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DNA cannon. The Lambda virus keeps its DNA under high pressure to launch it into host cells. CREDIT: TERJE DOKLUND/THE NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE, AND STEPHEN FULLER/UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD Subscriber: UNIV OF CALIFORNIA - LOS ANGELES | Sign In as Individual | FAQ | Access Rights | Join AAAS 21 July 2003 DNA Goes Ballistic Just how viruses manage to get their DNA into a host cell has been a lon
https://www.virus-biophysics.lu.se/sites/virus-biophysics.lu.se/files/science.pdf - 2025-02-08
1 wcmm utlysning wcmm klin4 201904031
Microsoft Word - 1_WCMM_Utlysning WCMM Klin4 201904031.doc WCMM LU forskningsutrymme för yngre kliniska forskare 2019-2023 1 Forskningsutrymme för Yngre Kliniska Forskare inom Wal- lenberg Centrum för Molekylär Medicinsk forskning vid Lunds Uni- versitet (WCMM LU) 2019-2023 Anvisningarna har utarbetats gemensamt av representanter från Medicinska Fakulteten, Region Skåne och Knut och Alice Wallenbe
https://www.wcmm.lu.se/sites/wcmm.lu.se/files/1_wcmm_utlysning_wcmm_klin4_201904031.pdf - 2025-02-08
Alumni wcmm research school 2018-19
Alumni WCMM Research School 2018-19.pdf Congratulations to the first alumni of the WCMM Research School Hani Alsafadi Olga Zimmerannova Marta Ramos Iran Silva Martina de Santis Irma Mahmutovic Persson Victoria Ptasinski Frank Matthes Roberta Battistella Gabriela Ferreira Yang Liu Cristiana Pires Kajsa Arkelius Alexander Lind John Stegmayr Franziska Uhl Rita Alves Fabio Rosa Alba Garcia Sujeeth Pri
https://www.wcmm.lu.se/sites/wcmm.lu.se/files/alumni_wcmm_research_school_2018-19.pdf - 2025-02-08
Brochure rs public outreach 2020 edited
Microsoft Word - Brochure RS public outreach_2020_edited.docx 1 Wallenberg Centre for Molecular Medicine Research School Interfaces between Systems 2019/2020 2 Cover art by Inés Nascimento Caiado Copyright by all authors Faculty of Medicine Printed in Sweden by Media-Tryck, Lund University Lund 2020 3 4 Thank you to our funding sources and all those who have worked to make this research school pos
https://www.wcmm.lu.se/sites/wcmm.lu.se/files/brochure_rs_public_outreach_2020_edited.pdf - 2025-02-08
Li et al-2017-movdis
11C‐PE2I and 18F‐Dopa PET for Assessing Progression Rate in Parkinson's: A Longitudinal Study 11C-PE2I and 18F-Dopa PET for Assessing Progression Rate in Parkinson’s: A Longitudinal Study Weihua Li, MSc,1† Nick P. Lao-Kaim, MSc,1† Andreas A. Roussakis, MD,1 Antonio Martı́n-Bastida, MD, MSc,1 Natalie Valle-Guzman, MSc,2 Gesine Paul, MD, PhD,3,4 Clare Loane, PhD,5 Håkan Widner, MD,
https://www.wcmm.lu.se/sites/wcmm.lu.se/files/li_et_al-2017-movdis.pdf - 2025-02-08
New coordinator team rs 2019-20
new coordinator team RS 2019-20.pdf New coordinator team for WCMM research school year 2019/20 After a successful first year, we are getting ready for new and old trainees to join the second WCMM research school year, which will start in the fall. Joao Duarte takes over one of the two coordinator positions from Darcy Wagner who together with Anja Meissner launched this new international research s
https://www.wcmm.lu.se/sites/wcmm.lu.se/files/new_coordinator_team_rs_2019-20.pdf - 2025-02-08
Overview uppdragshavare biomedicin vt18
Microsoft Word - Översikt och kontaktuppgifter till uppdragshavare BIM.docx Contact details for Bachelor and Master Programmes in Biomedicine To receive general information on teaching at the Medical faculty, make sure to register at the Teachers e-mail list. For an outline of the Biomedical bachelor and master programmes, see Moodle, Teachers in Biomedicine, Programme and Course syllabuses archiv
https://www.wcmm.lu.se/sites/wcmm.lu.se/files/overview_uppdragshavare_biomedicin_vt18.pdf - 2025-02-08
Overview uppdragshavare lakarprogrammet vt18
h97 kursschema LUNDS UNIVERSITET ÖVERSIKT UPPDRAGSHAVARE Programnämnden för läkarutbildning (PNL) uppdaterad 2018-03-01 VT2018 för uppdragsbeskrivningar, se Arbetsordning för läkarprogrammet 1 Uppdragshavare inom läkarprogrammet utses av nämnd (PNL) utses av programdirektör anstäl ld Termin Kurs Examinator mandat- period Kursansvarig, Kurso r t sansv ar iga mandat- period Administratör 1-5 Profess
https://www.wcmm.lu.se/sites/wcmm.lu.se/files/overview_uppdragshavare_lakarprogrammet_vt18.pdf - 2025-02-08
Research school public outreach 2019
Research School public outreach 2019 WCMM Research School Public Outreach at LU NMT Days Trainees explaining how a 3D printer works Why are ethical consideration are so important? Why do we need new organs? Why is regenerative medicine so important?
