

Din sökning på "*" gav 532947 sökträffar

Management of sustainability issues in construction works processes

The implementation of sustainability in the construction sector depends to varying extents at global, national, regional, local, corporate and individual levels. In addition, it appears to be a lack of knowledge transfer to local construction project management according to managing the process towards sustainability. Accordantly to environmental legislation, it is the client that is the responsib

Thermodynamic description of the Au-In-Ga ternary system based on the CALPHAD method

There has recently been a considerable attention to the possible role of semiconductor nanowires for future device applications. To make this development feasible, precise control over the growth mechanism is required. In the Vapor-Liquid-Solid growth, the most common growth mechanism, gas phase precursors decompose in presence of catalytic particles and after supersaturating the particles, solid

Swedish Butterfly Monitoring Scheme, annual report for 2012

This is the third annual report of the Swedish Butterfly Monitoring Scheme, a national monitoring programme coordinated by Lund University for the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency since 2010. The programme is a partnership between the Entomological Society of Sweden, the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, Lund University, the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences and the Swedish

Colloidal systems in DNA packaging

The interaction between DNA and cationic cosolutes- multivalent ions, cationic surfactants and cationic macromolecules- has direct biological implications and is also foreseen to have a number of applications, in particular for transfection and protection and purification of DNA. We have during the last few years established a broad physico-chemical research program on various mixed systems of DNA

Lena lär lyda : Fostran och disciplinering i svensk skola 1947-1956

Popular Abstract in Swedish I sökandet efter den rådande fostrings- och disciplineringsdiskursen i svensk skola åren 1947-1956 har Michel Foucaults diskursanalys utgjort en central utgångspunkt i denna avhandling. Jag har inledningsvis redogjort för modernitetens genombrott i Sverige och kort belyst befolkning och utbildning vid mitten av 1900-talet. Skolan som disciplineringsinstitution har beskThe purpose of this monograph is to discern what constituted the dominant fostering and discipline discourse in Swedish compulsory schools during the period 1947-1956. For this purpose Michel Foucault's discourse analysis has played a central role in this thesis. As a starting point, an account of the emergence of modernity in Sweden is given, as well as a brief presentation of the Swedish populat