

Din sökning på "*" gav 537673 sökträffar

Resource Utilization and Outcome in Swedish Intensive Care

Intensive care is an advanced type of healthcare and is offered to patients with severe failure of vital functions such as circulation, breathing or consciousness. In the intensive care unit (ICU), patients are given life-sustaining treatment around the clock and have medical staff close by at all times. ICU care cost up to ten times as much as care in a general ward. Sweden has the second lowest

https://www.lupop.lu.se/resource-utilization-and-outcome-swedish-intensive-care - 2025-03-21


PINiklas Nielsen (Lund University)Other researchersAnna Axmon (Lund University)Jonas Björk (Lund University)Emma Larsson (Karolinska Institutet)Lars Sandman (Linköping University)Katarina Steen Carlsson (Lund University and IHE)Sten WaltherMarko Zindovic Svenska Intensivvårdsregistret registerforskning.se A research portal maintained by the Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet).

https://www.lupop.lu.se/researchers - 2025-03-21

Working with patient data

This information is currently only available in Swedish. Personuppgift: Med personuppgift avses all slags information som direkt eller indirekt kan hänföras till en fysisk person som är i livet.Behandling: Med behandling menas varje åtgärd eller serie av åtgärder som vidtas i fråga om personuppgifter. Det är alltså ett brett begrepp och omfattar till exempel insamling, registrering, lagring, bearb

https://www.lupop.lu.se/working-patient-data - 2025-03-21

Working with patient data

Patient data collected from journals or otherwise collected within health care are not the property of Lund University, but of the health care provider. Therefore, persons (researcher, data managers, administrative support, etc) at Lund University are to have access to data, you need to sign a "personuppgiftbiträdesavtal". The agreement needs to be signed by the head of the department (prefekt).Yo

https://www.lupop.lu.se/working-patient-data-0 - 2025-03-21


What is a cohort? And how does it differ from a register? Here you will find a dictionary of words related to population research. The list will expand continuously - feel free to e-mail words you need to have explained to lupop@ed.lu.se! Cohort: a closed group of individuals included in a scientific study. Extensive researcher-generated data are often collected for cohorts at enrolment, which are

https://www.lupop.lu.se/lupop-researchers/study-support/terminology - 2025-03-21

Focus Asia 2016

2-3 May Scholars, activists and filmmakers: The multiple roles of film in and on AsiaThis workshop brought together scholars, activists and filmmakers from Asia and beyond. The participants discussed their different views of and experiences with film, including using films as a research tool, documenting and engaging with social issues, developments and injustices in and through film, and appropri

https://www.ace.lu.se/activities/selected-past-events/focus-asia/focus-asia-2016 - 2025-03-21


spring and fall 2017 The Centre for East and South-East Asian Studies actively participated in the Lund University 350th Anniversary celebrations during 2017 and organized several academic events during the thematic weeks where researchers at the Centre, other scholars at Lund University, as well as invited international scholars discussed timely topics.   Activities organized during the spring se

https://www.ace.lu.se/activities/selected-past-events/lu350 - 2025-03-21

Democracy and Human Rights in East and Southeast Asia: Developments and Challenges

10 March 2017, Nedre Palaestra.     This event addressed recent political developments and the human rights situation in selected countries in East and Southeast Asia. Scholars from the region and Lund University discussed recent positive developments as well as setbacks and increasing repression. The event also addressed the role of scholars and the situation for academic freedom in the region. T

https://www.ace.lu.se/activities/selected-past-events/lu350/democracy-and-human-rights-east-and-southeast-asia-developments-and-challenges - 2025-03-21

Digital Asia: Visions, Transformations, and Engagements

26 April, Nedre Palaestra, Lund Asia has the largest Internet population in the world in absolute numbers, and it is also at the forefront of digital developments in many fields, including governance, entertainment, and e-commerce. The region however contains a diverse digital landscape that reflects its different political and socio-economic realities. The average percentage of the population tha

https://www.ace.lu.se/activities/selected-past-events/lu350/digital-asia-visions-transformations-and-engagements - 2025-03-21


The limits and prospects of nerd politics in IndonesiaJohn Postill, Vice-Chancellor’s Senior Research Fellow at RMIT University, MelbourneIn this paper I draw from recent anthropological fieldwork to track the rise of a new class of political actor in Indonesia in the post-Suharto era: politicised nerds. These are ICT or media specialists of various kinds (e.g. geeks, hackers, tech journalists, in

https://www.ace.lu.se/activities/selected-past-events/lu350/digital-asia-visions-transformations-and-engagements/abstracts - 2025-03-21

