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Kp SMMN32 eng HT25 250305

Syllabus SMMN32 Consumer Culture This is a translation of the syllabus which was established in Swedish. STYR 2025/633 Faculty of Social Sciences SMMN32, Consumer Culture, 7.5 credits Konsumtionskultur, 7,5 högskolepoäng Second Cycle / Avancerad nivå Details of approval The syllabus was approved by the board of the Department of Service Studies on 2025-03-05 (STYR 2025/633). The syllabus comes int

https://www.ses.lu.se/en/sites/ses.lu.se.en/files/2025-03/Kp_SMMN32_eng_HT25_250305.pdf - 2025-03-16

Kp SMMX38 eng HT25 250305

Syllabus SMMX38 Sustainable Consumption This is a translation of the syllabus which was established in Swedish. STYR 2025/633 Faculty of Social Sciences SMMX38, Sustainable Consumption, 7.5 credits Hållbar konsumtion, 7,5 högskolepoäng Second Cycle / Avancerad nivå Details of approval The syllabus was approved by the board of the Department of Service Studies on 2025-03-05 (STYR 2025/633). The syl

https://www.ses.lu.se/en/sites/ses.lu.se.en/files/2025-03/Kp_SMMX38_eng_HT25_250305.pdf - 2025-03-16

Kp SMMY37 eng HT25 250305

Syllabus SMMY37 Social Sustainability This is a translation of the syllabus which was established in Swedish. STYR 2025/633 Faculty of Social Sciences SMMY37, Social Sustainability, 7.5 credits Social hållbarhet, 7,5 högskolepoäng Second Cycle / Avancerad nivå Details of approval The syllabus was approved by the board of the Department of Service Studies on 2025-03-05 (STYR 2025/633). The syllabus

https://www.ses.lu.se/en/sites/ses.lu.se.en/files/2025-03/Kp_SMMY37_eng_HT25_250305.pdf - 2025-03-16

General syllabus third-cycle studies social anthropolgy 20201126

General syllabus for third-cycle studies in Social Anthropology Page 1 of 11 Faculty Board GENERAL SYLLABUS FOR SOCIAL ANTHROPOLOGY Reg. No. U 2020/938 2020-11-26 General syllabus for third-cycle studies in Social Anthropology General syllabus for third-cycle studies in social anthropology was approved by the Faculty Board of Social Sciences 26 November 2020, Reg. no U 2020/938. Studies in line wi

https://www.soc.lu.se/en/sites/soc.lu.se.en/files/2021-02/general_syllabus_third-cycle_studies_social_anthropolgy_20201126.pdf - 2025-03-16


Microsoft Word - bilaga_2._riktlinjerslutseminarium eng.doc Department of Sociology Visiting address Sandgatan 11, house G Postal address Box 114, 221 00 Lund Telephone +46 46 222 88 44 Depar tment o f Soc io logy External reviewer and internal member of the examining committee at final seminar Department of Sociology, Lund University 1. For the final seminar, an external reviewer is to be appoint

https://www.soc.lu.se/en/sites/soc.lu.se.en/files/2021-10/appendix-2-guidelines-for-final-seminar.pdf - 2025-03-16

Back-pack PhD programme

Microsoft Word - Back-pack PhD program.docx Resources for activities in the doctoral student's doctoral education and dissertation work At the start of the employment as PhD student, every student gets a “back-pack” of 40 000 SEK. This is to be used for purposes that are relevant to the doctoral student's doctoral education and dissertation work. This may be, but does not exclude other possible re

https://www.soc.lu.se/en/sites/soc.lu.se.en/files/2022-02/Back-pack%20PhD%20programme.pdf - 2025-03-16

