

Din sökning på "*" gav 533223 sökträffar

Espinosa marisa

PPoolliiccyy aanndd IInnssttiittuuttiioonnaall AAssppeeccttss ooff WWaatteerr RReessoouurrcceess MMaannaaggeemmeenntt iinn NNiiccaarraagguuaa -- TThhee ccaassee ooff MMaannaagguuaa MMaasstteerr''ss TThheessiiss By Marisa Espinosa December 2000 AAddddrreessss:: 6492 rue Pérodeau Montréal, Canada, H1M 1J4 Email: isaespinosa@bigfoot.com SSuuppeerrvviissoorr:: Peder Hjorth Department of Water Resource

https://www.lumes.lu.se/sites/lumes.lu.se/files/espinosa_marisa.pdf - 2025-02-12

Evenbom luke

Introduction & Problem Definition “A Rolling Stone Gathers no Moss” A Case Study of the Wind Power Application Process in Sweden By: Luke Evenbom Submitted March, 2005 for the MSc in Environmental Science, Lunds Universitet Luke Evenbom Advisor: Kerstin Åstrand Flygelvägen 6: 114 Lund University’s Department of 224 73 Lund Environment and Energy Studies +(46) 46 -12 11 91 Gerdagatan 13 evenbom@yah

https://www.lumes.lu.se/sites/lumes.lu.se/files/evenbom_luke.pdf - 2025-02-12

Fadeeva olga

Microsoft Word - Fadeeva_Olga_thesis_.doc ⎯⎯⎯⎯ LUMES Master’s Thesis 2003 ⎯⎯⎯⎯ ⎯ Lund University International Master’s Programme in Environmental Science ⎯ Exploring opportunities of implementation of White Certificates in Sweden Olga Fadeeva C/o LUMES P. O. Box 170 SE-221 00 Lund Sweden Tel: + 46 46 22 204 70 Fax: + 46 46 22 204 75 ofadeeva@yahoo.com Supervisor: Dr. Ole Langniss Environmental an

https://www.lumes.lu.se/sites/lumes.lu.se/files/fadeeva_olga.pdf - 2025-02-12

Farias florencia

Chapter I “Introduction” Land cover change in a rural area of the forest-steppe ecotone of Andean Patagonia, Argentina: Utilizing Landsat data for the detection and analyzing the change flo A thesis the Mast Lund Prog Jon Dept. of Phy by Florencia Farias P.O. Box 170 222 00 Lund, Sweden rencia.farias.749@student.lu.se presented in partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of er of Environ

https://www.lumes.lu.se/sites/lumes.lu.se/files/farias_florencia.pdf - 2025-02-12


1     A   Lund   B   Billebjer   C   Vombs  meadows   D   Rövarekulan   E   Fulltofta   F   Breanäs   Breanäs  Field  Guide  2017   Student  Name:  _______________   2       Air  photo  Lund  2008 3 Population  density       Individuals/km2   9/7/13 11:39 AM Page 1 of 1http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c8/SverigesFolktäthetKommunvis2007.svg >1000 ≥500 ≥250 ≥100 ≥50 ≥10 ≥1 <1 4 Land  

https://www.lumes.lu.se/sites/lumes.lu.se/files/fieldguidebreanas2017.pdf - 2025-02-12

Fonseca claudia thesis 2010

Microsoft Word - Fonseca_Claudia_Thesis_2010 (without appendix).docx !"#$%& !'()&"(*+,-.*/0&1,(/-,&23-&%'./4*(45*6*/0&%/')*,.& & & & & & 78,&$(+*-3(9,(/46*.9&32&/8,&:33-;&& <&14.,&%/')0&32&"-54(&:3+,-/0&*(& =>3/6?(@&#,A*>3& & & & & & #4./,-&/8,.*.& & & & & & <'/83-B&164')*4->,64&C3(.,>4&<624-3& %'D,-+*.3-B&7'-4E&C4-4(& & #40&FG/8@&FHIH& & & 1 Lund 090525 Different types of climate labels for fo

https://www.lumes.lu.se/sites/lumes.lu.se/files/fonseca_claudia_thesis_2010.pdf - 2025-02-12