https://www.wcmm.lu.se/sites/wcmm.lu.se/files/research_school_public_outreach_2019.pdf - 2025-02-08
Retreat for website
retreat for website
https://www.wcmm.lu.se/sites/wcmm.lu.se/files/retreat_for_website.pdf - 2025-02-08
Wcm lund retreat august 26-27 2019
PowerPoint Presentation WCMM Lund Retreat August 26-27, 2019 Norregård, Falsterbo Introduction by the Director followed by intensive group discussions Delicious Dinner and fun Social activity image1.jpeg image2.png image3.png image4.png image5.jpeg image6.jpeg image7.png image8.png image9.jpeg image10.png image11.png image12.jpeg image13.png image14.jpeg image15.jpeg image16.png image17.png image1
https://www.wcmm.lu.se/sites/wcmm.lu.se/files/wcm_lund_retreat_august_26-27_2019.pptx - 2025-02-08
Wcmm research school promo dew update web
WCMM research school promo_dew_update_web 6 ECTS For PhD students and Postdocs Methods in regenerative medicine: Cutting-edge Technology workshop electives Big data handling 2-day retreat: International speakers Small group exercises Team-building activities Interactive events: Journal club in regenerative medicine Latest developments in regenerative medicine: Lectures on system fundamentals and t
https://www.wcmm.lu.se/sites/wcmm.lu.se/files/wcmm_research_school_promo_dew_update_web.pdf - 2025-02-08
Wcmm rs speaker - chris sobey
PowerPoint-presentation WCMM Research School External Speaker Seminar Brain inflammation and injury in stroke: Translation of experimental findings into a Phase I clinical trial. Wallenberg Centre for Molecular Medicine FACULTY OF MEDICINE | LUND UNIVERSITY Prof. Chris Sobey Centre for Cardiovascular Biology and Disease Research La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia When? March 10th, 2020 at 1
https://www.wcmm.lu.se/sites/wcmm.lu.se/files/wcmm_rs_speaker_-_chris_sobey.pdf - 2025-02-08
Wcmm rs speaker frank hernandez
WCMM RS speaker _ Frank Hernandez Wallenberg Centre for Molecular Medicine FACULTY OF MEDICINE | LUND UNIVERSITY WCMM Research School External Speaker Seminar “Harnessing nuclease biology for the development of diagnostic strategies” Frank Hernandez Linköping University When? December 10th, 2019 at 14:00 Where? Segerfalksalen, BMC A10 Mingle with the speaker at Fika after the talk!
https://www.wcmm.lu.se/sites/wcmm.lu.se/files/wcmm_rs_speaker_frank_hernandez.pdf - 2025-02-08
Wcmm rs speaker template - thomas laurell board
WCMM RS speaker template - Thomas Laurell_board WCMM Research School External Speaker Seminar Lab-on-a-chip technologies and application of acoustofluidics in biomedical research Wallenberg Centre for Molecular Medicine FACULTY OF MEDICINE | LUND UNIVERSITY Thomas Laurell Department of Biomedical Engineering Lund University When? January 7th, 2020 at 14:00 Where? Segerfalksalen Lecture hall, BMC A
https://www.wcmm.lu.se/sites/wcmm.lu.se/files/wcmm_rs_speaker_template_-_thomas_laurell_board.pdf - 2025-02-08
10 years of wings
PowerPoint Presentation 10 Years of WINGS Women IN Great Sciences Pia Söderlund, Maren Wellenreuther & Linnea Taylor How it all started • Stressed situation at the dept of geology • Frustrated conversation in the lunch room • Pizza lunch as start meeting • Network and training What is Wings? - The very first draft “Let’s face it: if you want to accomplish anything in this world you will make it a
https://www.wings.lu.se/sites/www.wings.lu.se/files/10_years_of_wings.pdf - 2025-02-08
111800 nr1 omslag marina castro 002 2
T h e x x fa c T o r W om en IN G reat Sciences (W IN G S) Printed by M edia-Tryck, Lund U niversity 2016 N ordic Ecolabel 341903 Lund university isBn 978-91-7623-747-2 9 78 91 76 23 74 72 This book is a journey. a journey Through The hisTory of women aT Lund universiTy, from The pioneering femaLe sTudenT To The groundbreaking femaLe professors of Today. Take an exciTing Trip Through The women in
https://www.wings.lu.se/sites/www.wings.lu.se/files/111800_nr1_omslag_marina_castro_002_2.pdf - 2025-02-08
20150226 cristina chaminade
20150226_Cristina_Chaminade WINGS is happy to invite you to a lunch seminar with Cris%na Chaminade: Professor in Innova;on studies, Circle, USV, Lund University Cris;na will talk about her research field – innova;on studies and more specifically about her own research interest – innova;on in developing countries. In doing so, she will also share her experiences and strategic choices advancing her
https://www.wings.lu.se/sites/www.wings.lu.se/files/20150226_cristina_chaminade.pdf - 2025-02-08
2017 year of fear programme pdf
?2017 YEAR OF FEAR WINGS ANNUAL MEETING TOOLS TO DEAL WITH THE FUTURE Skisseras museum 2017.08.30 During the annual WINGS meeting we wil l discuss the current and future role of women in STEM and the posit ion of re- searchers in society. We wil l also share recent research on topics such as art if ic ial intel l igence and Human Papil lomavirus and discuss if sci- ence wil l combat or increase ou
https://www.wings.lu.se/sites/www.wings.lu.se/files/2017_year_of_fear_programme_pdf.pdf - 2025-02-08