SASCO Syllabus from autumn semester 2020

Programme syllabus Master of Science Programme in Sociology Faculty of Social Sciences SASCO, Master of Science Programme in Sociology, 120 credits Masterprogram i sociologi, 120 högskolepoäng Second cycle degree programme requiring previous university study / Program med akademiska förkunskapskrav och med slutlig examen på avancerad nivå Decision The programme syllabus is established by Dean of t

https://www.soc.lu.se/en/sites/soc.lu.se.en/files/2022-04/SASCO%20Syllabus%20from%20autumn%20semester%202020.pdf - 2025-03-16

Final ESA RN02 The Sociology of the Arts Midterm Conference Collection of ab

Microsoft Word - Final ESA RN02 The Sociology of the Arts Midterm Conference Collection of abstracts.docx Abstracts, ESA RN02 Midterm Conference 2022 Arts in Motion, Lund, 14-16 September, 2022 1 ESA RN02 The Sociology of the Arts Midterm Conference: Arts in Movement Compilation of Abstracts (note: abstracts with multiple authors are listed once under the first author) Original art: Marthe Nehl Ab

https://www.soc.lu.se/en/sites/soc.lu.se.en/files/2022-09/Final%20ESA%20RN02%20The%20Sociology%20of%20the%20Arts%20Midterm%20Conference%20Collection%20of%20abstracts.pdf - 2025-03-16

Final session schedule 0

Microsoft Word - Final session schedule.docx Schedule for the paper sessions and Keynotes All paper sessions and book/special issue launches are at the Department of Sociology – “Building G” Locations G101, G109, and G125 are on the ground floor; room G335 is on the 3rd floor. There is a lift and a level entrance on the north side of the building. Keynotes and closing session are in the auditorium

https://www.soc.lu.se/en/sites/soc.lu.se.en/files/2022-09/Final%20session%20schedule_0.pdf - 2025-03-16

Theorizing sexuality

Brevmall http://www.soc.lu.se Department o f Soc io logy A. Reading course in THEORIZING SEXUALITY (3,5 credits) (PhD level) A third level (PhD) “reading course” does not involve any teaching and typically only has one or a few participants taking part in the course. A reading course for 7,5 credits should cover an ambitious and demanding reading material, which exact page number can vary dependin

https://www.soc.lu.se/en/sites/soc.lu.se.en/files/2022-09/Theorizing%20sexuality.pdf - 2025-03-16

Internship agreement for the course Internship SOCN20, 15 credits (2023-03)

Microsoft Word - Praktikplan med instruktioner för SOCN18 engelsk NY.docx Department of Sociology Internship agreement for the course: SOCN20, Internship, 15 credits Information about the host organisation/the workplace: Organisation name: Internship period (state beginning and ending dates): Name of internship supervisor at the host organisation: Contact details for the supervisor (email, telepho

https://www.soc.lu.se/en/sites/soc.lu.se.en/files/2023-03/Internship%20agreement%20for%20the%20course%20Internship%20SOCN20,%2015%20credits%20(2023-03).pdf - 2025-03-16

Internship agreement for the course Internship SOCN21, 30 credits (2023-03)

Microsoft Word - Praktikplan med instruktioner för SOCN19 engelsk NY.docx Department of Sociology Internship agreement for the course SOCN21, Internship, 30 credits Information about the organisation/the workplace: Organisation name: Internship period (state beginning and ending dates): Name of internship supervisor at the host organisation: Contact details for the supervisor (email, telephone num

https://www.soc.lu.se/en/sites/soc.lu.se.en/files/2023-03/Internship%20agreement%20for%20the%20course%20Internship%20SOCN21,%2030%20credits%20(2023-03).pdf - 2025-03-16

Reading course in Marx and Marxism

Microsoft Word - Reading course in Marx and Marxism.doc http://www.soc.lu.se Department of Sociology A. Reading course in Marx and Marxism (PhD level) A third level (PhD) “reading course” does not involve any teaching and typically only has one or a few participants taking part in the course. A reading course for 7,5 credits should cover an ambitious and demanding reading material, which exact pag

https://www.soc.lu.se/en/sites/soc.lu.se.en/files/2023-05/Reading%20course%20in%20Marx%20and%20Marxism.pdf - 2025-03-16