Affilated Researchers

Scholars at other institutions at Lund University working on East and Southeast Asia are affiliated with the Centre and take part in its activities in different capacities, teach at the master programme, and are also involved in research collaborations with scholars at the Centre.   Tobias Axelsson, Department of Economic History, Lund University Lisa Eklund, Department of Sociology, Lund Universi

https://www.ace.lu.se/research/affilated-researchers - 2025-03-21

China’s Environmental Challenges: Domestic and Global Implications

Photo by Lu Guang, steelwork in Hebei province  This workshop discusses the domestic and global aspects of China's environmental challenges. It provides insights into individual perceptions, behaviors and realities in both rural and urban China, as well as addresses different policies and government actions. The scholars pay attention to how environmental issues are related to inequalities in soci

https://www.ace.lu.se/chinas-environmental-challenges-domestic-and-global-implications - 2025-03-21

Associations and Networks

The Centre and its staff members are involved in a number of networks related to the field of Asian Studies. For further information about these various networks, please see each network. European Association for Chinese Studies (EACS)The purpose of the European Association for Chinese Studies (EACS) is to promote and foster all scholarly activities related to Chinese Studies in Europe.EACS serves

https://www.ace.lu.se/about-centre/associations-and-networks - 2025-03-21


The Centre publishes a newsletter a few times a year that provides information about developments at the Centre and upcoming events etc. Subscribe to our newsletter To receive information on upcoming events and activities Read previous newsletters 2025 Newsletter 1, February 2025 2024 Newsletter 2, October 2024Newsletter 1, January 2024 2023 Newsletter 1, September 2023 2022 Newsletter 3, December

https://www.ace.lu.se/about-centre/newsletters - 2025-03-21

Focus Asia 2017

26 october Financial Inclusion in Asia: Discourse and Discontent Since its initiation in the 1970s, the modern microfinance movement quickly became the most popular and best-funded development intervention worldwide, promising to reduce poverty and underdevelopment on a scale unprecedented in human history. However, since the mid-2000s, microfinance’s lustre has been tarnished due to a number of h

https://www.ace.lu.se/activities/selected-past-events/focus-asia/focus-asia-2017 - 2025-03-21

Assessing 40 Years of Reform and Opening in China

23 - 25 January 2018 2018 marked the fortieth anniversary of the initiation of China’s ‘Reform and Opening’ period. Over these four decades the country has seen economic, social and cultural transformation on a scale and at a speed unprecedented in human history. Over these four decades the country has seen economic, social and cultural transformation on a scale and at a speed unprecedented in hum

https://www.ace.lu.se/activities/selected-past-events/assessing-40-years-reform-and-opening-china - 2025-03-21

Researchers at the Centre

  Chontida Auikool Doctoral student E-mail: chontida [dot] auikool [at] ace [dot] lu [dot] se Profile in the Research Portal Dr. Stefan Brehm Senior Lecturer Phone +46 46 222 03 22 E-mail: stefan [dot] brehm [at] ace [dot] lu [dot] se Profile in the Research Portal Dr. Nicholas Loubere Senior Lecturer Phone +46 222 0360 E-mail: nicholas [dot] loubere [at] ace [dot] lu [dot] se Profile in the Resea

https://www.ace.lu.se/research/researchers-centre - 2025-03-21

Digital China

This project ran 2013-2018 and was funded by the Swedish Research Council. China is today one of the most networked societies in the world with the largest number of Internet users and the biggest mobile phone market. By the end of 2013, 618 million Chinese people, i.e. 45.8 per cent of the population, now have access to the Internet. China has also embarked on an extensive strategy of informatiza

https://www.ace.lu.se/research/completed-major-research-projects/digital-china - 2025-03-21

Contact and visit us

Contact staff Contact information to staff Postal address Lund University Centre for East and South-East Asian Studies P.O Box 118 SE- 221 00 Lund Sweden Visiting and delivery address Sölvegatan 18 B 223 62 Lund Sweden Google map Phone +46 46 222 38 61 E-mail info [at] ace [dot] lu [dot] se  Service point HS 61     Find us on the map  Asian Studies, Lund University

https://www.ace.lu.se/contact-and-visit-us - 2025-03-21