Francisco hernandez

1 Analysis of the Espoo Convention as applied to mega projects: The case of Nord Stream. by Francisco M. Hernández pinescu@hotmail.com Thesis supervisor: Dr. Aleh Cherp International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics, Lund University. aleh.cherp@mespom.eu A Thesis Submitted to Lunds Universitet in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE Lund Univer

https://www.lumes.lu.se/sites/lumes.lu.se/files/francisco_hernandez.pdf - 2025-02-12

Gabriel jaramillo

From sustaining tourism to tourism sustainability; an analysis of the voluntary instruments for tourism sustainability used by tour operators in the Galapagos Islands LUMES: Lund University Master’s Program in Environmental Science FROM SUSTAINING TOURISM TO TOURISM SUSTAINABILITY: An analysis of the voluntary policy instruments for tourism sustainability used by the marine tour operator sector in

https://www.lumes.lu.se/sites/lumes.lu.se/files/gabriel_jaramillo.pdf - 2025-02-12

Gaitanis georgios

FORESTRY, AIR POLLUTANTS AND MULTIPLE USE ASPECTS ON BERRY PRODUCTION OF FORESTS IN SOUTH SWEDEN by Georgios Gaitanis Lund University Master' s Programme in Environmental Sciences Honours Thesis Supervisor: Bengt Nihlgård Department of Plant Ecology Lund University Summary Various methods of forest management affect the occurrence of berry species in many different ways. It is also known that atmo

https://www.lumes.lu.se/sites/lumes.lu.se/files/gaitanis_georgios.pdf - 2025-02-12

Garcia walter 0

Microsoft Word - Walter_Garcia_Thesis_C&DW A Multi-Level Perspective of the Construction and Demolition Waste Management in the City of Guayaquil, Ecuador. A Close Look to Actor’s Response to the Legislation and the Reasons Behind their Behavior. Author Walter Garcia Cedeño waltero79@hotmail.com A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of Lund University International Master's

https://www.lumes.lu.se/sites/lumes.lu.se/files/garcia_walter_0.pdf - 2025-02-12

Gardmark anna

....... Critical Harvest - the importance of interacting species and space for fishery management Anna Gårdmark 1999 LUNDS UNIVERSITET Lund University Masters Programme in Environmental Science Masters Thesis For eorrespondenee: Anna Gårdmark, Magistratsvägen 13e, S-226 43 LUND, SWEDEN. anna.gm:dmark@teorekol.lu.se, +46-152397 Supervisor Assoc. Prof. Per Lundberg, PhD Dpt of Theoretical Ecology Lu

https://www.lumes.lu.se/sites/lumes.lu.se/files/gardmark_anna.pdf - 2025-02-12

Gbedemah francis

2 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (ISO 14001) CERTIFICATION IN MANUFACTURING COMPANIES IN GHANA: PROSPECTS AND CHALLENGES By FRANCIS SHINE GBEDEMAH A thesis submitted to the Lund University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the Master of Science (MSc) degree in International Environmental Science Author Advisor Francis Shine Gbedemah Mikael Backman LUMES IIIEE P. O. Box 1

https://www.lumes.lu.se/sites/lumes.lu.se/files/gbedemah_francis.pdf - 2025-02-12

Guo na thesis 2010

China’s Mountains Regions’ Rural Development and Livelihood Improvement 1 China’s Mountain Regions: How to Maintain an Environmentally Sustainable Development While Improving Livelihoods? ---A Case Study of Yuanyang County, Yunnan Province, Southwest Part of China A thesis submitted in fulfillment of the requirement for the Degree of Master of Science Author: Na Guo Supervisor: Sara Brogaard nina2

https://www.lumes.lu.se/sites/lumes.lu.se/files/guo_na_thesis_2010.pdf - 2025-02-12

