fixation. In the present study, we investigated whether this difference persists over time. Patients and methods The 50 patients included in the original s

Generalization of the classical xyz-polarization analysis technique to out-of-plane and inelastic scattering

The technique of longitudinal ("xyz") polarization analysis has been used successfully for many years to study disordered magnetic materials in thermal and cold neutron diffraction experiments. The technique allows the simultaneous and unambiguous separation of the nuclear, magnetic, and nuclear spin-incoherent contributions to the scattering. The technical advances seen in recent years, such as t

Implementation and testing of the first prompt search for gravitational wave transients with electromagnetic counterparts

Aims. A transient astrophysical event observed in both gravitational wave (GW) and electromagnetic (EM) channels would yield rich scientific rewards. A first program initiating EM follow-ups to possible transient GW events has been developed and exercised by the LIGO and Virgo community in association with several partners. In this paper, we describe and evaluate the methods used to promptly ident

Connecting Spatially Coupled LDPC Code Chains

Codes constructed from connected spatially coupled low-density parity-check code (SC-LDPCC) chains are proposed and analyzed. It is demonstrated that connecting coupled chains results in improved iterative decoding performance. The constructed protograph ensembles have better iterative decoding thresholds compared to an individual SC-LDPCC chain and require less computational complexity per bit wh

Samtidshermeneutik. Sociologiska optioner, predikament, realiteter

Artikeln diskuterar moderniteten, samtiden, sociologin och förhållandet dem emellan samt hur samtiden betingar vetandet om denna samtid, och hur vetandet om samtiden gestaltas. Den epistemologiska konstellation som framkallas förstår jag som sociologisk samtidshermeneutik, eller samtidshermeneutisk sociologi. Dess grundantagande är: ju mer en kultur karakteriseras av kontingens (komplexitet, trans