Din sökning på "*" gav 534677 sökträffar
Paraenesis or Paraclesis - Hebrews as a Test Case
The marker le in Mandarin Chinese: A discussion on contextual influence
Den köldslagne korvgubben. Om vinter, krig och existentiell död i Sivar Arnérs Plånbok borttappad
A fast algorithm for optimal alignment between similar ordered trees
Investigation of turbulence models applied to premixed combustion using a level-set flamelet library approach
Most of the common modeling approaches to premixed combustion in engineering applications are either based on the assumption of infinitely fast chemistry or the flamelet assumption with simple chemistry. The level-set flamelet library approach (FLA) has shown great potential in predicting major species and heat release, as well as intermediate and minor species, where more simple models often fail
Norm Supporting Structures in environmental education and education for sustainable development
Utbildning och ekonomi
Interface models at finite displacements vis-a-vis fundamental physical laws
Grekisk*Græsk grammatik. 3. udgave, 2. oplag
From blank spot to focal point. An eastern Swedish site from a south Scandinavian perspective
Mycket olöst när marknad ska möta sjukvård
No title
Echoes of the Holocaust. Historical Culture in Contemporary Europe
The books analyses how the Holocaust has been interpreted, represented and used in various European states and societies from the perpetration of the genocide to the present.
P78 (P. Oxy. XXXIV 2684)—The Epistle of Jude on an Amulet
Functional aspects of cellobiose dehydrogenase Applications for biosensor development
Electrochemcial investigations were conducted for elucidating and understanding the relation between the various electron transfer processes occurring in cellobiose dehydrogenase (CDH) bound to an electrode surface. Substrate inhibition caused by cellobiose was proven to act in competition with the electron transfer to a two-electron acceptor and under a partial inhibition mechanism for the in
Intergenerational Transmission of Human Capital: Is It a One-Way Street?
Studies on the intergenerational transmission of human capital usually assume a one-way spillover from parents to children. But what if children also affect their parents’ human capital? Using exogenous variation in education, arising from a Swedish compulsory schooling reform in the 1950s and 1960s, we address this question by studying the causal effect of children’s schooling on their parents’ l