PdD course On Concepts

Invitation – PhD course On Concepts Dear PhD students, We are happy to announce once again the PhD course On concepts. The 7,5 credit course is arranged by the Lund University Department of Sociology and will take place in April and May 2024. Course conveners are Chares Demetriou and Bo Isenberg. Deadline for application is March 15. Applications should be sent to charalambos.demetriou@soc.lu.se o

https://www.soc.lu.se/en/sites/soc.lu.se.en/files/2023-11/PdD%20course%20On%20Concepts.pdf - 2025-03-16

Commentator in Idea seminar course

Brevmall A. Reading course, Commentator on idea seminar paper in the seminar series Avhandling-på-gång (PhD level), 1 credit (maximum of 3 credits) This course focuses skills in reviewing and discussing on-going research in Sociology or Social Anthropology through the activity of reading and commenting on other PhD student’s research projects. Participation in one course module (i.e., being assign

https://www.soc.lu.se/en/sites/soc.lu.se.en/files/2023-12/Commentator%20in%20Idea%20seminar%20course.pdf - 2025-03-16

Guidelines Apg Dec 2023

Guidelines for Work-in-Progress and final seminar (December 2023) The aim of the Work-in-Progress seminars (Avhandling-på-gång) is to be an intellectually stimulating forum at which to present sections of the thesis during the period as a doctoral student. Work-in-Progress consist of three seminars (an idea seminar, a midway seminar and a final seminar). In accordance with the general syllabus, th

https://www.soc.lu.se/en/sites/soc.lu.se.en/files/2023-12/Guidelines%20Apg%20Dec%202023.pdf - 2025-03-16

Sociology of knowledge ReadingCourse

Brevmall http://www.soc.lu.se Department of Socio logy A. Reading course “Sociology of knowledge” (PhD level) A third level (PhD) “reading course” does not involve any teaching and typically only has one or a few participants taking part in the course. A reading course for 7,5 credits should cover an ambitious and demanding reading material, which exact page number can vary depending on the nature

https://www.soc.lu.se/en/sites/soc.lu.se.en/files/2023-12/Sociology%20of%20knowledge_ReadingCourse.pdf - 2025-03-16

Sociology of Emotions Reading Course

1 A. Reading course in Sociology of Emotions (PhD level) A third level (PhD) “reading course” does not involve any teaching and typically only has one or a few participants taking part in the course. A reading course for 7,5 credits should cover an ambitious and demanding reading material, which exact page number can vary depending on the nature of texts (i.e., heavy dominance of research articles

https://www.soc.lu.se/en/sites/soc.lu.se.en/files/2024-03/Sociology%20of%20Emotions%20Reading%20Course.pdf - 2025-03-16

Intersectional perspectives on social reproduction

http://www.soc.lu.se Department of Soc io logy A. Reading course in Intersectional perspectives on social reproduction, 7.5 credits (PhD level) A third level (PhD) “reading course” does not involve any teaching and typically only has one or a few participants taking part in the course. A reading course for 7,5 credits should cover an ambitious and demanding reading material, which exact page numbe

https://www.soc.lu.se/en/sites/soc.lu.se.en/files/2024-04/Intersectional%20perspectives%20on%20social%20reproduction.pdf - 2025-03-16

Knowledge in Politics

Brevmall http://www.soc.lu.se D e p a r tm e nt o f So c io lo g y A. Reading course in Knowledge in Politics (PhD level) A third level (PhD) “reading course” does not involve any teaching and typically only has one or a few participants taking part in the course. A reading course for 7,5 credits should cover an ambitious and demanding reading material, which exact page number can vary depending o

https://www.soc.lu.se/en/sites/soc.lu.se.en/files/2024-05/Knowledge%20in%20Politics.pdf - 2025-03-16