Haider sofia

Microsoft Word - Haider_Sofia.doc How Multinational Corporation Can Promote Sustainability with CSR and SHE in Purchasing - The Case of AstraZeneca R&D, Lund in Sweden By Sofia Haider Master’s Thesis for Lund University Master's Program in Environmental Science, Sweden 2002 How Multinational Corporation Can Promote Sustainability with CSR and SHE in Purchasing - The Case of AstraZeneca R&D, Lund i

https://www.lumes.lu.se/sites/lumes.lu.se/files/haider_sofia.pdf - 2025-02-12

Hao fuchun

Microsoft Word - Hao_Fuchun_Revised.doc LUMES Master Thesis 2003 1 The Three Gorges Project: A Dilemma of Energy Security and Sustainable Development in China Hao Fuchun Scientific supervisor: Per Svenningsson LUMES Master Thesis 2003 2 Acknowledgements: First of all I would like to express my deep gratitude to people whose invaluable help and support made this paper possible, especially my ever-p

https://www.lumes.lu.se/sites/lumes.lu.se/files/hao_fuchun.pdf - 2025-02-12

Haraldsson hordur

Microsoft Word - thesis final doc 10 des 98 version 2000.doc Hördur V. Haraldsson Is ecological living in Sweden different from conventional living? i Is ecological living in Sweden different from conventional living? -A case study of the ecological village Toarp and the conventional town Oxie in south Sweden Master’s thesis December 1998 By Hörður V. Haraldsson Supervisors: Janusz Niemczynowicz,

https://www.lumes.lu.se/sites/lumes.lu.se/files/haraldsson_hordur.pdf - 2025-02-12

Hasanov ayaz

Microsoft Word - hasanov_ayaz_thesis.doc Lund University International Master Programme in Environmental Science LUMES Impact of the Integrated Product Policy on Trelleborg Wheel Systems Master’s thesis By Ayaz Hasanov Address: H. Javid str. 546, apt. 126, Baku 370073, Azerbaijan Phone: +994 12 381759 Mobile +994 50 3707216 Email: ayazhasanov@yahoo.com Supervisors Annika Nilsson Jose Luis Losa Uni

https://www.lumes.lu.se/sites/lumes.lu.se/files/hasanov_ayaz.pdf - 2025-02-12

Heidenreich franziska

Lund University International Master’s Programme in Environmental Science - LUMES - Transboundary Environmental Cooperation in the Western Balkans – A Bridge over National and Ethnic Borders? Environmental Peacemaking in Practice Franziska Heidenreich Email: FranziskaHeidenreich@gmx.de Lund, November 2004 Supervisor: Dr. Karin Bäckstrand, Department of Political Science, Lund University __________

https://www.lumes.lu.se/sites/lumes.lu.se/files/heidenreich_franziska.pdf - 2025-02-12

Herter john

1 International Master’s Programme In Environmental Science As Thailand Industrializes, How Can Formalized Water Rights Protect the Interests of the Small Farmers in the Bang Pakong River Basin? A Thesis Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements of the Lund University International Master's Programme in Environmental Science Lund University, Sweden November 22, 2004 John Herter LUMES, L

https://www.lumes.lu.se/sites/lumes.lu.se/files/herter_john.pdf - 2025-02-12

Ho yanyin

Introduction Recycling as a Sustainable Waste Management Strategy for Singapore: An Investigation to Find Ways to Promote Singaporean’s Household Waste Recycling Behaviour by Yan Yin Ho LUMES Lund University, 2002 Contact: Bastionsgatan 4, LGH 40 371 32 Karlskrona email: xiaoguigui@yahoo.com phone: 0455 189 42 Supervisor: Maria Johansson Contact: Environmental Psychology Unit School of Architect L

https://www.lumes.lu.se/sites/lumes.lu.se/files/ho_yanyin.pdf - 2025-02-12