

Din sökning på "*" gav 533326 sökträffar


© 20 13 L an de s B io sc ie nc e. D o no t d is tri bu te . www.landesbioscience.com Autophagy 1 Autophagy 9:8, 1–3; August 2013; © 2013 Landes Bioscience AutophAgic punctum AutophAgic punctum Punctum to: Decressac M, Mattsson B, Weikop P, Lundblad M, Jakobsson J, Björklund A. TFEB-mediated autophagy rescues midbrain dopamine neurons from α-synuclein toxicity. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2013; 110:E

https://www.neurobiology.lu.se/sites/neurobiology.lu.se/files/decressac.pdf - 2025-02-11

Grealish et al ejn 2010

Characterisation of behavioural and neurodegenerative changes induced by intranigral 6hydroxydopamine lesions in a mouse model of Parkinsons disease Characterisation of behavioural and neurodegenerative changes induced by intranigral 6-hydroxydopamine lesions in a mouse model of Parkinson’s disease Shane Grealish, Bengt Mattsson, Peter Draxler and Anders Björklund Wallenberg Neuroscience Center,

https://www.neurobiology.lu.se/sites/neurobiology.lu.se/files/grealish_et_al_ejn_2010.pdf - 2025-02-11

Journal.pone .0039465

pone.0039465 1..11 Alpha-Synuclein Cell-to-Cell Transfer and Seeding in Grafted Dopaminergic Neurons In Vivo Elodie Angot1*, Jennifer A. Steiner1,2, Carla M. Lema Tomé1, Peter Ekström3, Bengt Mattsson4, Anders Björklund4, Patrik Brundin1,2 1 Neuronal Survival Unit, Department of Experimental Medical Science, Wallenberg Neuroscience Center, Lund University, Lund, Sweden, 2 Center for Neurodegene

https://www.neurobiology.lu.se/sites/neurobiology.lu.se/files/journal.pone_.0039465.pdf - 2025-02-11

Journal of parkinsons disease

Journal of Parkinson’s Disease 10 (2020) 1335–1342 DOI 10.3233/JPD-202200 IOS Press 1335 Position Paper Animal Models of Parkinson’s Disease: Are They Useful or Not? Roger A. Barkera,∗ and Anders Björklundb,∗ aDepartment of Clinical Neuroscience and WT-MRC Cambridge Stem Cell Institute, Forvie Site, Cambridge, UK bDepartment of Experimental Medical Science, Wallenberg Neuroscience Center, Lund Un

https://www.neurobiology.lu.se/sites/neurobiology.lu.se/files/journal_of_parkinsons_disease.pdf - 2025-02-11


Journal of Parkinson’s Disease 6 (2016) 57–63 DOI 10.3233/JPD-160798 IOS Press 57 Commentary Are Stem Cell-Based Therapies for Parkinson’s Disease Ready for the Clinic in 2016? Roger A. Barkera,b,∗, Malin Parmarb, Agnete Kirkebyb, Anders Björklundb, Lachlan Thompsonc and Patrik Brundind aJohn van Geest Centre for Brain Repair, Department of Clinical Neurosciences, University of Cambridge, Forvie

https://www.neurobiology.lu.se/sites/neurobiology.lu.se/files/jpd160798.pdf - 2025-02-11


REVIEW Cell Therapeutics in Parkinson’s Disease Olle Lindvall & Anders Björklund # The American Society for Experimental NeuroTherapeutics, Inc. 2011 Abstract The main pathology underlying motor symptoms in Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a rather selective degenera- tion of nigrostriatal dopamine (DA) neurons. Intrastriatal transplantation of immature DA neurons, which replace those neurons that have

https://www.neurobiology.lu.se/sites/neurobiology.lu.se/files/lindvallbjorklund.pdf - 2025-02-11

Most cited papers

Microsoft Word - My most cited papers.docx 1 Anders Björklund Senior professor of neuroscience, Lund University, Sweden My most cited papers (original articles) based on data obtained in September 2020 from my author page at Google Scholar https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=W8CXjsMAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao My 5 most cited original articles related to dopamine cell replacement in Parkinson´s disease

https://www.neurobiology.lu.se/sites/neurobiology.lu.se/files/most_cited_papers.pdf - 2025-02-11

Publication in experimental neurology 0

Neuropeptide Y and its role in CNS disease and repair Experimental Neurology 238 (2012) 265–272 Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirect Experimental Neurology j ourna l homepage: www.e lsev ie r .com/ locate /yexnr Review Neuropeptide Y and its role in CNS disease and repair M. Decressac a,⁎, R.A. Barker b a Wallenberg Neuroscience Center, Department of Experimental Medical Sciences, Lu

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Publication in journal of parkinsons disease 0

Journal of Parkinson’s Disease 7 (2017) S23–S33 DOI 10.3233/JPD-179002 IOS Press S23 Review Replacing Dopamine Neurons in Parkinson’s Disease: How did it happen? Anders Björklunda,∗ and Olle Lindvallb,∗ aDepartment of Experimental Medical Science, Wallenberg Neuroscience Center, Lund, Sweden bDepartment of Clinical Sciences, and Lund Stem Cell Center, Division of Neurology, University Hospital, L

https://www.neurobiology.lu.se/sites/neurobiology.lu.se/files/publication_in_journal_of_parkinsons_disease_0.pdf - 2025-02-11

Publication in journal of parkinsons disease 2

Invoice VAT NO: NL858213928B01 BioPartner 4, Robert Boyleweg 4, 2333 CG, Leiden, Netherlands GenScript Biotech (Netherlands) B.V. Customer NO: G0146407P0 Order NO: U8027FG070 Invoice NO: 92364337 Invoice Date: 2020.07.21 Quote NO: BILL TO SHIP TO Jenny G Johansson Lunds Universitet Box188, Lund, -, 221 00,SE - VAT No: Lunds Universitet Jenny Johansson BMC Godsmottagning D09, Lund, -, 22241,SE 46 4

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Publication in journal of parkinsons disease 4

U nc or re ct ed A ut ho r P ro of Journal of Parkinson’s Disease xx (20xx) x–xx DOI 10.3233/JPD-202061 IOS Press 1 Research Report1 BDNF Overexpression Increases Striatal D3 Receptor Level at Striatal Neurons and Exacerbates D1-Receptor Agonist-Induced Dyskinesia 2 3 4 5 Simona Scheggia,1, Francesca Rossib,1, Sara Corsib, Silvia Fannib, Elisabetta Troncib, Ludovica Congiub, Romina Vargiub, Carla

https://www.neurobiology.lu.se/sites/neurobiology.lu.se/files/publication_in_journal_of_parkinsons_disease_4.pdf - 2025-02-11

Publication in mov disord

JW-MDS#130009 1..9 Study of the Antidyskinetic Effect of Eltoprazine in Animal Models of Levodopa-Induced Dyskinesia Erwan Bezard, PhD,1,2,3 Elisabetta Tronci, PhD,4,5 Elsa Y. Pioli, PhD,6 Qin Li, PhD,3,6 Gregory Porras, PhD,6 Anders Bj€orklund, MD,5 and Manolo Carta, PhD4,5* 1Institute for Neurodegenerative Diseases, Bordeaux University, Bordeaux, France 2Institute for Neurodegenerative Diseases,

https://www.neurobiology.lu.se/sites/neurobiology.lu.se/files/publication_in_mov_disord.pdf - 2025-02-11